– A Bidder that Turned One Win into Another

Customers love the great bargains they get in DealDash auctions! You can see photos and read testimonials from auction winners on DealDash’s new Pinterest page, and of course the official DealDash Facebook page. Every week customers post pictures of the great products they get from DealDash, and the best photo of the week wins a 500 dollar gift card! Last week Reynaldo won with this picture of the iPad Mini he purchased for just $80.39 (and as always, the shipping was free)!

With a 100% satisfaction guarantee on your initial bid pack purchase, trying DealDash is a risk free proposition. DealDash customers regularly save between 60-90 percent on the products featured in DealDash auctions, so get in on these great bargains and sign up now!

The BidBuddy vs. Manual Bidding: Which one is your winning approach on

Experienced DealDash bidders know how invaluable the BidBuddy can be to formulating a winning strategy, and it’s been written about here before to make sure bidders new to DealDash understand the importance of learning about the BidBuddy. To put it simply, most auctions are won using it, and bidders who use the BidBuddy tend to win more auctions using less bids.

However, some people don’t like the BidBuddy. There are a number of reasons why some people don’t like using it: some people feel like they don’t control their bidding, some people find it makes it easy to overbid, and others simply find setting it up too difficult to bother with. Whatever the reason may be, single bidders are left to watching the auction and clicking away whenever they want to place their bids. And even though the BidBuddy is an invaluable bidding tool, using it or not using it doesn’t make a winner: the difference between winning and losing auctions is a matter of strategy. With the right approach to the auctions, there’s no reason why manual bidders cannot win an auction against users who rely entirely on their BidBuddy.

Here are a couple of advantages to placing bids manually, and how you can capitalize on them to win more auctions:

Manual Bidding Makes you Focus on Using your Bids

One of the most important advantages to the BidBuddy is that it allows bidders to automate their bidding, thereby freeing up their time to do other things while still participating in the auction. There’s no doubt that this really helps them stay in more competitive auctions, but this isn’t without drawbacks. Loading up a BidBuddy and then leaving the computer means bidders aren’t paying attention to what happens, and if one or more other users loads up their BidBuddy to bid against you, everyone will end up placing bids needlessly (see the next point for more details). The value of watching the auctions and being critical about what other users are doing cannot be understated, and the best way to do this is by staying at the computer and clicking each time you want to place a bid. By doing so, you’ll be putting thought into each bid you place, and this is a great way for new bidders to learn about how to bid to win on DealDash!

Nobody Wins when Everyone Uses the BidBuddy

When two or more users have active BidBuddies in an auction, the BidBuddies will place their bids in sequence until they’re either turned off or they run out of bids. Anyone watching the auction will see this “tell” and understand that putting a BidBuddy in the auction, or even placing a bid if there’s more than two BidBuddies running, is a waste of bids. Since people using the BidBuddy aren’t necessarily paying this much attention, they’re more likely to waste their bids than their manual bidding counterparts, who will enjoy the advantage of waiting, watching, and conserving their bids to get the most out of them. If you’re a manual bidder use this to your advantage by saving your bids until you start to see the BidBuddies drop out of the auction. This might take a bit of time, but you’ll be saving bids and can ultimately win more for less!

Manual Bidding Makes your Strategy Less Transparent

Because BidBuddies place their bids at regular intervals, experienced DealDashers can usually tell when they’re being placed from a BidBuddy (but not necessarily how many bids they’ve allotted to their BidBuddy). By not relying as much on your BidBuddy you’re free to make your behavior a lot less predictable to other bidders, which is a huge advantage. Winning an auction means you have to outsmart your competition, and so denying them information gives you a leg up on them.

While all of these advantages are good things to keep in mind, they aren’t guaranteed to make you win more auctions. The best approach is to mix and match your bidding and make use of the advantages to both single bidding and the BidBuddy. Rather than load up your BidBuddy and walk away OR sitting by the computer and clicking each time you want to place a bid, try switching up your strategy as the auctions progress to make the most out of both approaches. This will help you maximize the benefits of the BidBuddy and manual bidding, and make sure you’re prepared to beat out everyone to get the best deals available on DealDash!

