Win or get your bids back!

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Ever wanted to bid on high-end, expensive products without
any fear of losing money? Well tonight on DealDash that is possible.
All the bids you spend on deals you do not win will be returned to
your account, first thing Saturday morning! 

– This is specific to each deal, so even if you win one deal your bids
that you spent on another deal that you did not win will be returned.

– All credits will be returned at 8am PST Saturday (1/8).

– If there are any deals that are still going on after 8am PST, those
bids will be returned after the deal ends. (Hopefully within minutes)
What a way to start 2011!

Happy New Year!!!

Wow!! What a year it has been! So much has happened this year thanks to all your great feedback.
We would like to thank you so much for a fantastic 2010 where millions of dollars have been saved
and thousands and thousands of deals have been won!! It’s been simply amazing! We look forward
to providing you with even better deals and experience in 2011! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Dave and the entire DealDash team wishing you a fantastic and sparkling new year!!

May your 2011 start out with a BANG and a great WIN!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello everyone!

We want to wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving! It’s been so great to have such wonderful and loyal customers
that have joined us now and been with us throughout the year. There have been many great developments thanks
to your creative and collective ideas and we are so thankful you enjoy the site, service, and make it possible for us
to provide you with a very exciting and competitive way to shop!

We wish you all continued success in all your future en devours. May this Thanksgiving day bring you peace, joy,
happiness and perhaps a 52″ Flat-screen LED SONY TV!

Good luck to all of you!

Dave and the entire DealDash Team!