Staying on Budget with DealDash


No matter how big or small your salary it’s always a smart idea to make a budget. DealDash can help you stay within your budget. Here’s how…

DealDash can help you stay on your budget in a few different ways. There are some things that households need to buy weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly and DealDash has a lot of these items up for auction. Here are a few staple items that most households use on a regular basis.

Babies go through approximately 4-8 diapers a day depending on their age. Luckily DealDash has them up for auction occasionally. Every time you bid on diapers on DealDash you have a chance of getting a great discounted price. Even if you don’t win them you are still earning clock time towards free bids that you get to keep even if you end up BINning (Buy It Now) them and getting all of your bids back. DealDash has other baby supplies that you might need as well. You can find those items by clicking on this link here.

Pampers Swaddlers Newborn Diapers, 128 count

Does your family go through a lot of dishwashing detergent? My family sure does! We use both the dishwasher detergent as well as the regular liquid dishwashing soap for the pots and pans. We are a family of 5, so we make a lot of dirty dishes and go through the detergent very quickly. The great news is that DealDash has dishwashing detergent up for bid! They even have my favorite kind, Dawn, in both types – dishwasher detergent and regular detergent. We go through one of each every month or so, this is a great item to bid on and be willing to BIN. Remember, if you don’t win you can always BIN (Buy It Now and get all of your bids back.) If you’d like to bid on dish detergent, just go to this link here.

Dawn Ultra Antibacterial Hand Soap Dishwashing LiquidDawn Foam Refill Dishwashing Dish Detergent


In addition to physical products, DealDash has some awesome gift cards up for bid. Do you shop at Wal*Mart, Lowes, Old Navy, TJ Maxx, or get your gas at Shell? DealDash has gift cards for all of these places and more. When you win or BIN a gift card from DealDash you also get free shipping. If you would like to see all of the gift cards that DealDash has up for auction just click this link here and it will take you to the Gift Card category.

After reading this article I hope that you have a better idea of what types of things that DealDash has to offer that households need on a regular basis so you can stick to your budget. How about getting some of these essentials on DealDash? They have all types of items in many different categories there. Go find some awesome products. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


DealDash Makes Life Better

DealDash has definitely improved my life. How can they improve yours?

To start off with, DealDash is a category of website known as “Shopping Entertainment.” So, I would say that the first way that DealDash has improved my life is that they entertain me! I personally love to bid and BIN (Buy It Now) products that I would normally buy anyway, such as baby products, kid’s toys, movies, and household things. By using DealDash and enjoying their shopping entertainment model I am having fun shopping – so much more fun than if I were to just make a list and go shopping.

Speaking of going shopping, DealDash saves me time and aggravation. They say that time is money, and I must be poor, because I have no time to spare. Just the thought of packing up snacks, bottles, diapers, and spare clothes for a simple trip to one of the “big box” stores makes me feel annoyed. Then to actually pack up the things for the journey, shove all of the kids in the car, drive to the store, and somehow wrangle all three of them while doing my shopping does not sound like a good time to me. However, sitting on the couch in my PJs, sipping a coffee while the kids play in the playroom and I play on DealDash – now that sounds like a fun morning in my opinion.

DealDash saves me money. Now, I know that some of the people that read this blog may not agree with me, but I have saved a TON of money by using DealDash. My secret is simple, I only bid on things that I am absolutely prepared to BIN. That way either I win and get a great deal, or if I don’t win I can always pay the retail price and get all of my bids back immediately to use again. I feel like the people who say they aren’t saving money with DealDash just aren’t using the tools that DealDash offers, such as the BIN program. Other auction sites only give you a fraction of credit if you want to buy their items, DealDash gives you every single bid back that you used.

I hope that this article gave you some inspiration of how to use DealDash more effectively. If you’d like to think about how much time DealDash can save you, how about checking out the clocks that they have up for auction? You can see them at this link right here. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!



How Can We Be Better Bidders?

Even if you’re great at something you can always be better. Let’s examine how we bid.

How we can improve bidding with the end result being that next big win at DealDash? Sometimes all you need to do to improve is to take a closer look at your habits.

If you’ve noticed your wins are becoming more few and far between, perhaps it’s time to tighten up your bidding game. Let’s get back to basics.

  • Pay close attention to your competitors. If you’re just throwing bids in any old auction without paying attention to who your competition is you might be throwing away your bids.
  • Speaking of throwing your bids in any old auction, don’t do that! Make sure that you are thinking about the auction before you put any bids in. Do a little research on the item to make sure that this is the item you truly want. In a lot of cases DealDash has similar items up for auction within days of each other.
  • Buy your bids at the best price. You can spend more bids on each auction without hitting the BIN (Buy It Now) price if you buy the bids cheaper to begin with. Try to wait for a great sale on bids and then buy as many as your budget allows.
  • Make sure that you’re using your BidBuddy so that you’re not spending more bids than you need to.
  • If you don’t WIN make sure you BIN!

If you still find yourself not getting many wins maybe it’s time to totally change up your game! If you normally bid at night, bid in the morning. If you normally bid on kitchen stuff bid on toys! Change things around and maybe your luck will change as well.


