Do you consider yourself to be a lucky person? Are you the one in your family that consistently gets the “good” gift in the white elephant swap, or maybe you always win on scratch tickets. The great thing with DealDash is you can make your own luck…
Whether you consider yourself a lucky person or not doesn’t matter on DealDash. The key to being lucky in DealDash auctions is being willing to BIN (Buy It Now) any auction that you enter. If you are willing to BIN every single auction that you enter, you have a much higher chance of winning the auction, especially if you become “known” as a bidder who is willing to go all the way to the BIN price. Trust me, those bidders who are known to go to BIN price each and every time definitely have an advantage.
When you BIN an auction, it just means that you pay the full retail price for the auction and you receive all of your bids back that you spent on the auction. You also get super-fast free shipping on your item as well. If you only bid on things that you were going to buy anyway, such as if you needed a new knife set for the kitchen, or you needed new ear buds and were going to buy them anyway, why not try to win them on DealDash, instead? Buying It Now is your safety net. And if you happen to win, that’s great! If you end up BINning the auction instead, no problem, you can use those bids in the very next auction that you enter, or save them for later. Now you can claim that you are the lucky one in the family!
Next time you’re feeling lucky, be sure to visit DealDash at this link right here, and try your luck. If you don’t win, you can always take advantage of the awesome BIN feature that DealDash offers and get all of your bids back. You even get to keep your “clock time” as the highest bidder! You can check out the auctions here on the computer, or you can even download the app and use it on your phone. It’s available for both Apple here and Android here. See you on DealDash everyone! Good luck and happy bidding.