DealDash Winning Limits Have Changed!

In case you didn’t notice the banner on over the weekend, I am here to annouce that the structure of the winning limits have changed.

Are you a big bidder on DealDash? Do you find yourself filling up all of your slots to win items on DealDash just a day or two after they have opened back up? Are you the sort of person who win all of your items right away and find yourself hoping, wishing, and dreaming that you could still play on DealDash and are saddened when you realize that you still have a week until you can play on DealDash again?

Well good news, people! The winning limits on DealDash have completely changed. The 100% official news fro DealDash is as follows:

To ensure equal chances for everyone, you may win the same item only once per week. All remaining BidBuddies on other auctions for the same item will be automatically cancelled at the time of your win.

In case you need a bit of a simple explanation, that means that you could conceivably win TONS of auctions per week, if there were enough auctions that you were interested in that were for different items, that is. Want to win 2 iPads or 2 Xboxes in a week? Well, you’re out of luck there, however if you want to win a few different items every single day for a week you can definitely do that. Every week your winning limit will reset and you will be able to win more of the same items that you won the previous week.

Please keep these new wining limits in mind, because once you have won a particular item your other BidBuddies that you have set for identical items will be cancelled and your bids that were remaining in your BidBuddies will be returned to your account. This could become a bad situation for you if you are bidding on two identical items simultaneously, and have invested bids into both auctions. If you happen to win the first auction the BidBuddy for the second auction would immediately be cancelled. The remaining bids that were in your BidBuddy would be returned to your account, however all of the bids that you had already spent in that second auction would not be returned. So my advice to you would be to only bid on one similar auction at a time. Better safe than sorry.

This blog and it’s comments are monitored by the DealDash Community Manager, so if you have any questions about the new policy that this blog has not answered please feel free to leave a question in the comments section. I am a big fan of this new policy, I hope that you feel the same! Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

Fun Times on DealDash

  Going on DealDash and seeing all of the auctions is one of the best parts of my day. DealDash is fun to visit even if you aren’t planning on bidding.

One of the most fun things on DealDash that doesn’t include bidding and winning is looking at the list of winners! I could spend hours just scrolling down the list of winners. I love seeing what everyone has won, how much the final auction value was, and what time of day they won. It’s amazing some of the deals that people get everyday on DealDash.

It may just sound like an idle hobby of mine, but it’s just undercover research disguised as fun!  If you pay attention to what type of products that people are winning, what time of day, and what the final price of the auction is then it will help you in the future. For example, if you are a regular “watcher” of the Winner’s Tab on DealDash, and you notice that baby products always seem to be a steal at under $1 final auction value on Tuesdays, well it would just be smart thinking to wait until the following Tuesday to see if the baby products are going for a song. If they are going fast and cheap, well get in there and bid!



Another fun thing that DealDash provides for us is DealDash’s various social media accounts. DealDash is on all of the most common social media platforms; Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Google+. Not only can you enjoy great content such as seeing who won the photo of the week contest, you can even nab some free bids for yourself.

You can earn free bids by posting pictures to different the social media outlets. Getting free bids from DealDash’s social media accounts is easy! If you’re interested in learning about all of the different ways that you can earn free bids from DealDash by posting to social media just check out this link – On Social Media? Get FREE Bids With DealDash.

I hope that this article gave you some ideas about how to have more fun with our favorite website, DealDash! If you’re interested in reading some tips and tricks check out the “Tactics & Tips” section on DealDash. DealDash wants everyone to win big. Do your research and you will be winning in no time. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

What Makes DealDash Better than the Rest?

  There are a lot of bidding sites out there to choose from. Why do people choose DealDash over all of the others?

To start things off, I think that the reason people initially find DealDash is the commercials. If you haven’t seen a DealDash commercial, then you must TiVo every single moment of your TV viewing, because the DealDash commercials are everywhere. I like them because they are fun, easy to understand, and invite you to come online and read more about DealDash before making  any kind of monetary commitment. And, bonus, they feature real DealDash customers! The commercials are a great way to spread the word about DealDash, and that’s why I think that DealDash has more new users signing up than any other penny auction site. Now, the reasons that they continue bidding on DealDash versus the other sites are very easy to see.

I have always been interested in online auctions, so when I first saw a DealDash commercial a few years ago I was intrigued. I did a lot of research on penny auctions, and they sounded so fun and exciting that I signed up to not only DealDash but a few other sites as well. DealDash has always lived up to their claims. They are transparent and honest in their business practices, there are no bots, and if you see and report any “team bidding” they will shut it down. This is not the case with other bidding sites that I have tried. Penny auctions can be difficult enough to win if you are going up against a power bidder, why make it even harder by bidding on a site that allows team bidding and bots?

