How Does DealDash Compare?

When thinking about how DealDash compares to other bidding sites, I think you would agree with me that DealDash is the best! I’ll tell you why.

  First off, DealDash is user friendly. DealDash is extremely welcoming of new bidders and explains everything very simply in an up-front way so there are no misunderstandings how the bidding process works. There are even videos explaining how the bidding process works. Check out DealDash ‘s official YouTube page at this link right here to see their videos. Or you could watch the DealDash video that I made explaining everything at this link right here.

  Secondly, DealDash has amazingly responsive and friendly customer service and support. I have emailed them a few times about various issues and questions about DealDash and I have always received an email back within a day, and sometimes I even received a phone call! Another wonderful thing about DealDash customer service is whenever I have interacted with them they have never tried to pressure me to buy a single bid. Other penny auction sites used to call and email me weekly to hard sell into buying bids that I wasn’t interested in buying at that moment. The final straw for me with them was when they told me that if I bought $1,000 worth of bids from them over their phone they would “help” me win an auction. That’s cheating. Which brings me to the next point.

  DealDash is totally transparent and honest with everyone. All bidders the same chance and opportunity to win auctions. There are no “special” bidders, whoever is willing to spend their bids to win the auction will be the winner. There are no “bots” placing fake bids on DealDash to help certain people win. Whoever places the final bid when the clock hits zero is the winner.

  Now that you have heard some of the big differences between DealDash and other bidding sites I’m sure that you want to go check out DealDash! Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

Checking Out DealDash’s Home, Garden, and Tools Section

DealDash’s Home, Garden, and Tools Section is very popular with bidders. Let’s explore what’s inside.

When you think of the Home, Garden, and Tools category what is the first thing that comes to mind? For me, the first thing that comes to mind is gardening, especially in the summer. DealDash has a lot of great gardening supplies such as raised garden beds, small gardening hand tools such as spades and larger gardening tools such as shovels and rakes. DealDash also has pop-up greenhouses, hoses, and so many other wonderful things that you can use to make your garden and yard beautiful.

The next part of the Home, Garden, and Tools category that we will explore is the tool section. DealDash has an excellent selection of tools, from the smallest humble flashlight all the way up to professional rolling tool storage carts. Of course, there are many more things that are somewhere in the middle, such as rechargeable drill sets, household tool sets with everything you need for small projects, and even some real tools that you can get your kids to show them how to use and respect tools. I have gotten a few tools from DealDash, and they have come in very useful around the house.

The last part of the Home, Garden, and Tools category is home. Home encompasses so many different products on DealDash it would be hard to list every one. I will try to provide a brief overview of what you can look forward to seeing regarding products for your home. To start off with, this year DealDash has partnered with some amazing and interesting new high-end companies, and there is a ton of new things to explore in the home section. There are works of art such as oil paintings, different sculptures, furniture that’s beautiful as well as useful, and other unique luxurious items. When we are exploring the home section we are not just talking about high-end decorative items, regular everyday household items such as vacuum cleaners, sheet sets, and candles are included as well.

The Home, Garden, and Tools category is an excellent section to look through when you are trying to think of a housewarming present, wedding present, or just something special to give a friend. I can guarantee you they won’t be able to find some of these items at their local stores!

I hope this article has you intrigued enough to go check out the Home, Garden, and Tools category on DealDash. You can check it out at this link right here. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash Makes Life Better

DealDash has definitely improved my life. How can they improve yours?

To start off with, DealDash is a category of website known as “Shopping Entertainment.” So, I would say that the first way that DealDash has improved my life is that they entertain me! I personally love to bid and BIN (Buy It Now) products that I would normally buy anyway, such as baby products, kid’s toys, movies, and household things. By using DealDash and enjoying their shopping entertainment model I am having fun shopping – so much more fun than if I were to just make a list and go shopping.

Speaking of going shopping, DealDash saves me time and aggravation. They say that time is money, and I must be poor, because I have no time to spare. Just the thought of packing up snacks, bottles, diapers, and spare clothes for a simple trip to one of the “big box” stores makes me feel annoyed. Then to actually pack up the things for the journey, shove all of the kids in the car, drive to the store, and somehow wrangle all three of them while doing my shopping does not sound like a good time to me. However, sitting on the couch in my PJs, sipping a coffee while the kids play in the playroom and I play on DealDash – now that sounds like a fun morning in my opinion.

