DealDashing Around the House for Basic Supplies

 DealDash.comEveryone needs basic supplies in their home – toilet paper, tissues, dish soap, etc. Why not get them at DealDash?

Cottonelle Clean Care Toilet Paper Double Rolls

One of the most important thing to have stocked up in your pantry is something 99.9% of people use every day – toilet paper! I know that some people buy it as it runs out, but it’s really so much more cost effective to buy (or win!) in bulk. Also, just about everyone knows that sinking feeling when you have run out of toilet paper and really need some badly. Why use rough scratchy napkins or paper towels until you can get to the store? Just get it in bulk and be prepared! DealDash often has auctions for toilet paper. Some of the auctions have ended for an extremely low price – Take this 24 double-roll pack of toilet paper, which is frequently up for auction. It’s sold for a final auction value as low as .89! Now that’s savings!

Seventh Generation Facial Tissues, Unscented, 2 Ply, 85 tissues

Another great item to stock your pantry with is tissues. Almost everyone uses tissues, and if you have kids you probably go through a box every week or so. DealDash has tissues up for bid pretty frequently, almost always in bulk. These particular tissues have gone for as little as ONE penny!

Dawn Ultra Antibacterial Hand Soap Dishwashing Liquid

The last item that I think you should stock up on is dish soap. No matter if you wash your dishes in the dishwasher or do them by hand, dish soap has an extremely long shelf life, and it just makes sense to stock up on dish soap at DealDash. This particular dish soap is frequently offered for bid on DealDash, and has sold for as little as .50.

I hope this article helps you on a journey to make some smart decisions on what to choose to bid on at DealDash. If you’re interested in getting some new items for your office or home office, head on over to DealDash. If you browse the Home & Office  category I’m sure that you’ll find something that you just love. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

Fun in the Kitchen

Do you love to cook? Well, even if you don’t, here are some ways that you can have fun in the kitchen.

One of my favorite ways to have fun in the kitchen is to have unique kitchen gadgets and fun-colored small appliances. There are a few popular brands that make an awesome array of different colored small appliances to appease anyone looking for something a little “different.”


There are also a number of lesser-known brands from other countries such as France and Finland that make really adorable kitchen items that definitely ramp up the fun factor.



Another great way to have fun in the kitchen is to get your kids involved! Babies love to sit on the floor while you cook and play with pots and pans, while kids as young as 3 can learn to crack an egg or pour and mix for you. Elementary school-aged children can really be a lot of help to you, with very specific safety instructions and close supervision they can learn how to chop veggies and fruits, measure ingredients, and read to you from a cookbook so you don’t have to keep wiping your hands off before you touch the book. If you still don’t like cooking by the time these trained tiny chefs go to Middle school, well, maybe they can take over the cooking for you!




My last suggestion for you to help you have more fun in the kitchen is to get some gadgets that you don’t really need, but ones that make your life easier. Personally, my favorite kitchen gadget is my stand mixer, which I definitely don’t need, but it comes in handy now and again, and it always looks beautiful sitting on my kitchen counter. My sister is a little more practical, her favorite kitchen gadget is a margarita maker. It gets significantly more use than my stand mixer, and everyone gets excited when she brings it out of the pantry and yells “Margarita Time!!!” If we’re really being honest here, maybe my sister is the one you should be asking for advice on how to have fun in the kitchen!


I hope this article has encouraged you to try some of my strategies for having fun in the kitchen. If you’re interested in getting some items to help you with cooking at home head on over to DealDash. DealDash has food processors, stand mixers, cookware, and plenty of other items that you can use. Check out the Kitchen & Appliances category and I’m sure that you’ll find something that you can use to make your time in the kitchen a little more fun. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

That’s My Pet: Cat

Did you know that over 60 million cats are owned in the United States, and that 30-37% of American households have a cat? It’s estimated that over 60% of American households have at least one pet.

