You know the saying, “If it sounds too good to be true, then run away as fast as you can.” If a Moroccan Prince emails you out of the blue and says he is holding millions of dollars in escrow for you, then you probably should click that “delete email” button as fast as you can. The same goes for grand promises made by money managers and fly-by-night investment companies. If they promise to double your money in just days, then you probably are dealing with a classic pyramid scheme. What about DealDash? Is DealDash legit?
Be careful if something sounds too good to be true!
Some of our auctions really do seem too good to be true, but we also claim to be fair and honest. So what gives? Do customers really have the fair opportunity to win auctions for brand name merchandise for a tiny fraction of the retail price? Does DealDash deliver on the fun and savings that are promised, or is it yet another entry in a long line of things that are too good to be true?
If you’re familiar with DealDash, you may already know that the company just celebrated its 9 Year Anniversary. What’s the key to staying in business for such a long time? We have it clear: we know how to take care of our customers. Listening to customer feedback and concerns are necessary to keep evolving as a company. Customer feedback is the key to becoming a better DealDash year after year! Company culture is built on top of company values, which for DealDash are listed on their website:
Treat your customers as you would want to be treated yourself.
Develop new skills and expand your perspective.
Take ownership, take initiative, take action, YOU are the company.
Break assumptions, pursue unconventional ideas.
Data is worth more than 1000 smart opinions. Data is everywhere, use it!
We are a flat organization. Talk with your colleagues and share your ideas.
Bidding on the DealDash app is easy, but you might need help your first time. Here are some tips from the DealDash Blog to help.
Doing anything for the first time can be a little confusing – and maybe even a little nerve-wracking. There’s a learning curve to every computer program, and some are easier to use than others. Luckily, the DealDash app is towards the “easy” side of the scale, rather than the “difficult” side. However, everyone can use a little help when they are first starting out. Here are some tips on using the DealDash app.
Does Your Device Support the App?
The very first thing that you need to do before you get started with the app is to make sure that your device supports the app. You can use a smartphone – Android or iPhone -, an Android-based tablet, an iPad, an iTouch, or a netbook that uses apps. Older phones may not work with the app, so be sure to check and see before you get too excited to use it. Chances are likely your device will support it, but go to this link here and check.
After you have figured out for certain that you can use the app, download it onto your device. Remember, this is a free app that DealDash provides to all of its customers. If for any reason you aren’t a fan of the app, no big deal. You can easily delete it, and you won’t be out any money since it costs $0. You can download the DealDash app at this link right here.
What is the App’s Purpose?
The main purpose of the DealDash app is to be able to bid on the go. You can do lots of other things on the app than bid, but that is mainly what people use it for. You can also open up individual auction pages, do a search for an item, or look through the categories. In addition to all of this, you can set BidBuddies and pay for auctions that you have either won or BINned (Buy It Now.) Again, here is the link to download the free app.
Need Help with the App?
DealDash has a wonderful customer service team, and they can help you with any question, and that includes questions regarding the app. If you’re having trouble downloading the app, signing in to the app, or creating an account on the app just let them know. You can email them and wait for a response, or you can live chat with them as well. It’s your choice. You’re never alone when you use DealDash.
How Can I Contact Customer Service?
Never fear, getting in touch with DealDash customer service is easy. You can contact a customer support rep by going on DealDash and looking for the “HELP” button at the top of the screen. From there you can either open a support ticket or even chat live with a DealDash customer service representative. Or you can just click this link right here.
Thanks for Reading the DealDash Blog
I hope this article on using the DealDash app and contacting customer service has been helpful. It’s always a good idea to learn more about DealDash. If you’d like to read more, you can check out DealDash’s “Tips & Tricks” section on the official site. It’s full of interesting information to help you play and win on DealDash. Just click this link right here and you can check it out right now. Have a great time on DealDash, and happy Bidding, everyone!
This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at,, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post.
When using DealDash you might at times need a little extra help. Our customer service is here to help you.
DealDash live customer service answers your calls 24/7
DealDash has a wonderful customer service team. They are here to help you with any and every problem, questions, or concern that you might have – even if it’s not related to bidding!
They have heard and experienced everything that you might think to throw at them, and with a happy attitude as well. Read on for more information that you should know about DealDash customer support.
Why Should I Contact Customer Service?
DealDash is a very easy site to use, but if you are used to a different bidding format such as other online auctions, you might be in need of some guidance. Not all auction sites work the same way, and customer service can help you understand the “ins and outs” of using the site. We have all run into some problem at some point whether it’s something small or large. But never hesitate to contact the DealDash customer support team – they are there for you!
Other reasons that you might want to contact customer service include having a problem with item delivery, needed a refund, or asking for bidding tips. DealDash customer service can help you with all of these issues to get you on your way back to bidding. You can also find tips to bidding on DealDash from the DealDashTips blog.
You might have already seen Jame’s from DealDash posting weekly videos to the DealDash Official YouTube channel. Almost all videos James posts to the YouTube channel have a section where customers can share their thoughts on DealDash and answer questions James has posed. If you want to participate in the videos, contact the customer support for more information. There’s usually bid rewards for submitting an answer to James’ questions!
The Company Culture of Customer First
DealDash is known for being a company whose values include “treating the customer as you would like to be treated yourself“. The Company Culture at DealDash is to always approach problems with the customer first attitude. This is essential to provide the best customer service and experience possible. Furthermore, a culture like this is key to keeping on providing a service the customers enjoy as best as possible.
