Putting Your Best Foot Forward on DealDash

 DealDash best footAre you new on DealDash? You should put your best foot forward and think positively. Here are some tips and ideas.

Welcome to DealDash! We’re so glad that you decided to get started with DealDash. You’re going to have a lot of fun, win some awesome auctions, and enjoy your newest hobby. Getting started is simple, but you might need a bit of advice on how the website works so you can put your best foot forward and get in on the action. Here are some quick tips to get you going.

Buy Bids First

The first thing that you’ll need to do before you can enter an auction is to buy bids. Buying bids is fast and simple, you can pay with a credit card, debit card, or Paypal. There are many bid packs to choose from. They are available in different numbers of bids. Currently offered are packs of 60, 300, 600, 1200, and 2400. The prices of the bids change quite often, DealDash has many different sales throughout the week. Once you have purchased your bids you can get on to the fun stuff!

Set Up Your Bidder Profile

Your bidder profile is comprised of two parts – your bidder bio and your bidder avatar. Your bidder bio is just a few sentences about yourself, what you like to win, or just about anything as long as it’s friendly. You don’t have to fill this part out of you don’t want to, but it is encouraged so you can feel more connected to the other bidders.

Your avatar also needs to be selected. You can pick out an avatar from the pre-made choices, or upload your own. You can choose just about anything to be your avatar, but do remember that uploaded images are subject to approval and may not be immediately visible on the site. Don’t bother trying to upload anything mean-spirited, bullying, or not family-friendly. All of the avatars are approved or disapproved by DealDash employees.

Learn How to Use the BidBuddy

Putting your best foot forward includes learning how to use the tools that DealDash offers to every bidder. One of the best tools around is the BidBuddy automated bidder.  You will find the BidBuddy on every auction. Just open up the item’s page, and you will see BidBuddy there waiting for you.

DealDash BidBuddy

Just fill in that little rectangle that says “Add bids here” and click “Book a BidBuddy” and you’ll be on your way to winning the auction! You can even step away from your computer and the BidBuddy will continue bidding for you until all of the bids that you added have been exhausted. Put your best foot forward, and be sure to use the BidBuddy.

Thanks for Reading the Blog

These are just a few tips to help get you thinking about how to put your best foot forward on DealDash! I hope that this article has been helpful for you. Go check out the site and enjoy being a newbie. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

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This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at DealDashTips.comDealDashReviewed.com, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.



DealDash Helps You Win!

Image result for dealdashDealDash provides so many helpful tools to help their bidders. Here are a few.

DealDash offers many free tools that you can use to win more auctions. Are you taking them up on their offer? You should! DealDash offers these tools free for every single bidder to use. Why wouldn’t you let DealDash help you? Most of the other bidders are using these free tools, so if you don’t then you’re already running behind!

Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter

Social media is a part of most people’s lives nowadays, and if you are a regular player on DealDash then you should get social! DealDash has accounts on all of these social media platforms, and you should definitely “Friend,” “Like,” and “Follow” on all sites, especially Facebook!

Facebook is the second best way to keep up with DealDash. The blogs are the BEST way, of course. If you like to keep up with all of the current happenings on DealDash then you need to “Like” DealDash on Facebook. Here is the link to the DealDash Facebook page located at this link right here. After you have “Liked” DealDash, you will be able to enter the 1,000 free bids photo contest that is held weekly.

Download the App

As we talked about earlier this week, if you haven’t downloaded the DealDash app on your phone then you’re missing out. The DealDash app is a wonderful free tool if you want to keep up with DealDash auctions on the go. You can download the free DealDash app on either the Google Play store or the Apple App store. After you have used the app to win some auctions on DealDash, be sure to rate and review it!

Customer Service

If you have any questions, about any facet of DealDash be sure to contact DealDash customer service. If you ever get confused about bidding, the app, your profile, or just about anything else just shoot them an email. They are extremely responsive and love to help!

These are just a few of the free tools that you can use to bid and win more auctions on DealDash! I hope that this article has been helpful for you. Be sure to check out DealDashBlog every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday for more tips and articles to help you understand DealDash.

Thanks for Reading

Thanks so much for reading this DealDash Tips article on how DealDash loves to help you. VisitDealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!dealdash heart loveThis blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at DealDashBlog.comDealDashReviewed.com, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.


Sometimes You Just Need to BIN

dealdash bin

DealDash loves its customers. You can tell by the amazing features that they offer such as Buy It Now (BIN).

Do you love the BIN feature on DealDash? You should, because Buying It Now is a really great option when you’ve invested way too many bids on an auction. Winning the auction is the point of playing on DealDash, but in many auctions, there will be a person who wants the item more than you do. This person will outbid you to get it.

What Does Buying It Now Mean?

