Making Mistakes on DealDash

Image result for mistakesEveryone makes mistakes on DealDash, but there is always another auction to try, try again.

There are many auctions every day on DealDash, and even more bidders than auctions that want to win. Since everyone makes mistakes now and then, you might be able to snag a great auction when someone else makes a mistake! However, you have to remember that there is always another bidder waiting in the wings for when you make a mistake, too.

Stay alert, because there are so many auctions going on at once it’s easy to get distracted and lose track of your thoughts and your auction plans. If you would like to make less mistakes when bidding be sure that you load up your BidBuddy and let him bid for you while you are busy with either another auction or any other distractions that you might have. When you take advantage of this free bidding tool that DealDash provides you are definitely preventing yourself from making mistakes.

Also be sure that you are observing the other bidders when you are on DealDash. By observing the other bidders you can learn things about the other bidders such as their bidding styles, their endurance, and whether or not they use their BidBuddies. While you are learning and observing you will be able to spot when they make a mistake and swoop in and win the auction.

You know what would be a huge mistake? Using a lot of bids on an auction and then not using the BIN (Buy It Now) feature if you don’t win the auction. When you BIN an auction that you didn’t win, you get exactly the amount of bids that you placed back in your account to use again, as well as free shipping on the product. Since you have everything back that you originally started with, that’s definitely not making a mistake.

I hope this article has helped you with your strategy on DealDash! We all want to win, but sometimes we BIN. Just click this link and you will be taken to DealDash so you can browse the auctions. The more time that you spend on DealDash, the fewer mistakes that you will make. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

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DealDash Deals for Chilly Weather



Shopping and bidding on DealDash is a time and money-saver. Here are some items for the chilly weather that’s coming…

DealDash is here for you no matter what the season. In the summer DealDash has pools and lawn mowers, in the spring gardening supplies, in the fall rakes and leaf blowers, and in the winter snowblowers and shovels. Now that it’s fall headed into winter, here are a collection of products that DealDash offers up for auction that can help with the chilly weather.

Faux fireplaces. Faux fireplaces are a multi-use product. They provide an electric heating source, light, and a classy decoration for your home. Most people enjoy sitting by a fireplace when the weather starts getting chilly, but not everyone is lucky enough to have a built in fireplace in their home. A faux fireplace is the perfect choice for an apartment, it provides a decorative piece of furniture with the added bonus of being able to take it with you when you move. DealDash has been offering faux fireplaces for a while now. They have a few different styles. Some look similar to a flat screen TV, others look like a potbellied stove, and some even look like a real fireplace that you can put things on it’s mantle. When the weather gets chilly, check out the faux fireplaces on DealDash.

Blankets. You probably don’t normally think about DealDash when you are shopping for a blanket,  but you should! A blanket is a perfect example of a product that you should always try to win on DealDash first instead of shopping at the store. If you are definitely planning on buying a blanket anyway, why not try to win it on DealDash? If you win, that’s great! If you don’t happen to win, then you can always BIN (Buy It Now) for the retail price, get all of your bids back to use again, get free shipping, AND get to keep of of the clock time that you earned as being the highest bidder. It’s really a no-brainer when you think about it!

If you would like to get either of these items for the chilly weather that’s on its way, just search for them on DealDash, then set an alert. Setting an alert is simple. Just search for your item, click on the item, and look on the right side of the screen. There will be a blue button that says “Alert Me”. Click on the button, and when the item is coming up for auction DealDash will send you an email. It’s the only way to never miss out on an auction for a product that you really want.

I hope that you have found this article helpful, thanks for reading! Go check out DealDash at this link right here. Good Luck and Happy Bidding everyone!

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Check out the DealDash page on SiteJabber and Trust Pilot

Are You Using the Free Tools on DealDash?

 Are you using all of the tools that DealDash offers to their full potentials? If you aren’t sure, you need to read this article.

DealDash offers many free tools that you can use to improve your entertainment shopping experience. Winning an auction is the best feeling, and if you aren’t using these tools to help yourself, you aren’t winning as many auctions as you should.

Blogs – Well, you are using a part of tool #1, which is using the blogs that DealDash offers as a tool. This particular blog, DealDashBlog , is published every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. However, there are two other blogs that you can read to keep up with DealDash, and those are DealDashReviewed, and DealDashTips. If you want to use DealDash’s free tools to their fullest potential, you will want to read all of the blogs to keep current on DealDash events and happenings.