Customers love the great bargains they get in DealDash auctions! You can see photos and read testimonials from auction winners on DealDash’s new Pinterest page, and of course the official DealDash Facebook page. Every week customers post pictures of the great products they get from DealDash, and the best photo of the week wins a 500 dollar gift card! Last week Mike won with this picture of a bike he purchased for just $0.68!

Hope you enjoy the bike this summer Mike!

With a 100% satisfaction guarantee on your initial bid pack purchase, trying DealDash is a risk free proposition. DealDash customers regularly save between 60-90 percent on the products featured in DealDash auctions, so get in on these great bargains and sign up now!

How to Win a Great Deal Before Mother’s Day at

Being a mother is no easy job. It involves working long hours for no money, and often involves doing thankless work: if I were to offer you a job with these benefits I’d expect to be laughed right out of the room. But despite the lack of benefits, mothers across the US do their best day in and day out to improve the lives of those around them. And not just their children and families, but their communities too!

But now Mother’s Day is right around the corner, so it’s everyone’s chance to finally go to their Mom, their friends’ mothers, their daughters, and anyone else who proudly calls themselves “Mom” and tell them what a great job they’re doing.

Well what does all this have to do with DealDash? Besides having our own mothers, we know that lots of people are looking to do something extra special this year for Mother’s Day. Whether that means getting some nice gifts or going out for a nice meal with the Moms in your life, DealDash is making itself the go-to place for your Mother’s Day shopping. You can save big on some gift cards to spend on fun things to do during the weekend, or get a new laptop for only a few dollars! However you choose to recognize the Moms in your life, DealDash wants to help you make this Mother’s Day a great one. Here are three easy to follow tips to help you budget your Mother’s Day shopping on DealDash, and save big bucks while giving all the Moms in your life a nice thank you!

#1: – Create a budget and stick to it!

If you want to save money on DealDash, it’s important to know how much you feel comfortable spending, and then bid on auctions you know you can win within that budget. This starts with you. Take a look at the current promotion and decide how many bids you can buy, then find auctions you can win within that range. Don’t bid on bigger items unless you know that you can afford to see the auction all the way through. While you can never be 100% sure on what the final sales price of an item will be, you can do some research and learn how much the average sales price is and how much the item has sold for recently. You can use these as benchmarks and plan your bidding strategy accordingly, but don’t automatically assume that things will work out as you plan. Know your limits, and be prepared to stick with them!

#2: – Bid on items that you know you’ll get great value from!

Another way you can be sure to get a great Mother’s Day gift is by bidding on items you know you can get the best value from. Don’t just bid on something that you think someone will like, but bid on things that you know you’d buy anyway. This makes the “Buy it now” option much more valuable. For example, gift cards are almost as good as cash, they make great gifts, and they’re available in denominations that suit all budgets. Bidding on gift cards is a great way to do Mother’s Day shopping on DealDash. If you don’t win you can just buy the card and then you get all your bids back to use in another auction. Now that’s smart shopping!

#3: – Think About the People You’re Buying For First

There are certain things that almost everyone’s mother will love, but you’re not buying for almost everyone. Think about what the person you’re shopping for would really love, and try to find something a little unique to buy for them. Holidays like Mother’s Day tend to convince people to buy stereotypical gifts, and so traditional retailers will have sales on things that most people want. DealDash deals work a bit differently: if more people want an item then the auction will be more difficult to win. Try to keep this in mind when doing your shopping. If everyone wants to get someone special in their life an iPad, it might be a good time for you to bid on a Kindle. Smart DealDashers know that the best deals are the ones that other bidders are missing out on, and this gives you the perfect opportunity to win a fantastic gift for CHEAP!

These are just a couple of suggestions on how you can get a great Mother’s Day gift for someone, but there are tons of pieces of advice contained on old blog posts that you should check out. And don’t forget that pieces of advice like these are no substitute for experience and innovation, so don’t be afraid to experiment and apply some out of the box thinking!

