Like Winning on DealDash? Read this…

Winning DealDash

Everyone who plays on DealDash wants to win, but there can only be one winner per auction. Help boost your odds by reading this article.

Did you know that winning isn’t always a matter of luck on DealDash? Sometimes a bidder can have a stroke of luck, of course, such as being the only person who chooses to bid on a certain auction. That doesn’t happen terribly often, though. Most of the time bidders who win do so because they’ve taken the time and effort to learn how the auctions are played and the website works.

DealDash wants you to win.

No, really, they do! If there weren’t enough players bidding on and winning auctions then there wouldn’t be a need for a shopping entertainment site like DealDash. DealDash is grateful for all of the bidders and they show their appreciation in the form of free bids for various reasons and also by providing you information on how to win more auctions.

DealDash regularly posts information to help people learn how to win, both in this blog, the DealDash Tips blog, the DealDash Reviewed blog, and also on the website itself. The blogs often post helpful articles such as this one, and the website provides pages such as the “Winners” tab, which lets you see who’s winning which auction, when they’re winning it, and for how much.

Other DealDash Features

DealDash provides several special features to help bidders level the playing field and win more items. These features are extremely are easy to use and understand, but not everyone uses them, I can only assume it’s because they don’t understand how they work. Here are a few great features that DealDash provides every single bidder, for free.

  • BIN – “Buy it now” option. The BIN feature lets you buy an item that you didn’t win at the regular retail price and receive all of your bids back. When you BIN an item, you get all your bids back from that auction for FREE, and so you can use them in another auction. You receive them back immediately after you pay for the item.
  • The BidBuddy – The BidBuddy is you best bidding friend. Simply put the number of bids that you are willing to spend into the BidBuddy and hit the “Book a BidBuddy” button and the BidBuddy will bid for you until all of the bids have been used up. You can start or stop a BidBuddy at any time.
  • Bookmarks – You can bookmark auctions that you’re interested in and then view them all on the main auction page on the top left.
  • No Jumper Limits – The No Jumper Limit prevent new bidders from joining after the item price reaches $5 (occasionally there is a $3 limit during promotions). The No Jumper Limits reduces the number of bidders who can join that particular auction so there’s less competition.

I hope this article has been helpful and encouraged you to learn more about DealDash. It’s fun to learn about our favorite web site. You should definitely check out DealDash’s “Tips & Tricks” section on the site. It’s full of great information that you will find helpful when bidding on DealDash. Just click this link right here and you can check it out. Good Luck and Happy Bidding, everyone!

Always BIN WIN DealDash

Gather ‘Round for the Story of DealDash

 dealdash story

Once upon a time…There was an amazing company called DealDash. Here is the DealDash story.

DealDash is not quite like any other web site, auction site, or shopping site out there. It is a company that was born out of a bad experience that the company’s founder, William Wolfram had when he was just 16 years old. Read on to learn some interesting history about DealDash.

DealDash was founded on February 22, 2009, just about 8 years ago, when it’s founder, William Wolfram was a teenager. He had a bad experience on another bidding site, and had lost money. As you know, with these other bidding sites, once you use your bids, they’re gone, and there’s no recovering your money.

William had the bright idea to start a similar shopping entertainment website with one distinct and important difference – the ability to re-claim your bids if you didn’t win the auction. And thus, DealDash and the Buy It Now (BIN) policy was created.

DealDash has grown at a strikingly impressive rate since that fateful day in 2009. There are now hundreds of auctions daily, and they run 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. DealDash never stops. DealDash may have started with humble beginnings, but now they boast over 8 million unique registered users. That might sound like a lot of competition, and if you are feeling a bit wary to join in the fun, that’s okay, you can give it a try completely risk-free!

DealDash is absolutely 100% risk-free to try. If you don’t win anything with your first bid pack that you purchase, you may request and receive a refundOnly your first bid pack is fully refundable. Just think, if all auction websites had this policy, William Wolfram might have never started DealDash! That’s the DealDash difference – 100% risk-free shopping entertainment.

