Winning and Winning on DealDash

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Everyone is a winner on DealDash. WIN even more with these tips that everyone can use.

People from all ages and walks of life are winning on DealDash. It doesn’t matter of you are a 21 year old college student or an 80 year old grandmother, everyone has an equal chance of winning on DealDash. Even though your age and station have nothing to do with your amount of wins, your knowledge of DealDash and how the auctions work definitely does! Here are some things that you should be aware of before you get serious about bidding in an auction.

  • Bid on things that make sense for your lifestyle. If you are that 80 year old granny, why bother bid on that men’s mountain bike that you know that you will never use? If you have someone in mind that you know would love that men’s mountain bike, bid away! But if you are bidding on it just to bid on it…Why? Why not save your bids for something that you can actually really use in your life, or give to someone that you love? Even if you win an auction for a great deal, it isn’t really cost effective if you are spending bids on something that has no use in your life when you could be saving your bids for something that does.
  • If you are itching to bid on something, though, and nothing is really striking your fancy product-wise, bid on gift cards! Bidding on gift cards can be very competitive, but you can always BIN, get your bids back, AND get to keep your “time as highest bidder” earning you more bids to win an auction the next time around. Bide your time, be patient, and bid on gift cards to earn clock time towards free bids.
  • Always, always, always make sure that you have enough bids to BIN (Buy It Now) if you don’t win the auction. When you have enough bids in your DealDash account to BIN the item that you are currently bidding on, you won’t have to stop in the middle of the auction to buy more bids. You may think that you have time to buy bids during an auction, and sometimes you will. Auctions can be so unpredictable, though, so it’s better to have more bids that you need, than to be short a few bids and lose a coveted auction.

I hope that this article has been helpful for you to think about the way that you are bidding and using DealDash. Visit DealDash and check out the auctions (here), and also be sure to check out DealDashBlog every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday for more tips and articles to help you understand DealDash. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


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Deal Dash and You – A Winning Combination

DealDash and You

Shopping and bidding on Deal Dash is a wonderful hobby. I learn new things every time that I play. Here are a few handy tips that can help you win many auctions.

Winning DealDash auctions can be difficult or easy, but it’s never really very complicated. You just need to find your own winning formula and use it to help you win auctions. Here are some tips and tricks that I use in many auctions.

  • Don’t go bidding “willy-nilly.” Think of an item that you would like to try to win on DealDash. Do a little research on that item, see what price the item has gone for in previous auctions, and expect to pay around the same amount. When you have made an informed decision about what item that you would like to win, set an alert on that item so you will know when the item is coming up for auction. Setting an alert is easy. Simply search for your item, click on the item, and look on the right side of the screen. There will be a blue button that says “Alert Me”. Click on the button, and when the item is coming up for auction DealDash will send you an email. It’s a great way to never miss out on an auction for a product that you really want.
  • Check the “Winners” tab at the top of the screen after you have signed into DealDash. Some days it seems like people are winning absolutely amazing deals – now’s the time to bid! Other days it seems like everyone is over-bidding. Most days are in the middle between the two extremes, but it’s definitely helpful to know what sort of winning day that it is on DealDash.
  • Use your BidBuddy – Every.Single.Time. There is absolutely, 100% no reason that you shouldn’t use your BidBuddy. Don’t even think about bidding without your buddy by your side.
  • The same players usually bid the same way over and over. Once an over-bidder, always an over-bidder. Keep a list of the worst over-bidding offenders and don’t even bother to get into an auction with them unless you are planning on BINning (Buy It Now) the auction anyway, and just want to rack up a lot of “clock time” as the highest bidder. This strategy makes sense if DealDash is running one of their 3X or even 5X as the highest bidder promotions.

Download the DealDash app for winning on the go. You can get the app for both iOS and Android operating systems. After you have used the app, be sure to rate and review it! If you have any suggestions for the app you can always send DealDash customer service an email and they can forward it to the proper people for consideration.

Here is the Android version on Google Play –

Here is the iOS version in the App store –

I hope that you have found this article helpful, thanks for reading! Go check out DealDash at this link right here. Good Luck and Happy Bidding everyone!


Getting Started on DealDash is Fun!

Image result for getting startedBeing a new bidder on DealDash can feel a little intimidating at first. There are so many acronyms, bidders, and items it can feel a little overwhelming at first.

First things first – welcome to DealDash! DealDash is an awesome shopping entertainment website that is not only fun, but a great way to get deals for yourself and your family. Getting started is easy, but figuring out how the website works can take a little getting used to, including some “watching and learning” as you go. Here are some quick tips to get you up and running.

