Get the Most Out of DealDash

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Why do anything if you’re not trying to get the most out of the experience? Here’s how to get the most out of your DealDash experience.

For newbies on DealDash, you might be a little apprehensive to jump right in with two feet into bidding if you don’t really know what you are doing. That’s why this blog is here to help! We want you to get the most of out your DealDash experience, and the way to do that is to learn everything about DealDash that you can! The more you learn, the better bidder that you will become. Now let’s talk about DealDash!

The best, best, BEST way to become a great bidder and get the most out of your DealDash experience is to watch and observe before you drop even 1 bid on anything. If you spend just a few hours watching and observing before you decide to bid you can decide what to bid on, what kind of bidding style you are going to use, and how many bids that you are willing to spend on a certain item. So that’s lesson number 1, watch and observe to get the most out of your DealDash experience.

Of course, watching the other bidders is great, and knowing your competition does help, but you can only gain that knowledge that by bidding, so go ahead and purchase a bid pack. You can start with a small one if you like, but if there is a great bid sale going on (sometimes the bids can get as low as .12 per bid!) then you should buy a bigger pack. After buying the bid pack you can load up your BidBuddy with the appropriate number of bids to reach the BIN (Buy It Now) price. Now that’s the proper way to get the most out of your DealDash experience – never bid without your BidBuddy!


I hope this article has encouraged you to learn more about DealDash. You should definitely check out DealDash’s “Tips & Tricks” section on the site. It’s full of great information that you will find helpful when bidding on DealDash. Just click this link right here and you can check it out. Good Luck and Happy Bidding, everyone!

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Deal Dash and You – A Winning Combination

DealDash and You

Shopping and bidding on Deal Dash is a wonderful hobby. I learn new things every time that I play. Here are a few handy tips that can help you win many auctions.

Winning DealDash auctions can be difficult or easy, but it’s never really very complicated. You just need to find your own winning formula and use it to help you win auctions. Here are some tips and tricks that I use in many auctions.

  • Don’t go bidding “willy-nilly.” Think of an item that you would like to try to win on DealDash. Do a little research on that item, see what price the item has gone for in previous auctions, and expect to pay around the same amount. When you have made an informed decision about what item that you would like to win, set an alert on that item so you will know when the item is coming up for auction. Setting an alert is easy. Simply search for your item, click on the item, and look on the right side of the screen. There will be a blue button that says “Alert Me”. Click on the button, and when the item is coming up for auction DealDash will send you an email. It’s a great way to never miss out on an auction for a product that you really want.
  • Check the “Winners” tab at the top of the screen after you have signed into DealDash. Some days it seems like people are winning absolutely amazing deals – now’s the time to bid! Other days it seems like everyone is over-bidding. Most days are in the middle between the two extremes, but it’s definitely helpful to know what sort of winning day that it is on DealDash.
  • Use your BidBuddy – Every.Single.Time. There is absolutely, 100% no reason that you shouldn’t use your BidBuddy. Don’t even think about bidding without your buddy by your side.
  • The same players usually bid the same way over and over. Once an over-bidder, always an over-bidder. Keep a list of the worst over-bidding offenders and don’t even bother to get into an auction with them unless you are planning on BINning (Buy It Now) the auction anyway, and just want to rack up a lot of “clock time” as the highest bidder. This strategy makes sense if DealDash is running one of their 3X or even 5X as the highest bidder promotions.

Download the DealDash app for winning on the go. You can get the app for both iOS and Android operating systems. After you have used the app, be sure to rate and review it! If you have any suggestions for the app you can always send DealDash customer service an email and they can forward it to the proper people for consideration.

Here is the Android version on Google Play –

Here is the iOS version in the App store –

I hope that you have found this article helpful, thanks for reading! Go check out DealDash at this link right here. Good Luck and Happy Bidding everyone!


Losing Weight and Being Healthy With DealDash

Image result for losing weight being healthy Everyone wants to look and feel their best, that’s why DealDash offers many auctions for a healthy lifestyle.

DealDash realizes that losing weight and getting healthy can be a little difficult sometimes. That’s why they offer so many different auctions that can help you on your way to a healthier lifestyle. Getting started on your healthy path might seem hard, but you’re not alone, DealDash is here!

When you’re just getting started on your way to a healthier lifestyle, it’s good to start small, with easy changes to your current lifestyle. One of the best things that you can do for your health is to cut out almost all drinks except for water. No, no, I’m not telling you to give up your morning cup of coffee! I wouldn’t do that to you! However, I would advise to cut out the soda with your lunch, the beer after work, and the wine with dinner. If you are able to do this, and replace those drinks with water (or even sparkling water) on weekdays you will be well on your way to a healthier you. DealDash can help you with your plan to increase your water intake – they have water dispensers, kettles to boil water, water bottles, and more. Just click this link right here and it will take you to see some of the different water options that DealDash offers.