I hope this article has encouraged you to learn more about DealDash. It’s fun to learn about our favorite web site. You should definitely check out DealDash’s “Tips & Tricks” section on the site. It’s full of great information that you will find helpful when bidding on DealDash. Just click this link right here and you can check it out. Good Luck and Happy Bidding, everyone!

If the Tips & Tricks section doesn’t satisfy your quest for more DealDash knowledge, then be sure to visit our two sister blogs, DealDash Reviews and DealDash Tips. There are new articles posted daily in an effort to help you be the best bidder possible. Good Luck and Happy Bidding, everyone!

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Happy New Years ~ Resolve to Sleep

 Image result for new yearsHappy New Year!! Let’s make a resolution to sleep more! That’s one that everyone will find beneficial. Let’s talk about how to get a better night’s sleep.

Do you know the correct number of hours of sleep that you should be getting every night? The correct answer is between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night, but do you know anyone who actually gets the proper amount? Now that it’s New Year’s Eve, and people are making resolutions for the new year, why not do something great for your health that feels nice, too? Resolve to get more sleep in 2017!

Getting enough sleep makes you feel better and have a better mood throughout the day, and your health can really suffer if you frequently don’t get enough sleep. Did you know that not getting enough sleep has worse consequences than just being grumpy –  poor sleep leads to cardiovascular dysfunction, a poor immune system, glucose and insulin abnormalities, weight gain due to fluctuating hormones that control appetite, and impaired cognitive function. Those are some serious health risks that can be easily avoided by turning off the computer a little earlier in the evening, not watching that extra episode of your show on TV, and not lying in bed for an extra hour looking at your smartphone.

It’s not just your physical body that can suffer when you don’t get enough sleep, your mind can suffer as well. Frequently getting less than 7 hours of sleep per night can lead to anxiety, depression, impaired reasoning skills, and mental sluggishness. If you already suffer from any of these problems, lack of sleep can make it worse. Don’t do that to yourself, go to bed a bit earlier every night!

If you are having trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep at night you might want to look into getting a different pillow, bedding, or even a new mattress. You can also try keeping a fan going in your bedroom all night. The fan serves two purposes – It’s easier to fall asleep when your room is a bit on the cooler side, and the fan also provides just the right amount of “white noise” to help you block out the noises outside of your bedroom.

If you’re looking to get a new pillow or some different bedding be sure to check out DealDash first. DealDash has recently started offering some ultra comfortable, premium microfiber 6 piece sheet sets for auction. Just click this link here and you can go check them out on DealDash.


I hope this article helps you on a journey to better sleeping habits. If you’re interested in getting some new soothing items for your bedroom, including the fan that I recommended head on over to DealDash. DealDash has everything you need to improve your life and help you in your resolution to get more sleep at night. Visit DealDash now. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


Merry Christmas 2016 From DealDash!


merry christmas tree dealdash

Merry Christmas Eve everyone! Tomorrow is Christmas! It a beautiful and magical time of year.

This has been an amazing year for me personally and professionally, and I am so extremely grateful all year, but especially around Christmas time. DealDash has been a wonderful part of my life this year, and I thank them for putting on so many nice auctions, having such kind and thoughtful employees, and being an all-around great company.


The fact that DealDash offers us all the BIN (Buy It Now) feature is a blessing, because when you use the BIN feature you get all of your bids back after purchasing the item that you are interested in, so you can bid with no risk. It’s an amazing feeling to win an auction, but it’s an even better feeling to know that you can participate in DealDash auctions and not lose any money.

Every year I like to update my 12 DealDash Days of Christmas, so here is this year’s version!

The 12 Days of DealDash

On the first day of Christmas
My DealDash gave to me
Game of Thrones on DVD

On the second day of Christmas
My DealDash gave to me
Two Beats Headphones and
Game of Thrones on DVD

On the third day of Christmas
My DealDash gave to me
Three Keurig Brewers
Two Beats Headphones and
Game of Thrones on DVD

On the fourth day of Christmas
My DealDash gave to me
Four Minecraft games
Three Keurig Brewers
Two Beats Headphones and
Game of Thrones on DVD

On the fifth day of Christmas
My DealDash sent to me
Five Lego Sets
Four Minecraft games
Three Keurig Brewers
Two Beats Headphones and
Game of Thrones on DVD

