Poll Results Are In! Require or Not Require BidBuddy?

In yesterdays blog post by Kim Finnegan, an experienced bidder who has been shopping on DealDash.com since September 2012 with over 150 auction wins, questioned the highly used BidBuddy DealDash currently has as an option for bidding. The BidBuddy is your automated bidding tool which allows you to plug-in any number of bids you have available on your bid balance and let the auction ride in hopes others will not bid and you’ll have that sweet taste of victory and lovely explosion of fireworks!

Fireworks on DealDash

The BidBuddy will place your bid at the very final second of the auction while you sit back and watch or go on with your daily activities of work, sleep, play, or whatever requires your attention. Having your bid placed at the final second of the auction is a viable strategy as it conserves your bids while others place single bids, perhaps unaware your BidBuddy is locked and loaded. Don’t take the word “locked” the wrong way, you can cancel your BidBuddy at anytime and all the unused bids will be deposited back to your bid balance and can be used again at anytime. One can also add more bids to the BidBuddy as well without having to cancel and re-book as shown in this lovely and colorful snippet of the BidBuddy Box.

DealDash BidBuddy

So the BIG question Kim asked is… Should BidBuddy Be Required? These are only the results gathered so far since the question was asked yesterday, July 8th, however so far the results are split fairly evenly.

BidBuddy Results on DealDash
First Day Poll Results

What do you think about the BidBuddy? Should it be required or does it take away from the bidding fun?

The poll will be open for another 6 days, answer here:

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Should BidBuddy Be Required?

DealDash BidBuddyWe have all been in DealDash auctions with bidders who constantly cut us off and stomp on our time as the highest bidders. It is frustrating to say the least. I have read the Blog posts both condemning and supporting these practices. I am not a supporter. I wonder, what if Bid Buddy was required and not optional?

If Bid Buddy was required, then one could plug-in as many bids as they choose and increase them as needed. It would sure stop the stomping and perhaps even lower the final costs of the auction selling price. Bidders would also collect their time as highest bidder and level up easier, collecting their free bids. I can’t help but think it would help newbies, in particular, from wasting bids before they know how to “play” the game of DealDash in order to have the best experience. If we stop them from wasting their bids, then we also stop them from wasting our bids.

Another secondary suggestion might be requiring use of the Bid Buddy until one reaches a certain level. That way bidders would need to gain the right to bid and understand how the process and Bid Buddy works before being able to manually bid. Oh some seasoned bidders will still stomp at will but at least it would cut down on some of the stomping. Just food for thought!

What do you think? Should Bid Buddy be required?

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By Kim Finnegan

I have been a bidder on DealDash since Sept 2012 and have won over 150 auctions.

DealDash Bidding Review Podcast With Real Customers

Listen to a podcast recording of two real DealDash customers sharing their bidding review and tips of advice for getting started with DealDash.com

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/107298891″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]

The Bidding Basics Of How Deal Dash Works

1. You need to buy bids before you can bid in the auctions. The normal price of bids is 60¢ per bid however DealDash has regular discount sales where you can buy bids anywhere from 15 to 20 cents per bid. For example you can get 200 bids for $30.00 (breaks down to 15¢ per bid).

2. Auctions start off at $0.00 (no reserve price) and each bid placed increases the final selling price of the auction by 1 penny.

Example: the auction begins at $0.00 and 1 bid is placed, the price of the auction goes to $0.01, another bid is placed by someone else and the price goes to $0.02. With each bid placed the auction clock is reset to 10 seconds and begins counting down allowing the opportunity for someone else to place a bid if they want to. When no more bids are placed, the auction ends and sells to the highest bidder who becomes the winner! 

If you’re considering to give DealDash a try, you’ll be happy to know there are two different guarantees.

1. If you don’t win an auction with your first bid pack, DealDash will give those bids back to you free for a second chance. This allows you to try again and try a different strategy.

2. There is a full 90 day money back guarantee on your first purchase if not satisfied for any reason.

Go ahead and give DealDash a try today! Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the customer support team by sending an email to [email protected].

Enjoy the auctions! There’s over 1,000 listed every day!

SEE ALSO: How I Get 300 Free DealDash Bids Every Week




Top Tips, Winning Strategies And Ways To Get Free Bids

Here is a list of the top articles featuring tips, bidding strategies to winning auctions, and how to get free bids on DealDash.com.

Have you been finding it harder to win recently? Have you thought about your bidding strategy recently? Here are some great articles you may want to review. As you probably know auctions are unpredictable and adapting different bidding strategies is one way to continue winning auctions and enjoying your shopping experience. Try implementing some new bidding tips and collect some free bids to help with your overall strategy.