Primo Top Load Hot/Cold Water Dispenser

Of course, if you are trying to get fit, you will need to do some exercise as well. Walking is one of the easiest and most enjoyable exercises that you can do. Walking in your neighborhood with a friend or family member for an hour after dinner would be optimal, but since we are getting into the autumn and then winter season soon you might need to think about using a treadmill instead.

Exerpeutic 400XL Electric Treadmill

If you’re getting on a treadmill for the first time, or even more importantly if you’re someone who hasn’t had any strenuous physical activity for at least three months, it’s important to check with your doctor to be sure that your body can handle the extra activity, and ask them what they would recommend as far as a training schedule. For people who do exercise occasionally you can gradually increase the intensity of your exercise by increasing your speed and incline as time progresses. Just be sure that you start slowly. If you strain yourself, you will be in too much pain to want to work out the next day, and then your whole plan could be derailed.

If you haven’t quite worked your way up to being able to exercise just yet, you can gain health benefits by just swapping out your chair for an exercise ball. You don’t need to do any exercise with it just yet, by simply sitting on the exercise ball instead of the couch while watching TV you can reap the health benefits of increased balance and core strength.

Yoga Direct Anti Burst & Slow Leak Deluxe Yoga Ball

I hope this article has encouraged you to think about trying new things and getting healthy. If you’re interested in getting some items to get you started with your fitness, head on over to DealDash. DealDash has all of the pieces of equipment that we talked about, as well as balance boards, mats, and plenty of other items that you can use to get healthy. Check out the Hobbies, Outdoors, & Sports category and I’m sure that you’ll find something that you can use. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


DealDash Says Goodbye to August

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Can you believe today is the last day of August? To many people this symbolizes the end of the summer season. Let’s look back at our summer.

It’s been quite a summer, so many different things have been happening all over the world this summer. Here is a quick re-cap of the exciting things that have happened over the past few months.

In June the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. It was a very tight vote, leaving won by 52% to 48%. The referendum turnout was 71.8%, with more than 30 million people voting. This might not seem like it’s very relevant to us leaving here in the USA, but when something this important happens it’s effects are likely to be felt around the world, especially in financial ways.

In July, in a 4+ year journey to the solar system’s largest planet, NASA’s Juno spacecraft successfully entered Jupiter’s orbit. The Juno spacecraft launched on Aug. 5, 2011 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.  Juno will orbit Jupiter 37 times in all. One trip around Jupiter takes Juno about 14 days. Juno’s mission is important, because Juno is doing this trip to help us learn more about our solar system; and what we learn could help us find more new planets!

In August, of course, were the Summer Olympic games in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. 11,303 athletes took part, and luckily,  the United States dominated the medal table for the fifth time in the past six Summer Olympics, winning the most golds (46) and most medals overall (121).

I hope that everyone had a wonderful summer! You can keep the fun and excitement of the summer going through fall if you download the free DealDash app on either the Google Play store or the Apple App store. After you have used the app to win some auctions on DealDash, be sure to rate and review it! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the app, be sure to contact DealDash customer service and they will help you figure things out. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

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Time for a New Samsung?

If you’re like me, you go through phones pretty quickly. DealDash has phones you can bid on and win for a great deal.

I am a few steps behind on my phone right now – I currently have two that I am using – a Samsung Galaxy S5, and a Samsung Galaxy Note 4.  They are so similar, the Note 4 is just bigger and has the S-Pen which can be extremely helpful for a lot of things, especially for customizing photos. They are both so easy to use and even customize to your own preferences. DealDash also has the Galaxy S6 Edge and even the Galaxy S7 Edge up for bid. If you’d like to check out all of the Samsung phones that DealDash has available, just click on this link here. The Galaxy is a great product, and if you want more Samsung, they also make tablets.

Samsung S5Samsung Galaxy Note 4 N910C 32GB Unlocked GSM 4G LTE Octa-Core Phone - White






The Galaxy Tab A is the newest and one of the best selling tablets out on the market today. There is both an 8 inch and a 9.7 inch screen available. My in-law’s have the 8 inch Tab A, and they absolutely love it. They mostly take it along to use to take pictures and videos of the grandkids, but my Mother-in-Law also loves to play games on it, and even chat with her friends! If you’d like to check out the Tab A, just click on this link here. If you find an item on the site that isn’t currently scheduled for an auction and says “Coming soon”, simply click the yellow “Alert Me” button. An e-mail will automatically be sent to you when the auction enters the queue. You will receive three e-mails for each alert: one when the auction is scheduled, one 8 hours before the auctions begins, and one more when the auction starts.

After you have gotten any of the Samsung Galaxy phones or tablets, go download the free DealDash app from the Google Play store. It’s very easy to use, and a lot of fun. After you give it a try be sure to go back and rate it 5 stars! Here is the link to go download the DealDash app for free.


If you’re looking to upgrade your smartphone or tablet DealDash and Samsung have you covered. DealDash holds multiple auctions of Samsung products daily, you could be the winner! Go ahead and check out some of Samsung’s newest products; And remember, if you don’t win the auction, you can Buy It Now (BIN), and get all of your bids back. Good luck everyone!