Getting to Know Your Friend BidBuddy

BidBuddy is your new best friend and your ultimate tool to help you win auctions at DealDash. Let’s get to know him better.

Most people know the basic function of the BidBuddy – you put in the maximum amount of bids that you are willing to spend on a particular auction and the BidBuddy will tirelessly bid until the bids have all been used or you cancel the BidBuddy. However, the BidBuddy can also help you learn more about the auction and it’s bidders that you are currently competing against.

If you are new to DealDash you might mistakenly think that the bidders you are competing against are watching the auction just as closely as you are, however in my experience about 95% of auctions are not won with 1-click bids but by using the BidBuddy.

The key to figuring out who is using a BidBuddy and who is single bidding is easy. Simply look for the pattern. If Bidders A, B, and C are consistently bidding in that order 9 seconds apart then Bidders A, B, and C are using the BidBuddy. If bidders D and E are bidding at random intervals other than 9 seconds apart and not following the A, B, C, D, and E pattern then they are using single bids.

Knowing who is using the BidBuddy and who is placing single bids can be a great thing to know – you know that A, B, and C will bid tirelessly and effortlessly until their bids have been exhausted, where Bidders D and E are more likely to give up, lose focus, or just accidentally click the “Bid” button too slowly and lose the auction.

Remember, you can load up the BidBuddy with as many bids as you like, and stop or start him at any time. I personally exclusively bid using the BidBuddy – I remember losing a few auctions way back when I started with DealDash by bidding just a second too slow and losing the auction, and I vowed never to do that again.

Bidding at DealDash is never a waste, though, because you can always buy the item at retail price and get all of your bids back with the BIN (But It Now) feature.

I hope that this article has helped you get to know your best buddy the BidBuddy a little bit better. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!




What you didn’t know about BidBuddy

I have written in the past about the use of DealDash’s Bid Buddy system. It is a great tool, to win auctions.

However it is also a great tool to learn how and when other players bid. Over the past few months I have really watched the patterns that some players have, and I started all of this with the Bid Buddy.

As you know the Bid Buddy books automatic bids, so if you want to step away from an auction and still participate in the auction, you are able to. However I have began to use it for more than just that. Each auction has a countdown timer, as to when it will begin. It is important to pay attention to this timer. When it hits 10 seconds the auction is now live.

My secret is to enter my automatic bids as close to 10 seconds as possible. This gives me a point of reference in the auction. If I manage to enter my bids at 11 or 12 seconds, I should be the last automatic bidder. When my name comes up in the auction, it is fairly simple to tell how many automatic bidders there are which can be really valuable information.

Related: Secrets, Tactics and Tips about Stomp Bidding on

If my first automatic bid comes up early (15 to 20 cents) I know that there are only a few other bidders that I need to beat out. If it happens to be between myself and another automatic bidder, I will jump on that bidder so that they use their automatic bids, and hopefully no one else enters the auction, and I can win. These are just suggestions, however they can be useful. Hope they are helpful when you’re planning your next penny auction bidding strategy on

By Erica Baughman

Get Tips, Strategies and Free Bids! Follow us on Google Plus!


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DealDash Tips and Secrets

Your BidBuddy’s DealDash Tip Guide – A Pro’s Secrets

I’m DealDash’s automated bidding tool, and I help bidders win auctions by placing their bids for them. DealDash veterans know me better as the BidBuddy, and I’m sure they’ve used me to win some great bargains in DealDash’s auctions. DealDash is the Internet’s premier alternative to penny auction sites, and every day more and more people are learning that it’s the best, most legitimate way to get great deals on the Internet. I wanted to write this to introduce myself to new users, and remind everyone how they can use me to win one of the thousands of auctions DealDash offers everyday!

DealDash is a fair and honest alternative to penny auction sites, and is a bit different from regular auctions in that DealDash auctions don’t end at a specific time. Instead, there’s a bid clock that counts down to zero, and every time a new bid is placed the clock resets and the item price goes up by just $0.01. Whoever places the last bid wins the auction! By capping the bid increases at one penny, DealDash is able to sell off fantastic items at an unbelievable discount! And you never have to worry about the items being used or getting cheap knock-offs like you do with other auctions!

Since DealDash offers users a safe, reliable way to get these incredible deals, the auctions can get pretty competitive, and that’s where I come in. In fact, if you ask around, most people use me to help them win those really popular items, like this $75.00 Chevron gas gift card which sold for $0.14 – yep, won using me, your BidBuddy! So I want to explain to everyone exactly how I help the big winners land their great savings!

BidBuddy’s DealDash Tip #1: – Remember to bid early!

Most of the auctions on DealDash are called “No Jumper™ auctions. This means that after the item price hits a certain amount ($5 dollars) people can’t join in the auction. This means that if you want to participate, and if you want me to help, you have to place a bid before this happens. Remember, you can’t get a great deal if you can’t bid! Read more about No Jumper™ auctions here.

BidBuddy’s DealDash Tip#2: – You Can Stop Whenever You’d Like because I Never Quit!

DealDash auctions don’t end at a specific time, and so a lot of new users think they have to spend the whole time in front of their computer. This makes winning that Digital SLR Pro Camera seem impossible! Unlike most users, I don’t need to eat, sleep, or take a break. I’m there to bid, and letting me do my job frees up your time to grab a bite to eat or get a little exercise without having to miss out on the great bargains!

BidBuddy’s DealDash Tip#3: – Last Minute Bidding is My Job!

You win DealDash auctions by being the last person to place a bid. A lot of people like to save their bids for the last possible second. But if they wait too long, that clock hits zero, and then they’re too late to win that GPS Roadmap. But that’s where I come in. I’m programmed to bid just before an auction closes, so you’re guaranteed to get that last minute bid in before the auction closes. The pros know to leave the last minute bidding to me, and anyone will tell you, they win more auctions by letting me do the tough work for them!

There’s lots more great tips on how to win the auctions in the “Tactics and Tips” section of website, and I think both new and old users should have a look at it. This blog is also an excellent source for tips and advice on how to get great bargains in DealDash’s auctions. If you’re new to the site and need some help getting me set up to win for you, just send a quick message to DealDash’s awesome Customer Support Team, or just check out this quick video tutorial!

Hope to see everyone soon at DealDash, the Internet’s #1 source of legitimate bargains!

Love DealDash!!!! Won this $199. Magellan RoadMate GPS for only $1.25…but I paid only $.62 due to a 50% off special! I think it’s time for a road trip! Thanks, DealDash!!!!
I won this NIKON D3100 with FREE shipping during DealDash’s AUCTION WINS FREE SPECIAL, and only paid a $1.00 transaction fee. DealDash is “BETTER” than any competitor out there!!!! Now I can capture our holiday memories with some great photos. THANK YOU DEALDASH!!!!!