How Do I Love DealDash? Let Me Count the Ways…

dealdash heart love

DealDash is a jewel among the other bidding sites out there. There are different types of auction sites, but DealDash is the best!

DealDash is the best “entertainment shopping” and online auction site out there. Each one works a little differently, but DealDash is a different breed of online auction site. Here is a quick overview of how bidding on DealDash works:

Bidders pay a fee to purchase bids. The first bid pack is at full price, which is .60 per bid. Subsequent bid packs are much cheaper per bid, normally in the range of .14-.18 per bid. Don’t worry, though, if you are unsatisfied (you won’t be!) you can contact customer service and they will refund your first bid pack purchase. Just email or hit the “Live support” button to get assistance.

After you have purchased your bid pack you’re ready to bid! On DealDash Each bid increases the price of the item by one penny and extends the time of the auction by 10 seconds. Other auctions sites may increase the price by a few cents instead of just .01, or increase the time of the auction by 30 seconds or more.

Quick Reasons Why DealDash is the Best

  • Longest running “pay to bid” site
  • A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau
  • Hundreds of winners every day
  • Ability to set alerts to be emailed when an item comes up for auction
  • Phone app available for Android & iPhone
  • FREE shipping on every single item
  • Excellent and friendly customer service
  • Many opportunities to earn free bids
  • 3 different blogs for information, tips, hints, and bidding news
  • Great community of bidders
  • Opportunity to buy the item if you don’t win and receive your bids back (BIN)
  • 24/7 bidding, DealDash never closes
  • Risk-free bidding
  • No bots, ever
  • BidBuddy, the auto-bidder is available to everyone on every auction for free
  • Ability to bookmark auctions to save for later
  • High-end products
  • Huge inventory that changes often
  • No Jumper auctions – No new bidders in an auction after $5 (or sometimes $3)

If all of these excellent reasons aren’t enough to show you how DealDash is superior to the competition, then just try it and see for yourself! Visit DealDash at this link right here, and see how much you can save. I hope that you found this new DealDash Blog article helpful. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

Always BIN WIN DealDash
This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

I haven’t Seen You Around DealDash

New DealDash BIdder

Hello there new bidder! I’m glad to see that you have decided to give DealDash a try. Here are some things to keep in mind when playing on DealDash.

Being a new bidder on DealDash is a very exciting experience. If you’ve been bidding on other auction sites, you are really in for a treat, because DealDash is a very different and very special website. There are a few things that you should know before you jump right in, though. Read on for some important DealDash information.

Buying Bids

When you first decide that you would like to be a bidder on DealDash, you need to open an account. This is very easy to do, you just need to sign up with your name and email.

After you sign up, you need to buy your first bid pack. Your first bid pack of 60 bids is $36. Don’t feel suspicious that you need to buy bids, because if for some reason you don’t enjoy DealDash this amount will be fully refunded to you. There is a 100% satisfaction guarantee, and if you decide that DealDash isn’t for you then just contact customer service and they will help you.

What Do You Do Next?

After buying your first bid pack you can bid in auctions. Typically there are some special auctions available on the main auction page for new bidders. These “newbie” auctions have less competition and are easier to win. After you have won a few auctions and used up your initial bid pack you will want to buy another bid pack, and luckily Deal Dash is usually running some sort of sale that lowers the price of bids to somewhere between .13-.18.

After you have won a few auctions and used up your initial bid pack you will want to buy another bid pack, and luckily Deal Dash is usually running some sort of sale that lowers the price of bids to somewhere between .13-.18. On very special occasions such as Christmas and New Year’s Day the bid price has even dropped to .12!

BIN, Explained

“What in the world is BIN?” You might ask. That’s a great question! BIN is an acronym for “Buying It Now”.  If you have been bidding on an item that you really want and you have bid so much that you have spent the retail price of the item in bids, all you have to do is hit the “Buy It Now” button. After you pay for the item Deal Dash will give you back all of the bids you used trying to win the item. You will also receive fast, free shipping on your item. So you see, BIN is really the “secret sauce” that makes DealDash so special.

I hope that you found this DealDash Blog article for new bidders helpful. If you would like more DealDash information be sure to check out the DealDash Tips Blog and our sister blog DealDash Reviews. New articles are posted daily. Now go visit DealDash and see how much you can save! Good luck and happy bidding everyone!DealDash life

This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Shopping on DealDash is Spelled F-U-N!

Do you know what they call online auctions such as our favorite website, DealDash? They call it “Entertainment Shopping”!! Do you know why?

They call it entertainment shopping because it’s fun and entertaining, of course! Would you rather get dressed in your warmest clothing, drive through the snow, clomp around a huge store, then struggle your way home again…Or would you rather shop on DealDash, in your PJs, sitting in your favorite chair in front of the fireplace?! I don’t know about you, but I’ll take the second option, please.

DealDash is a Fun Pastime

I can spend hours at a time on DealDash without even bidding, it’s a hobby of mine to just “window shop” on DealDash, there are so many things to look at and watch on DealDash without even spending a single bid. I love to look at the upcoming auctions, read the descriptions, read the newly implemented product reviews, and see what amounts of money that the item has won for in the past.

