Don’t Be Intimidated on DealDash

DealDash intimidation

Being new on DealDash can be a little scary. Don’t let others intimidate you. Here are some tips and tricks to help you.

Have you ever been the new kid at school? If so, you probably felt a little scared and intimidated, especially if you were bullied. DealDash does not allow bullying, so please report it to customer service if you witness or are a victim of any bullying on DealDash. DealDash wants everyone to have a fun time bidding and winning auctions. However, some players take it very seriously, and that can be a little intimidating. Here are some ideas to help.

Just Dive Right In

The best way to get over feeling intimidated when you’re new is to just dive right into the auctions, and get a feel for how things work. My advice is to pick a small or lower-valued item or a gift card, and bid on it and see how things go. You have a fairly good chance of winning a small or lower-valued item so you can see how bidding and winning work. A gift card is also a great thing to bid on when you’re feeling a little unsure of yourself because you can always take advantage of the BIN (Buy It Now) feature.

What is Buy It Now?

The BIN feature is on all DealDash auctions. When you are bidding on an item and are certain that you aren’t going to win but you have already used a lot of bids on it, then you can BIN. BIN means that you pay the retail price of the item or the face value of the gift card, and DealDash will return all of the bids that you used on the item, as well as ship it to you for free. It’s a great way to get over feeling intimidated because you can’t lose, you always have a way to get your bids back.

Learn All About DealDash

Another great way to get over any feelings of intimidation is to learn everything that you can about DealDash. Once you know all of the ins and outs and eccentricities of DealDash you’ll have no reason to feel intimidated anymore, even if you are the “new kid” on DealDash.

There are many ways to learn all about DealDash, and you’re taking a great step right here in reading the official DealDash Blog. DealDash has two other blogs as well, they are and DealDashReviewed.comThere are new blogs posted daily, in addition to sometimes revealing secret bid prices and promotions as well.

You can also learn more about DealDash by visiting the DealDash YouTube channel. This channel has some great videos that can help you learn even more about DealDash. Remember, knowledge is power, and when it comes to auctions, you want to be as knowledgeable as possible so you can snag more wins.

Thanks for Reading

Thanks so much for reading this DealDash Blog article. It’s time to win some auctions! Go check DealDash for everything that you need and want. DealDash has all of the items you need. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash BIN WIN

This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Sometimes Winning is Tricky


Sometimes winning auctions can be tricky. Are you making mistakes that are keeping you from winning more auctions?

In life, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. It’s the same on DealDash. Occasionally it seems to me that I bid and bid and can’t seem to win. While getting on a losing streak is never fun, it’s a good chance to examine your behavior and habits on DealDash. Are you doing things to contribute to your losses? Let’s take a peek and see.

Are you Over Extending Yourself?

Are you bidding in more than 2 or 3 auctions at a time? This isn’t a good idea, no matter how you go about it. Bidding on more than a couple of auctions at a time does not increase your chances of winning an auction, it only increases your chance to waste bids. The exception to this is if you are bidding up to the BIN (Buy It Now) price every time.

If you are trying to place bids here and there on many auctions at a time, it’s not going to end up positively for you, unless you happen to get lucky. The best practice is to only bid in a couple of auctions at a time. This way you can give them your full attention. Personally, I try to never bid in more than 2 auctions at a time, unless I have completely filled up my BidBuddy and plan on bidding up to the BIN price.

Paying Close Attention is a Must

This goes hand-in-hand with only bidding in a few auctions at a time. You need to stay alert and concentrate on the auctions that you are bidding in. If you get distracted with life and wander away from the auctions you will find yourself losing. If you can’t pay close attention to the auctions that you are in, be sure that you load up your BidBuddy and let him bid for you while you are busy with your other chores.

Open Up the Individual Auction Pages

Don’t bid from the main home screen of DealDash! You need to open up each individual auction’s page if you want to win. If you’re not opening up the actual auction and just bidding from the main home screen then it’s unlikely that you’ll win. If you like to bid on more than 1 auction at once, open up multiple tabs or windows on your computer. Bidding from the home screen puts you at a huge disadvantage.

Opening up each auction offers you key information to help you win. You can see what the item has previously sold for, the reviews on the item if there are any, and you can set the BidBuddy. The BidBuddy is the only way that you’re going to have any real success on DealDash.

You Can’t Win Them All – BIN is Your Friend

Don’t lose twice. Using a lot of bids on an auction and then not using the BIN (Buy It Now) feature if you don’t win the auction is just like losing all over again. When you BIN an auction that you didn’t win, you get exactly the amount of bids that you placed back in your account to use again, as well as free shipping on the product. Since you have everything back that you originally started with, you break even.

Thanks for Reading

Thanks so much for reading this DealDash Blog article. Don’t forget to check back every day for new articles here are well as on our other blogs, DealDash Reviewed and DealDash Tips. If you have any requests for specific articles, please feel free to leave a comment below, it’s always a treat for us to write requested articles.

Let’s win some auctions! Go check DealDash for everything that you need and want. DealDash has all of the items you have dreamt about. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash BIN WIN


This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Finding Helpful Info on DealDash is Easy


dealdashFinding information to help you win on DealDash is very easy. Tips and tricks are available to everyone.

When finding a new hobby most people enjoy learning everything that they can about it. DealDash realizes this and has made things easy by making tons of information available to anyone who loves learning about DealDash. Let’s look at the different ways that you can gather information to learn more about DealDash.

Read this Blog, of Course!

The best way to find out information about your new hobby, DealDash, is right here on the official DealDash Blog. Many articles are posted here weekly. There is a lot of information available for learning how to use DealDash, such as articles about bidding, winning, DealDash itself, and more.

