Winning is This Easy at Deal Dash!

The Best thing you can do to win auctions at DealDash is to be in the auction.  If you’re notin it your won’t win it.   This is on of the best pieces of advice I can give you. But if it’s a couple of secrets you’re looking for, there are better times to bid than others.  Another thought to keep in mind is if it’s worth the research to find it, plan the purchase and show up for the auction, it’s  really worth your while to stay in it and win it! The best time to bid is in fact mid day, mid week.  Then is a kind of lull between who just got paid and who didn’t.  I find that very few “wealthy” people play at Deal Dash, we are all generally middle income.

There are usually more than one type of the same item to bid on, so at first, you need to find the least popular of the items.  Let’s say it a grill, there are many grills for sale at Deal Dash.  Go for the low pried grill first, I won the single burner propane grill for a few bids and a few cents.  I then went on to BIN the Lodge Cast Iron Grill.  This is the best grill I’ve ever owned.  It’s a Hibachi!

I remember a Hibachi from the 70’s and 80’s that was kind-of cheap and you could buy them over the meat display at the grocery store.  This Hibachi is nothing like that, and I’ve never seen it anywhere else than Deal Dash. It’s valued at about $129, I binned it and got all my bids back.  It’s such a relief when you don’t win an item to go ahead and buy it, you just have a big sigh of relief and move on with your new bids and your new item.  Win-Win!!


Another thing I’ve learned at Deal Dash is it really isn’t worth bidding much on bids.  If you buy bids to win bids, you lose bids doing it.  So, here is my best advice on bidding on bids.  If you don’t win it with 50 bids or less, just walk away.  Don’t plan on coming back later, don’t get involved….there are so many players who only play for bids, it’s actually a rookie mistake, but I  was addicted to it for months, now I won’t even get in a battle for bids, I like the bids I purchased too  much!

There are so many ways to strategize at DealDash, but the best thing you can do is keep your head above water by not “spreading yourself too thin”  I’ve done this many times, I get involved in 8-10 auctions and I lose 3 because I can’t pay attention to all of them.

It just does not pay to “spread yourself too thin”  The other mistake I found myself doings bidding on items I won’t BIN, the truth is if you are not willing to BIN, you are willing to lose the bids because you can’t win them all!  And the most important tip is, if you buy the bids, it doesn’t guarantee you’ll win, you have to work at it.  Be willing to walk away, be willing to lose some and the rewards are exponential.  I have won over 480 prizes in 2 years, that’s a phenomenal amount of goods! You can do it too!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!