When a baby has moved past the bottle and is ready for table foods it’s important to have the right tools for the job. DealDash has what you need.
Most babies start eating some very simple table foods around the age of 6 months, and the goal is to have your baby mostly eating table foods rather than formula and baby foods by the time they hit their first birthday. You don’t want to rush your child, but when he or she is ready it’s time to break the bottle habit and learn to eat. The goal is a healthy baby who is happy to eat a variety of foods. Having the right items so your baby is comfortable can be a huge help. DealDash is here to help.
You’re going to need either a high chair or a booster seat. Typically a high chair is for a younger baby and a booster seat is for an older child, but they both have seatbelts and as long as your child can sit by themselves either one is fine depending on what space you have available to devote to your baby’s seating arrangement. DealDash has both high chairs and booster seats available for auction fairly often. Just click on this link here and it will take you to see a few options.
If your baby is ready for some grown up food you should definitely start with some soft cooked veggies, fruits, and pastas. For example, sweet potatoes, peas, and broccoli are all veggies that you can cook until they are soft and then mash them up for your baby. If you’re looking for mashable fruits, try bananas, avocados, and peaches. Sometimes it’s difficult to mash these foods up with a spoon, so I suggest getting a Mash and Serve Bowl.
You can mash up just about any food that’s soft with the Mash and Serve Bowl, such as potatoes, beans, steamed veggies, fruits, eggs. You mash the food and serve your child right from the bowl, which has handy hand holds on the side so they can hold it themselves.
If you’re worried about cleaning the Mash and Serve Bowl – don’t. The Mash and Serve Bowl can be cleaned easily by putting it in the top rack of the dishwasher. If you’re interested in the Mash and Serve Bowl check it out here on DealDash.
After reading this article I hope that you have a better idea of what you might want to get your baby when they are regularly eating table foods. If you are in need of anything for your baby, including kitchen items check out DealDash. Try the Hobbies, Toys, Outdoors, and Games section to see what awesome baby products they have coming up. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!