Facebook – Speaking of DealDash current events, Facebook is another way that you can keep up with all of the current events on DealDash. You can use this free tool by by “Liking” DealDash on Facebook. Here is the link to the DealDash Facebook page located at this link right here. After you have “Liked” DealDash, you can “Like” another DealDash page, which is DealDash Secrets. You can get even more information on that page. Just click here and you can use this tool to get more information about DealDash.

App – The DealDash app is a wonderful free tool if you want to keep up with the auctions that you are interested in while you’re on the go. You can download the free DealDash app on either the Google Play store or the Apple App store. After you have used the app to win some auctions on DealDash, be sure to rate and review it! If you have any questions, be sure to contact DealDash customer service and they will help you figure things out. The app is easy to use, but if you need a little help, it’s there for you.

These are just a few of the free tools that you can use to bid and win more auctions on DealDash! I hope that this article has been helpful for you. Be sure to check out DealDashBlog every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday for more tips and articles to help you understand DealDash. Just click here and you can visit DealDash to use the free tools provided to you. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

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Examining DealDash Special Features

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Every online auction site is different, and DealDash offers the best free features for every bidder to enjoy

Getting to know DealDash is really fun, and you will enjoy your bidding experience even more once you learn how to use all of the features effectively. It only takes a few moments to explore all of the special features that DealDash has to offer, and it will benefit you in the long run. So let’s do it!

The “Alert Me” tab is a great feature to make use of. You can use the Alert Me tab in each and every auction that DealDash has listed, even if there is no start date listed on the auction. I personally like to search through each page of auctions in my favorite categories and use the Alert Me tab to keep track of my favorites that are coming up in the future. DealDash will send you a quick message when a particular auction will be starting soon. The Alert Me button is especially handy for items that don’t come up for auction very often. This way you will never miss an auction that’s important to you!

The “Winner’s Tab” is a great feature as well. When you click on the Winner’s Tab you can see each auction that has been won on DealDash, practically as they happen! If you are on the Winner’s Tab and hit the “refresh” button on your keyboard you will see the absolute latest wins on DealDash. This is an important feature to utilize because you can see the exact amount of the final value fee that the bidder that won will pay for the auction. This is helpful because if you see high-value electronics going for just a few dollars you can bet that the “power bidders” aren’t bidding at that particular time, and you should get your bids in while you can.

Finally, my favorite feature that DealDash offers bidders is the BIN (Buy It Now) feature. The BIN features guarantees that if you don’t win the auction you can get your bids back if you pay the retail price of the auction. And since DealDash offers free shipping on every single auction, it’s really a no-lose proposition.

I hope that you found this article helpful in learning about some of the great special features that DealDash offers all of the bidders. Go check out DealDash and use what you have learned to win some auctions. Good Luck and Happy Bidding everyone!

Sometimes You Lose. And That’s OK!

Image result for sad loserEveryone wants to win on DealDash, but sadly there is only one winner in each auction. Sometimes you lose, and that’s OK. Here’s why.

There are hundreds of auctions every day on DealDash, and a winner for each auction. Unfortunately, there are many more people who lose each auction than win. I used to track my win/loss records on DealDash, and I found myself winning a little more than 10% of the time. I feel that’s probably pretty average, and I used my loses to learn and grow. Here are a few reasons why not being the winner isn’t so bad.

  • As I mentioned, I use each experience – both winning and losing – to improve my skills and concentration on DealDash. It’s easy to just load up your BidBuddy and let him bid for you while you go and do other things away from the computer, but personally, I like to watch him bid for me. I find that by observing the other bidders I can learn and grow as a DealDash player. Even on the auctions that I don’t win, I can still learn about the other bidders.
  • If you don’t win, you can always BIN (Buy It Now) if you don’t win the auction. When you BIN an auction that you didn’t win, you get exactly the amount of bids that you placed back in your account to use again, as well as free shipping on the product. Since you have everything back that you originally started with, that’s definitely not “losing”, that’s shopping entertainment! Just be sure to pick products that you plan on buying anyway, and you simply BIN, and be right back where you started. That’s a win in my book!
  • Not winning is no big deal when you BIN, because even if you don’t win you still get time on your “bid clock.” It’s true, every bidder who has put in a bid and spends time as the highest bidder earns seconds on their “bid clock.” When each person’s bid clock has been filled up they will receive free bids from DealDash. Free bids? That’s a win!

I hope this article has helped you learn a little bit about DealDash! We all want to win, but sometimes we BIN. Just click this link and you will be taken to DealDash so you can browse the auctions. I hope that this article has been helpful for you. Be sure to check out DealDashBlog every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday for more tips and articles to help you understand DealDash. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


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