Figuring out when to switch your baby from milk or formula and puréed baby food to table foods can be a tricky thing. With the right information and tools you can make the transition easily and keep your baby happy and healthy.
If you were to ask your pediatrician, she or he would probably recommend that you begin to transition your baby from jarred (or homemade) baby food to table foods around 9 months of age. The goal is to have your baby mostly eating table foods rather than formula and baby foods by the time they hit their first birthday. Of course, every child is different, some get their teeth sooner or later than others do, and some children are more food-motivated than their peers. The idea isn’t to force your baby into something they aren’t ready for – the goal is a healthy baby who is happy to eat a variety of foods.
The transition from baby food to table food can be a bit of an adjustment for some children and their parents. Some babies are happy to eat the jarred baby food, and some (like my daughter!) just couldn’t wait to eat table foods and would grab at just about anything on a plate that she could get her sticky little hands on. A fear that many parents have is the fear of their child choking. It instills a bit of terror in the hearts of many Moms and Dads everywhere. Here is a list of foods that can help ease the transition and help keep everyone happy.
1- Fresh fruit. Peeled and cut up into small pieces fresh fruit makes a great first table food. Apples and pears are great hand foods for your child to handle as long as they are cut up into small pieces. These are delicious and totally healthy, too.
2- Vegetables. Steamed and cut up into small pieces vegetables are a big hit with a lot of kids. Some other veggies to try are mashed regular or sweet potatoes, sweet potato french fries baked in the oven, steamed broccoli or green beans, and just about every kid loves peas, fresh or even frozen.
3- Carbs. Toast, waffles, pancakes, bagels, pasta… All tasty, and just about all kids love them. These will probably be big hits at first as the flavors won’t be too over powering.
4- Breakfast foods. In addition to the carbs mentioned above, other breakfast foods such as cereal (dry or wet), scrambled eggs, and even tiny pieces of bacon can be a tasty treat for your little one.
If you’re still a bit wary of making a plate of table food for your baby and turning them loose, there are some different products made to make the transition easier for you and your little one. Here are some of the most popular options:
Baby Food Grinder: You can grind softer foods like bananas, pasta, steamed veggies, avocado. Put a small amount of anything that you are eating into the grinder and turn the arm and it is ground up and ready for your little one to eat. Because it grinds the foods into such small particles there is little worry of your little one choking.
Mash and Serve Bowl: You can mash foods like potatoes, beans, steamed veggies, fruits, eggs. You mash the food and serve your child right from the bowl, eliminating dirtying up and extra dish.
Fresh Food Feeder: You can put just about anything from fresh fruits to meat into the mesh bag and let your child feed themselves. This is also great when they are teething, you can put frozen fruit into it to help with teething pains.
After reading this article I hope that you have a better idea of when and how to switch your baby over to table foods. If you are in need of anything for your baby, including kitchen items check out DealDash. Try the Toys, Kids, & Baby section to see what awesome baby products they have coming up. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!