  It takes time and experience to develop bidding skills and strategies. If you take my advice to heart, chances are good that soon you’ll be winning the big prizes and wonder why you were ever having trouble with winning at all. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

Time to Feed the Baby With DealDash

When a baby has moved past the bottle and is ready for table foods it’s important to have the right tools for the job. DealDash has what you need.

Most babies start eating some very simple table foods around the age of 6 months, and the goal is to have your baby mostly eating table foods rather than formula and baby foods by the time they hit their first birthday. You don’t want to rush your child, but when he or she is ready it’s time to break the bottle habit and learn to eat. The goal is a healthy baby who is happy to eat a variety of foods. Having the right items so your baby is comfortable can be a huge help. DealDash is here to help.

You’re going to need either a high chair or a booster seat. Typically a high chair is for a younger baby and a booster seat is for an older child, but they both have seatbelts and as long as your child can sit by themselves either one is fine depending on what space you have available to devote to your baby’s seating arrangement. DealDash has both high chairs and booster seats available for auction fairly often. Just click on this link here and it will take you to see a few options.

Fischer-Price Healthy Care Deluxe Booster Seat


If your baby is ready for some grown up food you should definitely start with some soft cooked veggies, fruits, and pastas. For example, sweet potatoes, peas, and broccoli are all veggies that you can cook until they are soft and then mash them up for your baby. If you’re looking for mashable fruits, try bananas, avocados, and peaches. Sometimes it’s difficult to mash these foods up with a spoon, so I suggest getting a Mash and Serve Bowl.

You can mash up just about any food that’s soft with the Mash and Serve Bowl, such as potatoes, beans, steamed veggies, fruits, eggs. You mash the food and serve your child right from the bowl, which has handy hand holds on the side so they can hold it themselves.

If you’re worried about cleaning the Mash and Serve Bowl – don’t. The Mash and Serve Bowl can be cleaned easily by putting it in the top rack of the dishwasher. If you’re interested in the Mash and Serve Bowl check it out here on DealDash.
Annabel Karmel FreshFoods Mash and Serve Bowl


After reading this article I hope that you have a better idea of what you might want to get your baby when they are regularly eating table foods. If you are in need of anything for your baby, including kitchen items check out DealDash. Try the Hobbies, Toys, Outdoors, and Games section to see what awesome baby products they have coming up. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


Curious About Baby Monitors? Ask DealDash!


How do you know what type of baby monitor to buy? Well, it depends what you need it for, of course! There are many different types of baby monitor depending on your needs and budget. Let’s talk baby monitors!

In this article we will go over some of the different types and styles of baby monitors and how you use them.  Included in this article is the basic baby monitor, the video baby monitor, and the baby monitor that also tracks movement. All of these baby monitors can be very useful, and serve specific purposes.

The first type of baby monitor that I would like to talk about is the simple, basic, classic baby monitor. This particular baby monitor has two primary functions: for you to hear the baby, and for you to be able to talk to the baby through the monitor. Most of the baby monitors like this also have a few extra functions such as playing music or having a night light built into the monitor. The awesome thing about this type of baby monitor is that it has an extremely long battery life. The biggest drawback of this monitor, of course, is that you can’t see what your baby is up to. I am personally too paranoid for this particular monitor to work for me. People who want to keep an “ear” on on older toddlers or preschoolers while they are in their rooms playing might find this to be a good monitor for them.

Vtech Safe & Sound Baby Monitoring System

The next type of baby monitor that we will discuss is more in my comfort zone – the video baby monitor. This baby monitor is probably the most popular type of baby monitor that is on the market right now. People love to be able to see their babies on the full color screens, and most of the parent hand held units are approximately the size of a cell phone, so it’s easy to take with you around the house or even out to the mailbox. All of the baby monitors of this type that I have come across have extra features such as being able to play multiple songs with a touch of the button on the parental unit, night vision cameras, and temperature gages. When my 4 year old daughter was a baby this is the type of baby monitor that I got for her. It’s still got tons of life left in it, and I am now using it with my 3 month old son.

Summer Infant In View Digital Video Monitor

The final type of baby monitor that I would like to discuss today is the video monitor with movement sensor. This is the type of monitor that I feel is the absolute best and safest – it combines all of the features of the other two types of baby monitors, but has an attachment that monitors movement as well. If there is no movement in a set amount of time then the monitor will alert you that there might be a problem and you can check it out right away. I personally have an extremely high end one that sends alerts to my cell phone, and I can see graphs of my baby’s breathing patterns as well. This type of baby monitor has given me more peace of mind than anything else.

Angelcare AC1100 Baby Video, Movement and Sound Monitor

No matter which type of baby monitor that you choose you will definitely save money by bidding on one on DealDash. If you don’t happen to win, you can always buy the monitor at retail price and have all of your bids returned to you with the BIN (Buy It Now) program. They will even throw in free shipping!

After reading this article I hope that you have a better idea of what type of baby monitor that would be best for your child and family. All of these baby monitor have their own specific uses, and I myself own two different types, and use them in different situations. Good luck in finding your ideal baby monitor! How about starting your baby monitor search on DealDash? They have all types of baby monitors as well as just about anything else that a baby might need. Check out the Toys, Kids, & Baby section and see how you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!