In this DealDash Blog series we are highlighting different pets, give some basic facts about pet ownership, and hopefully help you make informed decisions about your new furry, feathered, or finned family member.

Today’s pet is the cat. Unlike some more unusual pets, everyone has owned or at least know someone who has owned a cat. However, it’s said that you never own a cat, you just share a home with them, feed them, empty their litter box, and if you’re lucky, occasionally get some affection from them.

I was just joking above, but it’s no laughing matter that a house cat needs it’s owner to survive.  Indoor cats are totally dependent on their owners for all their needs — food, water, medical attention, exercise, shelter, and even companionship. For many people the benefits of cat ownership outweigh the daily grind of chores, but for others, their lifestyles make it impossible, especially for people who like to travel for more than a long weekend.

Before you make the commitment to bringing home a new cat or kitten please keep in mind that they will not only need to be spayed or neutered, they will also need a variety of shots, the suggested core vaccines are feline panleukopenia (distemper), feline viral rhinotracheitis, feline calicivirus, and rabies. In addition to shots it’s also advised that you apply a flea medication to them monthly. If your cat doesn’t ever leave the house or associate with other animals (such as a dog that goes outside to potty) then you might be able to get away with skipping the flea treatments.

Cats are relatively simple in their needs inside the home. Here’s a quick list of things that you will need for you new pet as well as a few bonus options.

  • Food & water bowl
  • Food
  • Litter box, litter, litter scooper
  • Scratching post (optional)
  • Toys (optional)
  • Brush (optional)
  • Cat bed (optional)

I hope that this article has helped you understand a little bit about what is involved in owning a cat or kitten. If you are in the market for cat beds, cat toys, a pet store gift card, or any other pet-related items head on over to DealDash‘s “Other” section and see what they have up for bid today. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

Living Healthy: Let’s Learn About Fitness Equipment


Welcome back to DealDash Blog’s Living Healthy series. Today’s blog is going to introduce you to some pieces of fitness equipment and tell you how to use them.


Let’s start out with everyone’s favorite, the treadmill. Treadmills are the indoor motorized equivalent of walking or running in place. You simply keep up with a belt that’s moving under your feet. Your treadmill workout will burn about the same number of calories as walking or running outdoors, yet in your lovely air conditioned and internet equipped house.

If you’re getting on a treadmill for the first time, or even more importantly if you’re someone who hasn’t had any strenuous physical activity for at least three months, it’s recommended that you begin with walking. By training consistently (initially twice a week and then three times a week), you can gradually increase the intensity of your exercise by increasing your speed and incline.


Next up is the exercise bike. The exercise bike is a piece of exercise equipment having handlebars, pedals, and seat like a bicycle, and you pedal and stay in a stationary place, which is why is is also sometimes called a stationery bike. The exercise bike comes in both computerized and non-computerized versions. Computerized exercise bikes typically have digital displays that let you know how many calories you’ve burned and how much distance you’ve cycled. Some even have the technology for evaluating your heart rate and speed. If you like to have a calorie count, a computerized model may be for you. However, a non-computerized model will help you to burn calories just as well (You just won’t know how much you’ve burned!)

As with the treadmill, if you haven’t been exercising regularly then start slowly.If you strain yourself, you will be in too much pain to want to work out the next day. Start with 15 minutes on the bike, but understand that it’s okay to stop earlier if it becomes too much for you. Eventually, your legs will get used to the workout, and it will be more comfortable to do the entire 15 minutes. Gradually work up to 30 minutes on the bike. Once you are comfortable at this level, work towards a goal of spending one hour on the exercise bike, five days per week.


The last piece of exercise equipment that we are going to talk about today is the rower, or rowing machine. An indoor rower is a machine used to simulate the action of watercraft rowing for the purpose of exercise or training for rowing. In addition to being a great strength training exercise, rowing is an intense calorie-burning exercise. Although new rowers with less ability and training will burn fewer calories, the rowing machine is an excellent piece of exercise equipment for use in a weight-loss program.