Look at the Winners, Spot the Trends

Looking at the Winner’s tab can be an excellent learning tool to further your “DealDash Education.” You can see the exact deals that people have been getting that day, try to spot the trends, and bid accordingly. For example, if you look at the Winner’s tab and you see that jewelry is selling for less than a dollar then you will know that it’s a good day to bid on jewelry.

Alternately, if you see items that normally sell for less than $5 selling for $10+ then you know to stay away from those types of auctions that day. It’s not an exact science, but you will have a pretty good idea of how the auctions are going and you can bid accordingly.

Bidding Without Monetary Risk is Fun

How is there no monetary risk? Luckily, DealDash is a new breed of auction site and has come up with the amazing solution of Buy It Now. Buy It Now is referred to as “BIN” by DealDash, and is really a lifesaver if you feel that you’ve bid over your budget. When you’re in the midst of an auction, and see that you have put too many bids in to make good financial sense then just BIN it!

BINning an auction is easy and only takes a moment on DealDash. In the bidding box there will be a button that says “Buy It Now for …. and get …. bids back”. When you are ready to stop bidding, hit that BIN button and you will be able to buy the item that you were bidding on for its retail value, and you will get every single bid back that you placed, to use on another auction. You get the bids back immediately after you pay for your BIN auction, you can use them right away if you’d like. In addition to getting all of your bids back, you will also get free shipping! Free shipping is available on everything!

I hope that this DealDash Blog article has been helpful in showing you how fun entertainment shopping can be when you know how to use the BIN safety net. Be sure to visit our other blogs, and for more useful DealDash information. Now go bid on DealDash! Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


Is It Magic? Nope, Just DealDash

dealdash magic

It’s not magic, it’s DealDash entertainment shopping! Here are some great things that are just par for the course on DealDash.

DealDash may not be magical, but it is a very special website. DealDash is the longest running pay-to-bid site in the United States, which is important to note because this means that DealDash is not just going to “disappear” one day with your bids.

There have been other pay-to-bid auction sites around the internet, and many of them have not lasted very long at all. DealDash is different, as of next month DealDash will have been in business for 8 years. That is many years of happy customers, and many more to come in the future.

Exactly How is DealDash Different?

Aside from the longer lifetime of the website, there are a few other very important differences from other auction websites. DealDash differs from its predecessors as well as a few other current sites mainly in that losing bidders are given an option to BIN (Buy It Now) any item for the retail price and receive back all of the bids that they spent.

The BIN option was a huge breakthrough for many bidders that were reluctant to use a website like DealDash due to the fear that they would spend money with nothing to show for it. Since DealDash has the BIN option that problem has been completely solved. Thanks DealDash!

DealDash Wants You to Succeed

DealDash is unlike other pay-to-bid auction sites because they care about their customers and want them to get amazing deals. DealDash shows this by regularly posting information to help people learn how to win. If you are skeptical, just read any of the blogs that are sponsored by DealDash such as this one,, and They are all full of helpful information that can help you learn about DealDash and how to use the website.

So you see, DealDash isn’t magic, it’s just a website that cares about its customers. Bidding on DealDash is a fun pastime that can help you save a lot of money and be entertained at the same time. Give DealDash a try today! Visit DealDash now and see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

Winning DealDash

DealDash Bookmarking and Alert Me Tutorial

DealDash Tutorial

Did you know that there is an easy way to keep track of auctions and get alerts on DealDash?

There are so many great auctions on DealDash that it’s hard to keep track of all of them. Isn’t it just so disappointing when you were planning on bidding on a certain auction, but then you forget that it’s coming up and you miss it?  Even more disappointing that missing the auction is missing it and seeing later that it sold for pennies. Now that is a sad feeling. You never have to miss another auction again, however, if you use the DealDash “Bookmarking” feature.

How to Bookmark

Bookmarking is a very simple process that will save you from the disappointment of missing a great DealDash auction. When you are looking through the upcoming DealDash auctions and you see something that is coming up soon that you would like to bid on it’s very simple to bookmark it. All you have to do it just click on the little outline of a star in the upper right corner of the auction.

After you have clicked on the little outline of the star it will turn a solid yellow, and then you will be able to find that auction on the main auction page. All of the auctions that you bookmark will be saved for you in the first row of the main auction page. Simple!

bookmark dealdashDealDash bookmarking

How to Get Alerts

If you see an auction on DealDash that you are interested in bidding on, but there isn’t a starting time listed it means that this is a product that DealDash carries, but there isn’t an auction for this item scheduled yet. If you would like to be alerted to when an auction for this item is scheduled, then simply click the button that says “Alert me” and DealDash will send you a quick email when they have scheduled an auction for this item. Easy!

DealDash alert me

I hope this article has been helpful and encouraged you to learn more about DealDash. It’s fun to learn about our favorite website. You should definitely check out DealDash’s “Tips & Tricks” section on the site. It’s full of great information that you will find helpful when bidding on DealDash. Just click this link right here and you can check it out. Good Luck and Happy Bidding, everyone!