  • Buy bids. Buying bids is easy, you can pay with a credit card or even with Paypal. The bid packs are available in different sizes. Right now they have packs of 60, 300, 600, 1200, and 2400. The price of the bids changes daily, it’s a good practice to check the price of the bids every morning so you can keep it in mind for your budget.  You may think that you have time to buy bids during an auction, but you just never know. Be prepared, be stocked up on bids!
  • Be sure to go to your profile and pick out an avatar, or upload your own. You can choose almost anything you like as your avatar, but please remember that Uploaded images are subject to approval and may not be immediately visible on the site. In my experience it usually takes a few hours (and sometimes longer) for your picture to be approved. Also please note that the file format must be JPG and not bigger than 3MB. Your uploaded image will be resized to 46 x 58 pixels. If you are so inclined you might want to resize your image yourself before you upload it, so you can be sure that it doesn’t get stretched out or pixelated when it’s uploaded.
  • Learn how to BIN (Buy It Now) if you don’t win the auction. When you BIN an auction you simply pay the retail price that is listed on each and every auction right above the picture of the auction. If you find yourself paying as much in bids as the item costs, it’s smart to drop out of the auction and BIN the item. You will get the item, free (fast!) shipping, and all of your bids back to use on another auction. Your bids are credited back once you have paid for the item, so you can re-use them as soon as you like, or save them for another day.

These are just a few tips to help get you thinking about getting started on DealDash! I hope that this article has been helpful for you. Go check out the site and enjoy being a newbie. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


Are You Missing Any Auctions on DealDash?

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No one can be at their computer every moment, are you missing out on any auctions? Here are some ways that you can fix that.

Let’s face it, the vast majority of people who bid on DealDash have other things going on in their lives, be it work, family, pets, or an active social life. You can’t be on your computer every moment – laptops, chrome books, and iPads are convenient, but unless you are out and about where there is a great wi-fi connection, you are pretty much out of luck. Below are a few ways that you can keep up with DealDash without having to give up on the other things that make your life great.

  • Bookmarks – You can bookmark as many auctions as you like on DealDash. If you would like to bookmark an auction, simply go to DealDash at this link right here, and just click on the little yellow star in the top right corner of any auction. That way, DealDash will save those auctions for you at the top of the page, so it’s easier to find them at a glance when you are low on time.
  • Alert me – If you are browsing on DealDash and you see an auction that you would like to bid on that isn’t available yet, there will be a button below the picture on the main page, as well as if you open up the auction you will see the blue button that says “Alert me”. If you click that button DealDash will send you a quick email when that auction becomes available. You may set as many alerts that you would like, and you are under no obligation to bid on any of them when they come up for bid.
  • Facebook – You can keep up with all of the current events on DealDash by “Liking” DealDash on Facebook. Here is the link to the DealDash Facebook page located at this link right here.
  • App – If you want to keep up with the auctions that you are interested in while you’re on the go download the free DealDash app on either the Google Play store or the Apple App store. After you have used the app to win some auctions on DealDash, be sure to rate and review it! If you have any questions, be sure to contact DealDash customer service and they will help you figure things out. They are some of the nicest customer service reps that I have ever done business with, don’t be shy!

These are just a few tips to help get you thinking about new ways to bid and win more auctions on DealDash! I hope that this article has been helpful for you. Be sure to check out DealDashBlog every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday for more tips and articles to help you understand DealDash. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


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DealDash Says Goodbye to August

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Can you believe today is the last day of August? To many people this symbolizes the end of the summer season. Let’s look back at our summer.

It’s been quite a summer, so many different things have been happening all over the world this summer. Here is a quick re-cap of the exciting things that have happened over the past few months.

In June the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. It was a very tight vote, leaving won by 52% to 48%. The referendum turnout was 71.8%, with more than 30 million people voting. This might not seem like it’s very relevant to us leaving here in the USA, but when something this important happens it’s effects are likely to be felt around the world, especially in financial ways.

In July, in a 4+ year journey to the solar system’s largest planet, NASA’s Juno spacecraft successfully entered Jupiter’s orbit. The Juno spacecraft launched on Aug. 5, 2011 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.  Juno will orbit Jupiter 37 times in all. One trip around Jupiter takes Juno about 14 days. Juno’s mission is important, because Juno is doing this trip to help us learn more about our solar system; and what we learn could help us find more new planets!

In August, of course, were the Summer Olympic games in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. 11,303 athletes took part, and luckily,  the United States dominated the medal table for the fifth time in the past six Summer Olympics, winning the most golds (46) and most medals overall (121).

I hope that everyone had a wonderful summer! You can keep the fun and excitement of the summer going through fall if you download the free DealDash app on either the Google Play store or the Apple App store. After you have used the app to win some auctions on DealDash, be sure to rate and review it! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the app, be sure to contact DealDash customer service and they will help you figure things out. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

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