Having a baby is such a joyous occasion, sometimes new parents (or parents of older kids) forget what they should have waiting for the new baby when they come home from the hospital.
There are many things that you are going to need to make a new baby feel comfortable when they get home from the hospital. I’ve compiled a list of some of the things that I have found essential when I’ve brought my babies home. You might not need or want all of these items, but I found each and every one useful.
The very first thing you are going to need is non-negotiable. If you live in America and you are going to be driving your new baby home you absolutely need an infant car seat. There are some car seats made for just infants, and there are “convertible” car seats that can go from infant to baby to big kid. It just depends what you prefer. Be sure that you are buying a NEW car seat, used car seats are just not safe, especially if they have ever been in any kind of car crash. Also, car seats have expiration dates on them that you really need to pay attention and heed the warning sticker. When you are picking out your car seat make sure that you also pay attention to the weight limits on the seat. Make sure that you get a seat that will keep a baby as small as 6 pounds safe, you never know what the weight of your baby will be!
I’m sure that if you are expecting a baby you are probably well stocked with baby clothes, baby blankets, diapers, wipes, and bottles, and a crib, but have you picked up a bassinet or play yard that has a bassinet attachment yet? These items are extremely handy when the baby is 0-3 months, especially if the new Mommy plans on breast feeding. My daughter slept next to me in the bassinet for the first 3 months of her life, and it made it so much easier to tend to her needs during the night rather than have to go into her room down the hall. It might sound lazy to you, but she was a very bad sleeper, waking up 9+ times every night. As with the weight of your baby, you never know if you will have a good or bad sleeper, and it’s better to be prepared. If you choose the play yard with bassinet attachment then when the baby has outgrown sleeping in the attachment then you can take it off and you have a great playpen to stick the baby in while you are showering or cooking.
Another item that I found very useful was a baby swing. My kids only liked it up until about 6 months or so, but it was really very handy for calming them down when they were upset, or entertaining them for a bit so I could eat or get housework done. There are a few different styles, but they all have the same basic functions of swinging as well as playing music. Some are battery powered and others use a wall cord. If possible I would go with the wall cord option, my old swing took 4 D batteries at a time, and they really didn’t last very long when powering the swing, especially as my kids gained weight.
After reading this article I hope that you have a better idea of what types of things that new parents should have waiting at home for their newborn. How about getting some of these essentials on DealDash? They have all types of items in many different categories there, check out the Toys, Kids, & Baby section to find some awesome products. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!