BIN is a feature that DealDash offers to every bidder in every auction. This is also known as “Buying It Now.” With BIN, if you have bid to many times and are still not going to win the item you can purchase it at the retail price that is listed on each and every auction page, and have all of the bids that you spent on the auction returned to your account.

When Should I BIN?

Knowing when to BIN an item is an important skill to learn. You always want to do your “DealDash Math” before you enter an auction to see how many bids that you can spend before you reach the retail price.

Once you have hit the number of bids that you have previously calculated and you still haven’t won the auction, that’s when you know it’s time to throw in the towel and BIN the auction. Don’t think of it as a loss, though, because you will get every single bid that you spent returned to your account when you BIN the item. You will also get free shipping, no matter how large or small the item is. Free shipping is the other feature that DealDash offers that really puts them on a higher level than their competitors.

I hope that you found this new DealDash article on Buying It Now helpful. Another way to learn more DealDash information is to read the DealDash Reviews blog and our sister blog DealDash Tips daily. There is always a wealth of DealDash information to explore. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at DealDashReviewed.comDealDashTips.com, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Reasons to Be a Daily DealDash Bidder

dealdash daily bid

There are so many reasons to be a daily bidder on DealDash. Here are a few reasons why it makes sense to visit DealDash daily.

Why do we love DealDash? There are so many different reasons why DealDash is the place to bid, and bidding daily on DealDash will make perfect sense when you hear these bidding perks.

FREE Bids Every Single Day

I’m not sure if you noticed but fairly recently DealDash has been offering one of the best bidding perks that I have ever seen. Every single day that you come to DealDash and place a bid they will give you free bids. Yes, 100% free!

Starting the first day you will receive 4 free bids, and each consecutive day you visit DealDash will give you more free bids, 6, 8, 10, 14, then 20. After you have visited every day for a week DealDash will give you 30 free bids! They will continue to give you 30 free bids every consecutive day that you come and place a bid. This is an amazing perk that you will find only on DealDash.

dealdash free bids daily

Time As The Highest Bidder

DealDash has the best built-in bidding features that are not available on other bidding sites, and TATHB (Time As The Highest Bidder) is a big fan favorite with DealDash bidders. Simply put, TATHB is another way that DealDash gives you free bids for simply bidding. When you are the highest bidder in an auction your TATHB bidding meter fills up, and when it is full DealDash gives you 100% free bids. The more you bid, the faster your TATHB meter fills up and rewards you with free bids.

DealDash Has the Best Shipping Cost

FREE! That’s right, every single auction that is either won or BINned (Buy It Now) is shipped free. The fact that DealDash offers free shipping on everything is definitely a reason that people love DealDash. When you know that you don’t have to pay money for shipping and handling costs it means that you are free to bid up to the retail price and know that you aren’t going to waste any money.

I hope that you found this article on why you should be a daily bidder on DealDash helpful. Please check out our other blogs – DealDash Tips and DealDash Reviews. Until then, visit DealDash and see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!https://www.dealdash.com/?utm_source=referral&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=DDBlogDawn

This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at DealDashReviewed.comDealDashTips.com, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

DealDash, We Love You


People love DealDash for many different reasons. Here are a few reasons DealDash is awesome!

Why do we love DealDash? There are so many different reasons why DealDash is awesome, and people love DealDash for different reasons. The reasons that I love DealDash might be different than the reasons that you love DealDash. However, one thing is certain, and that’s the fact that DealDash is the best bidding site out there.

People Love the New Items Available

I’m not sure if you noticed but over the past couple of years that the quality of items on DealDash has really been taken up a notch. The items up for auction have always been brand new with manufacturer’s warranties. Lately though, we have gone from brands that are commonly available at Wal*Mart, Sears, or K-Mart and moved on to brands that are highly prized specialty brands that are normally available at specialty boutiques.

People Love the Built-In Site Features

DealDash has some very interesting features that are not available on other bidding sites. DealDash has a built-in auto-bidder called the BidBuddy that is available on every single auction, and it is free for everyone to use.

A few other sites have an auto-bidder, but there are restrictions on how you can use it. The DealDash BidBuddy has no restrictions, you can put as many or few bids in it that you would like, and cancel it and restart it at will.

Another site feature that you absolutely can’t find on other sites is the Time As The Highest Bidder (TATHB) meter. When you are the highest bidder in an auction this meter fills up, and when it is full DealDash gives you 100% free bids.

DealDash Has the Best Shipping Cost

FREE! That’s right, every single auction that is either won or BINned (Buy It Now) is shipped free. The fact that DealDash offers free shipping on everything is definitely a reason that people love DealDash. When you know that you don’t have to pay money for shipping and handling costs it means that you are free to bid up to the retail price and know that you aren’t going to waste any money.

I hope that you found this article on why people love DealDash helpful. Please check out our other blogs – DealDash Tips and DealDash Reviews. Until then, visit DealDash and see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!
This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at DealDashReviewed.comDealDashTips.com, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.