Speaking of bots – there’s simply no need for bots on DealDash! DealDash offers every single bidder an even playing field by giving us all a tool to help place our bids for us. The BidBuddy is the best tool around to help you win auctions. Just the BidBuddy with as many bids as you would like to spend on an auction and let the BidBuddy bid on the auction for you. Unlike other sites that offer an automatic bidder, the BidBuddy can be filled with as many bids as you would like all at one time, well before the auction starts. With other sites, if they have an automatic bidder there is a very low limit of bids that you can load, and you have to keep going back to the auction to make sure that you still have bids left in your automatic bidder.

The customer is king on DealDash. If you have a problem or question, no matter how small or silly you can always open up a support ticket and DealDash will get back to you quickly, honestly, and with a good attitude. I have had dealings with other auction sites’ customer service, and I have to say that DealDash’s customer service reps are the nicest and most polite that I have ever encountered. I am also very impressed with their response time – DealDash has literally emailed me back within an hour after opening a service ticket, and never more than 24 hours. That’s what I call great customer service!

I hope that this article makes you realize how unique (in a good way!) that DealDash is versus other penny auction sites. If you’re interested in reading some tips and tricks check out the “Tactics & Tips” section on DealDash. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!




Today is National Splurge Day, Visit DealDash

It might be hard to believe, but today is actually a “holiday” called National Splurge Day. Why not celebrate by visiting DealDash?

Today is a wonderful day to splurge! National Splurge Day might be a holiday that you have never heard of before, so let’s look a little into it’s history so we can understand it better. National Splurge Day was created in 1994 by Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith. National Splurge Day is observed annually on June 18th.  This day is a fun holiday that was created for you to do something special for yourself, and possibly even a friend! What’s more fun than splurging on yourself? Splurging on yourself and a friend!

Since today is National Splurge Day, how about buying some bids and splurging them on DealDash? However, please remember that all bidders want to win every auction that they enter, but in reality that is very unlikely to happen. Since today is National Splurge Day, though, how about going that extra mile and splurging to come out on top? It’s easy to buy bids on DealDash. Just click on this link here, and you will be taken to the area on DealDash where you can choose your bid package and purchase your bids. You can pay with either a credit card or even your Paypal account! Isn’t that easy?

It’s safe to splurge on DealDash because if you don’t happen to be the winner you can always BIN (Buy It Now). BINning an auction is easy! You can check the BIN price of any auction if you open up the auction’s page and look in the upper left hand corner under the title of the auction. There should be a $$$ money amount next to a phrase that says “Buy It Now price”.


I hope that you have a wonderful National Splurge Day on DealDash! Head on over now to check out the auctions and see how much you can save! See you on DealDash everyone! Good luck and happy bidding.

The Best Parts About DealDash

  There are a lot of great things about DealDash. Let’s talk about the best ones.

DealDash has a lot of features that are unique to the brand. No one does it quite like DealDash. Here are some of my top picks for the best things about DealDash.

Number one on my “Best of” list is of course the BidBuddy! BidBuddy is a special feature that DealDash has that no one else can even come close to having. The BidBuddy is one of those great things about DealDash that you aren’t going to be able to get anywhere else. The reason that the BidBuddy is on my “Best of” of list is that the BidBuddy is the best tool around to help you win auctions. Just load him up with as many bids as you are willing to spend on a certain item and let him bid on the auction for you. You don’t need to sit there and stare at the auction, you don’t even have to turn on your computer!

Another thing that makes my DealDash “Best of” list is DealDash’s social media. DealDash is on all of the most popular social media outlets – Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Google+. You can earn free bids by posting pictures to different the social media outlets. Getting easy free bids from social media is definitely something that qualifies as “Best of!” DealDash’s social media isn’t all about getting free bids, though. If you go to any of the social media outlets you can see a variety of different information posted such as what bid sale is going on, who is winning the best auctions, and many different blog subjects.

Finally, another thing that I think is the best about DealDash is that they are open 24/7. Picture it: Thursday, 3AM – you’ve got insomnia. The rest of your family is asleep, there’s nowhere open in your town to go waste some time, it’s too dark to go outside for a walk…Go on DealDash!! Being open 24/7 is definitely not something that a lot of the other auction places can claim. It’s very frustrating to be awake with bids to spend and no auctions to bid upon! With DealDash you never have that problem. DealDash is the best!



I hope that this article reminds you of all of the things that are so uniquely awesome to DealDash. If you’re interested in reading some tips and tricks check out the “Tactics & Tips” section on DealDash. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!