The whole DealDash Team would like to give a heartfelt thank you to each and every bidder that paid for an auction win on Thursday, December 15th.
On the 15th, we ran a special promotion where the sum of all won auction payments (excluding cars) would be donated to Red Cross America to help folks in need.
And with your help, we raised $8,491! The wonderful community of DealDashers paid for 884 auctions on December 15th, which made such an amazing and generous donation possible.
So once again, on behalf of all of us here at DealDash, thanks again for coming through and making this year’s charity promotion the best one yet.
We wish you a prosperous and joyous holiday season, and a very happy New Year.
If you are new to DealDash or the bidding fee online auction model and want to give it a try, use the promo code “dealdash2022” upon registration to get an extra 100 free bids with your first Bid Pack purchase.