The official DealDash Blog is also where the weekly 1,000 bid winner is posted. Be sure to check the blog every week to see if you have won! It’s also a good idea to check back frequently to see if there are any changes and updates to DealDash that you should be aware of, such as new ways to get free bids, winning limit changes, site updates, and other helpful technical information.

DealDash knows that one blog just isn’t enough to satisfy your thirst for DealDash information, so they have created two other blogs so that you can have plenty of DealDash reading material.

Read DealDash Reviewed and DealDash Tips

DealDash Reviewed is another blog that you should be reading. There is a new article posted on DD Reviewed every single day. You can find this blog at this link right here. This blog is DealDash’s “lifestyle blog”, and features articles on featured brands, product reviews, current events, recipes, and even crafts.

As if that wasn’t enough, DealDash provides you with a third blog titled DealDash Tips. DD Tips provides DealDash information, bidding strategies, and also highlights special DealDash promotions and bid prices. DealDash Tips can be found at this link right here. Be sure to check back frequently, articles are posted there almost every day.

Check Out the Site Itself

For helpful DealDash information check out DealDash itself. DealDash has a very helpful “Tips and Tricks” section that you can see right at the top of the page when you visit DealDash. Just right here and the link will take you to a list of different informational subjects such as booking a BidBuddy, Buying It Now, seeing the winners, and other subjects.

Next, be sure to check out the “Help” section on DealDash. Just look at the top of the top of the DealDash main page and there is another link that you can click on (right here) called “Help”. If you click on the help link it will take you to a section that explains things such as bidding, shipping, and how to pay for your auctions.

Thanks for Reading

Thanks so much for reading this official DealDash Blog article. Don’t forget to check back every day for new articles here are well as on our other blogs, DealDash Reviews, and DealDash Tips. If you have any requests for specific articles, please feel free to leave a comment below. We love to take blog requests from our readers.

Like to win awesome auctions? Go check DealDash for everything that you need for your home and garden. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

dealdash daily bid


This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Let’s Look at DealDash Strategies

DealDash Strategies

There are many different playing strategies that you can use on DealDash. What is your favorite?

There are many different ways to play on DealDash. There really is no right or wrong way. What sorts of bidding strategies do you like to use on DealDash?  It’s always a smart idea to change your thinking and your bidding strategies on DealDash. Have you changed your strategy lately? It’s time to start thinking about how you can do things differently.

Get In Before the No Jumper

Are you getting in on the auctions early enough? You know, most DealDash auctions have a $5 No Jumper limit. You absolutely have to get in on the auction before the auction reaches $5. Sometimes, DealDash does a special promotion that lowers the No Jumper limit to $3. You need to get your bids in early, otherwise, you are going to miss out!

Recycle Your Bids

Are you making the most of your bids by recycling them? To recycle your bids, simply BIN (Buying It Now) items that you don’t win. If you enter any DealDash auction prepared to BIN it, then you’re recycling your bids like a pro! This is a great strategy, and you know that you’re going to get all of your bids back and have the item shipped to you for free as well.

Do Your Research

Doing research on auction items and other bidders are a must. You can’t just go into an auction “blind” to your competitors and to the advantages of the items. Research, research, research everything that you can in your spare time. If there’s a week that you don’t have any bids to use, visit the auctions anyway and take notes on the other bidders and the final auction prices of any of the items that you are interested in winning. It will pay off next time.

Thanks for Reading

Thanks so much for reading this DealDash article on strategies. Don’t forget to check our other blogs for new articles as well. Visit DealDash Tips and DealDash Reviews for more fun DealDash information every single day! If you have any requests for specific articles, please feel free to leave a comment below. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


Image result for no jumper dealdash

This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

What’s So Special About DealDash?

DealDash Special

DealDash is a special website, made by people who care about their customers. Here are some of the things that make DealDash unique.


DealDash is a fun website to use, and you can win some very nice things. DealDash is special and different than other websites. DealDash is full of things that makes it different than just “any old bidding site. ” The differences from DealDash and other websites are pronounced, and always in the favor of DealDash. Here are some great things that DealDash offers.

Free Bids

Not many bidding websites offer you free bids. Usually the only time that free bids are offered on any of the “pay-to-bid” websites is when you first sign up. After you have signed up they don’t give you free bids anymore. DealDash is different. DealDash offers free bids every day, to every bidder, just for stopping by the website and placing a bid. Other ways to get free bids include posting photographs of yourself and your win, writing product reviews, and earning “clock time” as the highest bidder.

Special Prices on Bids

DealDash “base” price for bids is .60 each. However, they run special bid sales daily, and you can find bids for .16, .14, or sometimes even .12 each! These special prices are one of my favorite parts about DealDash. Everyone loves sales, and it’s fun to see how low the bid prices will go before they go up again.

Special Promotions

DealDash offers special promotions frequently, some of these include free-to-the-winner auctions and fifty-percent off auctions. These promotions are very popular, and people love being able to get their win for free (actually .01 transaction fee), or for half-off. It’s nice to be able to calculate exactly how much you are spending on an auction, and you can do that easily when it’s free auction day.

No Jumper Auctions

What are “No Jumper” auctions? No jumper auctions means that no more new bidders are allowed in the auction after the auction price reaches $5. This means that if you do not place at least one bid before the auction reaches $5 you will be locked out of that auction and won’t be able to participate. This limits the number of players competing for the same product, making the chance of winning easier, since there is less competition.

Thanks for Reading

Thanks so much for reading this DealDash Blog article on DealDash special features. If you have any requests for specific articles, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Now that you have bidding on your mind be sure to go check DealDash for anything that you need for your home or family. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

dealdash sale

This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.