On the sixth day of Christmas,
My DealDash sent to me
Six Popcorn Poppers Popping
Five Lego Sets
Four Minecraft games
Three Keurig Brewers
Two Beats Headphones and
Game of Thrones on DVD

On the seventh day of Christmas,
My DealDash gave to me
Seven Air fryers frying
Six Popcorn Poppers Popping
Five Lego Sets
Four Minecraft games
Three Keurig Brewers
Two Beats Headphones and
Game of Thrones on DVD

On the eight day of Christmas,
My DealDash gave to me
Eight Dysons cleaning
Seven Air fryers frying
Six Popcorn Poppers Popping
Five Lego Sets
Four Minecraft games
Three Keurig Brewers
Two Beats Headphones and
Game of Thrones on DVD

On the ninth day of Christmas,
My DealDash gave to me
Nine Nikons snapping
Eight Dysons cleaning
Seven Air fryers frying
Six Popcorn Poppers Popping
Five Lego Sets
Four Minecraft games
Three Keurig Brewers
Two Beats Headphones and
Game of Thrones on DVD

On the tenth day of Christmas,
My DealDash gave to me
Ten Bluetooth speakers playing
Nine Nikons snapping
Eight Dysons cleaning
Seven Air fryers frying
Six Popcorn Poppers Popping
Five Lego Sets
Four Minecraft games
Three Keurig Brewers
Two Beats Headphones and
Game of Thrones on DVD

On the eleventh day of Christmas,
My DealDash gave to me
Eleven Keyboards typing
Ten Bluetooth speakers playing
Nine Nikons snapping
Eight Dysons cleaning
Seven Air fryers frying
Six Popcorn Poppers Popping
Five Lego Sets
Four Minecraft games
Three Keurig Brewers
Two Beats Headphones and
Game of Thrones on DVD

On the Twelfth day of Christmas,
My DealDash gave to me
Twelve Kitchenaids mixing
Eleven Keyboards typing
Ten Bluetooth speakers playing
Nine Nikons snapping
Eight Dysons cleaning
Seven Air fryers frying
Six Popcorn Poppers Popping
Five Lego Sets
Four Minecraft games
Three Keurig Brewers
Two Beats Headphones
and Game of Thrones on DVD

If you are still looking for any last minute gifts head on over to DealDash and check out what they have up for auction today. It probably won’t arrive before Christmas, but it will get to you quickly and safely. Merry Christmas Everyone!


Enjoying Entertainment Shopping at DealDash

screenshot-14Did you know that DealDash is classified as “Entertainment Shopping? “What is entertainment shopping?” you might ask. Read on, and be informed.

Entertainment shopping is a hot new category of internet shopping. DealDash is considered entertainment shopping, because even though you are bidding, having fun, and competing with other people there is no monetary risk as long as you are willing to buy the item that you are bidding on in an auction.

How is there no monetary risk? Luckily, DealDash is a progressive auction site and has come up with the brilliant solution of Buy It Now. Buy It Now is referred to as “BIN” by DealDash, and is really a lifesaver if you feel that you’ve bid over your budget. When you’re in the midst of an auction, and see that you have put too many bids in to make good financial sense then just BIN it!

BINning an auction is easy and only takes a moment on DealDash. In the bidding box there will be a button that says “Buy It Now for …. and get …. bids back”. When you are ready to stop bidding, hit that BIN button and you will be able to buy the item that you were bidding on for its retail value, and you will get every single bid back that you placed, to use on another auction. You get the bids back immediately after you pay for your BIN auction, you can use them right away if you’d like. In addition to getting all of your bids back, you will also get free shipping! Free shipping is available on everything!

Yes, free shipping is available on every single auction. No matter if you are the winner of the auction or someone who uses Buy It Now to purchase the item, every single item that comes from DealDash receives fast and free shipping. Entertainment shopping is supposed to be fun, and paying for shipping and handling fees definitely isn’t the definition of fun!

I hope that this DealDash Blog article has been helpful in showing you how fun entertainment shopping can be when you know how to use the BIN safety net. Use your newfound information and go bid on DealDash. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!