If you are a total beginner with the indoor rower, please watch some YouTube videos to learn the proper form, I have included a link to one at the end of this article. If you use the rower improperly you can give yourself a back injury. After you have learned the proper form for rowing, shoot for 15 minute sessions at a 1-3 level of resistance. After you have mastered this, try to work yourself up to 30 minutes at a 3-5 level of resistance.






I hope this article has encouraged you to think about your health and how different pieces of exercise equipment could benefit your fitness. If you’re interested in getting some items to get you started head on over to DealDash. DealDash has all of the pieces of equipment that we talked about, as well as water bottles, mats, and plenty of other items that you can use to get healthy. Check out the Hobbies, Outdoors, & Sports category and I’m sure that you’ll find something that you just love. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!




That’s My Pet: Freshwater Fish


“Mom, Dad, can I have a pet?” Is this a familiar question in your house? It certainly is in mine, and we are in good company. It’s estimated that over 60% of American households have at least one pet.

In this new DealDash Blog series we will highlight different pets, give some basic facts about pet ownership, and hopefully help you make informed decisions about your new furry, feathered, or finned family member. Let’s get started!

Today’s pet is the Freshwater Fish. As a person who spent a few years working at a pet store, and also as a pet owner I would say one of the best pets to start a younger child out with is a freshwater fish aquarium. You can spend less than $40 to get a basic freshwater fish aquarium going with everything you need, or you can go as big and as fancy as you would like for more money.


There are a huge variety of different aquariums that you can get for your first set-up, most people find that the easiest thing to do is to get a kit that is already pre-assembled. However, if you would prefer to pick up the pieces yourself, here are the very basics that are recommended for a freshwater fish aquarium:

  • Fish tank or aquarium
  • Gravel
  • Light source
  • Filter
  • Water conditioner
  • Air pump with airstone
  • Thermometer
  • Fish food
  • Heater (perhaps not needed if you are getting goldfish)
  •  Plants, rocks, decorations (optional)

Other than those items everything else such as a background, live plant, or pirate chest decoration is completely and totally optional and can be added at a later time if you so choose.

The size and type of aquarium that you purchase can determine the type and quantity of fish that you choose to put in your new aquarium. When people first start out with keeping freshwater fish they usually go 1 of 3 ways – Betta fish in a tiny aquarium, community fish in a medium-sized aquarium, or goldfish in a medium to large aquarium. Of course, there are many many many more types of freshwater fish to choose from, but these are the most popular options for beginners.


My personal favorite of these 3 options is the community tank. Most people use a 10-29 gallon aquarium for their community tank, and stock it with fish such as Mollies, Guppies, Platys, Tetras, and algae eaters. There are SO many more community fish to choose from, but those are some of the most popular options that should be easy to find in your local pet store.

Setting up your aquarium can be a easy or complicated as you would like to make it, depending on what look you are trying to achieve. Here are the basic steps:

  • Put your aquarium on whatever surface that you will be keeping it on long term, be it an actual aquarium stand, a dresser, table, desk, etc.
  • Rinse your gravel and put it in the aquarium sloping it a little bit up towards the back
  • Treat your tap water with a water conditioner and add it to the aquarium, leaving a few inches unfilled at the top
  • Install your heater, filter, and thermometer
  • Add any decorations that you would like
  • Finish filling the water to the top
  • Plug in heater and filter
  • Wait 24-48 hours before adding any fish


As a general rule you can add about 1″ of (Full Grown fish length) per gallon of water. For instance if you have a 10 gallon aquarium you can add 10 fish that will be 1″ long when they are full grown. Don’t be fooled by the size the fish are when you buy them, make sure that you do your research to see how big your fish will be when they are full grown.

I hope that this article has helped you understand a little bit about setting up a freshwater fish aquarium. If you are in the market for an aquarium, pet store gift card, or any other pet-related items head on over to DealDash‘s “Other” section and see what they have up for bid today. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!