1. The Keys To Winning Auctions On DealDash.com

This article provides bidders with some of the basic building blocks to developing a good winning strategy.

2. Top 3 Bidding Tips For Having The Best DealDash Experience

Dive further into detail on how to use these three important bidding tips to enhance your bidding experience.

  1. Watch and Learn
  2. Use the BidBuddy
  3. Buy it Now

You may also like A Simple Exercise To Find The Perfect Auction and discover how to really watch auctions.







3. 3 Tips For Earning Free Bids On DealDash

Yes… FREE Bids!!!

Free Bids DealDash

4. How To Get Free Bids On DealDash.com

Reveals the Number 1 Way To Earn Free Bids. 

5. Are You Sabotaging Bidding Success By Another Satisfied DealDash.com Penny Bidder

Take an in-depth look at four dangerous emotions which could be sabotaging your bidding success and learn how to prevent them.

  1. Change Hope To Strategy
  2. Freeze Fear
  3. Neutralize Greed
  4. Knock Out Angry Bidding

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Top 3 Bidding Tips for Having the Best DealDash Experience

  1. Watch and Learn – The first and most important bidding tip for having the best DealDash experience is to take the time to watch and learn how the auctions work. Be sure to read the FAQ and visit the how does it work page on DealDash.com before jumping into the auctions. Once you have a solid understanding of the bidding process and various DealDash features, it’s advised to take the time to participate in a few auctions as a bystander only. Watch the auctions and see how they play out. Some people even keep a notepad or excel sheet to track bidders and what type of bidding strategies they are using or what auctions they recently won. Visiting the winners page is useful to see what just sold and for how much it sold for. One secret tip is to view the auction in logged out mode. When you do this, you are able to see what the average selling price is for any particular item on DealDash.

    DealDash Auction
    From logged out view you can see the average selling price for the auction.
  2. Use the BidBuddy – Wait! What is the BidBuddy? You should know this by now if you have taken the time to read the FAQ and may even be able to spot bidders using their BidBuddy. The BidBuddy is your automated bidding tool. This comes in very handy because when you book bids in your BidBuddy, you don’t have to sit at your computer and press the Bid Button over and over again every time you want to place a bid. The BidBuddy also removes the risk of placing your bid too late and having the system not recognize the bid causing the auction to sell right in front of you to the other bidder. The BidBuddy will place your bids during the last few seconds of the auction clock automatically. Auctions can not end when more than one person has bids booked in their BidBuddy. If multiple bidders have bids on their BidBuddy, they will take turns placing bids until all but one run out of bids. This is why you may notice the same few people placing their bids in a rotating order. Example: BidderA, BidderB, BidderC, BidderA, BidderB, BidderC, BidderA, BidderB…. you get the idea.  A secret tip: the high majority of all auctions sold are won with the BidBuddy!

    DealDash BidBuddy
    Insert bids in the BidBuddy to help you win auctions.
  3. Buy it Now if you don’t win – DealDash is much more than just a penny auction site, it’s a retail shopping store and you will find some of the newest & coolest items on DealDash.com that you might find in other retail stores – with comparable and competitive prices! It’s one of the main reasons people come to DealDash to shop for their families and friends. Why? Because the Buy it Now prices are fair, DealDash makes shopping more fun, plus shopping here gives you the chance to get a really really good deal. There are over 1,000 auction winners everyday with thousands of examples of amazing deals. Remember the winners page..? Yes, just check that out and see what recently sold. Other penny auction sites are set up in a way that if you don’t win the auction, you’re out of luck and walk away empty handed with nothing to show for it. This is one aspect which makes DealDash different. It’s obvious that there is only one winner to each auction listed. So, what happens to all the people that did not win the auction? The Buy it Now happens! People that don’t win the auction have a full 7 days (not 1 or 2 hours like other sites – if they even have a Buy Now option) to decide if they want to buy the same item they were bidding on at regular retail price. In doing so, they’ll get back all the bids used in that auction. So what does this all really mean and what is the BIG takeaway? Bid on items you want and/or need. If you don’t win it, Buy it Now and get your bids back to try for something else. Remember… DealDash is a retail shopping site. Use these tips and take away the gamble but keep the thrill!
    DealDash Buy it Now
    Buy it Now and Get Back your Bids!

    Did you like this post? If so, you may also want to check out DealDash Reviewed – a blog site made up of real stories written by real DealDash customers. Want to get up to 200 Free DealDash Bids and a chance to win a $500 gift card every week? Check out our Facebook page to learn more!