DealDash saves me money. Now, I know that some of the people that read this blog may not agree with me, but I have saved a TON of money by using DealDash. My secret is simple, I only bid on things that I am absolutely prepared to BIN. That way either I win and get a great deal, or if I don’t win I can always pay the retail price and get all of my bids back immediately to use again. I feel like the people who say they aren’t saving money with DealDash just aren’t using the tools that DealDash offers, such as the BIN program. Other auction sites only give you a fraction of credit if you want to buy their items, DealDash gives you every single bid back that you used.

I hope that this article gave you some inspiration of how to use DealDash more effectively. If you’d like to think about how much time DealDash can save you, how about checking out the clocks that they have up for auction? You can see them at this link right here. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!



Looking at the Fashion, Health, & Beauty DealDash Category



You might be surprised at what is in the Fashion, Health, and Beauty section. Let’s see what we can find.

   The Fashion, Health, and Beauty category has always been one of my favorites! Let’s break it down into each section. The items are each very different but all follow the common theme of either fashion, health, or beauty.
  Fashion – While it’s fairly rare that DealDash has a lot of clothing up for auction, there is occasionally a piece of clothing for your wardrobe. My theory of why DealDash rarely has clothing up for auction is because everyone is a different size, and there would be no way to select your size after winning. Also, a size medium in one brand can be a vastly different size of a medium in a different brand. When we are speaking of fashion on DealDash we are mostly talking about jewelry, watches, purses, hats, and backpacks.
  Health – Health items on DealDash tend to be of the pampering kind, such as foot massagers, Back massagers, and even extremely fancy “dream” massage chairs. As in, it’s only a dream for most people to own one. The health part of the Fashion, Health, and Beauty category includes some practical health items as well such as blood pressure monitors, electronic toothbrushes, digital thermometers, and even fitness trackers.
  Beauty – The beauty in the Fashion, Health, and Beauty category includes such things as perfume, hair dryers, flat iron hair straighteners, make up brushes, and more. These are my personal favorite items on the entire DealDash site, because I normally don’t treat myself to things just for me, but when I win one of these great beauty items I am very happy to receive it.
  So there it is, a quick overview of my favorite section, the Fashion, Health, and Beauty category. Judging from the competition in the the Fashion, Health, and Beauty category a lot of people enjoy this section on DealDash. If you would like to check out the the Fashion, Health, and Beauty category for yourself, just click this link right here.
  I hope that this article has peaked your interest in exploring the different categories at DealDash. Go check them out! Good luck and happy bidding everyone.
Si Lolita Ladies by Lolita - EDP (1.7 oz)

How Can We Be Better Bidders?

Even if you’re great at something you can always be better. Let’s examine how we bid.

How we can improve bidding with the end result being that next big win at DealDash? Sometimes all you need to do to improve is to take a closer look at your habits.

If you’ve noticed your wins are becoming more few and far between, perhaps it’s time to tighten up your bidding game. Let’s get back to basics.

  • Pay close attention to your competitors. If you’re just throwing bids in any old auction without paying attention to who your competition is you might be throwing away your bids.
  • Speaking of throwing your bids in any old auction, don’t do that! Make sure that you are thinking about the auction before you put any bids in. Do a little research on the item to make sure that this is the item you truly want. In a lot of cases DealDash has similar items up for auction within days of each other.
  • Buy your bids at the best price. You can spend more bids on each auction without hitting the BIN (Buy It Now) price if you buy the bids cheaper to begin with. Try to wait for a great sale on bids and then buy as many as your budget allows.
  • Make sure that you’re using your BidBuddy so that you’re not spending more bids than you need to.
  • If you don’t WIN make sure you BIN!

If you still find yourself not getting many wins maybe it’s time to totally change up your game! If you normally bid at night, bid in the morning. If you normally bid on kitchen stuff bid on toys! Change things around and maybe your luck will change as well.


  It takes time and experience to develop bidding skills and strategies. If you take my advice to heart, chances are good that soon you’ll be winning the big prizes and wonder why you were ever having trouble with winning at all. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!