Customers love the great bargains they get in DealDash auctions! You can see photos and read testimonials from auction winners on DealDash’s new Pinterest page, and of course the official DealDash Facebook page. Every week customers post pictures of the great products they get from DealDash, and the best photo of the week wins a 500 dollar gift card! Last week Barbara won with this picture of the iPad she purchased for just $14.86!

Way to go Barbara! Hope you enjoy the iPad!

With a 100% satisfaction guarantee on your initial bid pack purchase, trying DealDash is a risk free proposition. DealDash customers regularly save between 60-90 percent on the products featured in DealDash auctions, so get in on these great bargains and sign up now!

Tips and Tactics to Help New Bidders Win on

Bidding and winning on DealDash is easy, and many bidders are able to win auctions with their first bid pack purchase. But some new bidders have more trouble, and there can be many reasons for this. Some people aren’t familiar with pay-to-bid auctions and don’t understand how to conserve their bids, others don’t know how to navigate the site and find themselves lost amongst the hundreds of products available to bid on each day. Here are a few pieces of wisdom that many veteran DealDashers have found to be vital tools in their quest to win those big ticket items that everyone loves!

Tip #1: – Do Your Research Before Bidding

The temptation to immediately jump into an auction as soon as you visit the site for your first time can be overwhelming. There are so many great products, and they often sell for just a fraction of their retail value. But the key to getting those big discounts is knowing how to win the auction while conserving your bids. Anyone can win an auction if they’re willing to use unlimited bids, but nobody who approaches the auctions with this mentality saves money. Big savings means getting the most out of the bids you use, so you need to use your head. Before you bid on an item, visit the auction page while logged out of your account. You’ll be able to see the average selling price of the item in the auctions at the top of the screen, and so you can get an idea about how long auctions will run for and how much competition you can expect in the auction. Information like this can help you make a budget and plan out how you want to use your bids in the auction.

Tip #2: – Higher Value Items Need More Skill

Some auctions attract more interest from bidders, which makes them more competitive. And while this isn’t always something determined by the value of the items, it is a good rule of thumb that more expensive items will attract more interest. If you’re new to pay to bid auctions and want to get the most out of the site, try sticking to some lower value items. There are lots of lower value items that are just as great to win than the more expensive ones (winning 4 $50 Amazon gift cards is the same as winning one $200 Amazon gift card). It’s a great way to learn the ropes and get some experience and wins under your belt. Once you start to get a feel for winning, it’s easier to apply what you’ve learned to the more competitive auctions.

Tip #3: – Concentrating Bids is Smarter than Spreading Them Out

Some bidders don’t keep track of where their bids go, and overtime this turns into a bit of drain. There might be a few reasons why bidders do this: some people do to much “browse bidding” and will just place a couple of bids while they’re looking through the open auctions. Other people might be bidding in auction, take a break and do something else, and then come back and bid on a similar product in a different auction. Whatever the reason might be, the result is the same: bids being wasted in auctions that the bidder won’t stick with. When you choose to bid in auctions, you should ask yourself whether you want to be in it to win it! If the answer is yes you should really focus on it: watch the auction, remember to bookmark it, research the product AND the other bidders. Not only does concentrating your bids in fewer auctions give you more bids to win the stuff you really want; it also means that if you lose you can use the “Buy it now” option and get all the bids you used in the auction credited back to your account.

Customers love the great bargains they get in DealDash auctions! You can see photos and read testimonials from auction winners on DealDash’s new Pinterest page, and of course the official DealDash Facebook page. Every week customers post pictures of the great products they get from DealDash, and the best photo of the week wins a 500 dollar gift card! Last week Robbie used the great bargain he got on this 32 Inch Panasonic TV to help him win big again on Facebook!


With a 100% satisfaction guarantee on your initial bid pack purchase, trying DealDash is a risk free proposition. DealDash customers regularly save between 60-90 percent on the products featured in DealDash auctions, so get in on these great bargains and sign up now!