What Solutions Can Customer Support Offer?
DealDash customer support representatives can help you solve any problems that you might have regarding the service. For example, they can teach you how to use your DealDash dashboard, tell you how to buy bids, and tell you about the different changing promotions that DealDash offers. All of these questions can be answered by reading older DealDash Blog articles, but if you need an answer right away, then don’t be shy about contacting the friendly customer service reps at DealDash.
The above-mentioned issues are more “newbie problems,” but customer service representatives can handle any sorts of issues that you might have. If you have a package delivery problem they can track it and re-send your item if need be. DealDash reps are also there to listen in the rare case that you have a problem with another bidder. They are great mediators and want to help get results and solve customer issues.
Need a Refund? DD Reps Are There to Help
If for whatever reason you don’t enjoy DealDash, that’s okay. After all, DealDash wants you to be satisfied with your experience even if you don’t want to participate in auctions anymore. You don’t have to feel anxious, simply contact a DealDash representative as with any issue and they will help you.
The customer representatives are trained professionals and will treat the situation professionally. Don’t worry, they won’t try to guilt you or give you the “hard sell,” they are there to help, not make you feel bad! Just let them know what’s going on, and they will make it right for you. No hard feelings, and you can re-join at any time.
If it’s your first bid pack purchase, DealDash even offers a 90-day full money-back guarantee for first bid pack purchases. What’s best, they often leave the bids on your DealDash account even after the purchase was refunded. This is perfect for those who decide to return to the online auctions at some point in the future.
How Can I Contact Customer Service?
Contacting DealDash customer service is easy and there’s many choices based on what form of contact you prefer. You can contact the representatives through the DealDash website or for example via Facebook Messenger Chat. The customer support also has 24/7 live phone support, which you can call. You can also take a look at the Help section on the DealDash webpage. There you’ll find answers to the most often asked questions if you want to take a peek there.
Thanks for Reading the DealDash Blog
Testing DealDash out is risk free
I hope this article on using DealDash customer service has been helpful. If you’re a newbie or a seasoned bidder, it never hurts to learn more about DealDash. If you’d like to read more, you should definitely check out DealDash’s “Tips & Tricks” section on the official site. It’s full of interesting information to help you succeed on DealDash. Just click this link right here and you can check it out. Have a great time on DealDash, and happy Bidding, everyone!
Dawn E wrote this DealDash sponsored blog post. Dawn E is a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. You can read more tips at,, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post.
There are some very special people – they’re called DealDash customers! Here is how DealDash shows their appreciation for all of their bidders.
There are different bidding sites that you could choose – yet you choose DealDash. This makes a lot of sense, seeing as how DealDash has the best and most helpful employees around. Even though the employees are great, the customers are the real stars of DealDash. This is why DealDash is so happy you’re here, and want to make sure that you are getting all of the help that you need on DealDash. Read on for more information on both DealDash customers and customer service.
Need Help With Anything? No Problem!
You can contact a customer service representative on DealDash anytime, day or night. Just go down to the bottom of the home page and there will be a button that says “Contact Support.” Simply click on that button and you’ll be taken to a screen where you can choose to either send DealDash an email or click on a “Live Support” button.
Personally, I don’t care to do live support, but I have never had a DealDash issue that needed an immediate answer, either. If it’s something important that can’t wait, then live support is just what you need. Perhaps you have a question that can wait a bit longer, in that case, you might want to send DealDash an email. You’ll get a reply back within a day or so. I have actually had a reply back within 2 hours, so emailing doesn’t necessarily mean that you will have to wait a full day for an answer, either.
Bid Sales, Promotions, and Free Bids
DealDash is so happy that you choose to bid on the site that they always offer some great perks to their loyal bidders. There are many things that you might think of when you think of DealDash perks, but I’d say that the top three favorites are bid sales, promotions, and free bids. Here are how those all work:
Bid Sales – Even though DealDash bids are technically worth .60 a piece, DealDash has different sales going on almost every day. A bidder can pick up a bid pack for as low as .12 per bid, but keep in mind that .12 bid sale are usually reserved for holidays.
Promotions – DealDash has many different promotions that are offered. Some of these are 2x and 3x Time As The Highest Bidder (TATHB) which means that you collect time on your time clock even faster than normal. Another bidder favorite regarding promotions is the $3 No Jumper limit. Normally, there are no new bidders allowed into DealDash auctions after the auction reaches a price of $5. However, during this promotion there are no new bidders allowed in after $3. This results in less competition for you.
Free Bids – What’s better than a bid sale? Free bids, of course! You can get free bids on DealDash in a variety of ways such as the TATHB that we talked about in item #2, but that’s only one way! You can also get free bids by just visiting DealDash every day and placing a bid. You will get more free bids each day that you visit DealDash consecutively, until you are getting a cool 30 free bids per day.
Thanks for Reading
Thanks so much for reading this DealDash Blog article on how much DealDash loves their customers. Don’t forget to check back every day for new articles here are well as on our sister blogs, DealDash Reviews, and DealDash Tips. Be sure to read even more tips and tricks on the “Tactics & Tips” section on DealDash.
Let’s get free bids by using the time clock! DealDash has the perfect items for you and your family. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Have fun on DealDash, and happy bidding everyone!
This sponsored DealDash blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this blog. Read even more at,, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.