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DealDash loves its bidders as much as bidders love winning fantastic deals in the auctions, which is one of the reasons why DealDash is always looking for ways to make shopping online cheaper and more fun. One of the things that bidders seem to love the most are the different ways DealDash gives them opportunities to earn free bids, which helps them save even more money. While more experienced bidders have learned to use these to save big bucks, some bidders don’t even know about them. So here’s a quick breakdown on the best ways to earn free bids to use on DealDash!
The “Time as Highest Bidder Meter” is a small bar sitting at the bottom of your screen when logged in to your account. As you bid in the auctions, it calculates how much time you spend as the highest bidder in a particular auction. Once it fills up, you can click on it to claim free bids. The amount of free bids you can earn starts small, but it increases as you move up to higher levels!
This basically rewards bidders for spending more time as the highest bidder in an auction, so it’s a great way to earn something just for participating in an auction.
Almost everyone has a Facebook account nowadays, so it’s really easy to get free bids just by participating in the DealDash community. If you post pictures of your wins on DealDash’s Facebook page, you’re given free bids to use in the auctions. Not only that, but once a week the person who posts the best picture wins a free $500 gift card (vendors include Amazon, Walmart, and more)! This is a great way to subsidize bidding, and you can earn as many as 200 (list price for 200 bids is $120) bids just for posting.
DealDash runs regular promotions where bids are sold at an incredible discount, but they also run promotions for its community that aren’t featured on the website. If you’re a regular bidder and want to get the most bang for your bucks, it’s important that you keep an eye on DealDash‘s various community pages. In addition to our incredibly popular Facebook page, you should also keep on eye on our Pinterest site, Google+ page, and of course this blog.
As already mentioned, DealDash is always thinking up new ways to reward bidders, so keep your eyes and ears open and don’t hesitate to leave your own suggestions in the comments!
Online shopping is a multi-billion dollar business, and the surge in online spending is expected to continue rising to over $360 billion in the US within the next 3 years. The savings offered by online retailers are opening up a whole new world for shoppers by bringing premium products at affordable prices right to their front doors.
Since the benefits of online shopping are catching on all over the nation, more companies are working to bring these great savings to customers. And while many companies might be offering similar products and services at similar price points, DealDash sets itself apart from these other websites by bringing back the fun and social aspect to shopping – something a lot of people are starting to miss about going to the mall with friends!
DealDash lists over 800 brand new items up for auction everyday and is a place where people come together to bid, win and save on some of the best brand name products. Here are a few ways that people all over the USA use DealDash to save money (and have fun while doing it)!
Registering for DealDash is 100% free, and with the regular sales and promotions buying bids to use in the auctions is affordable for everyone. PLUS, shipping on DealDash is 100% free on all items, saving you money on the products you want to buy AND at the gas pumps!
All of the items featured in the auctions at DealDash must go, and users come together to bid on the different items. All items start at $0.00, and the DealDash community bids to set the final sales price. This way you can get items you really want without having to pay the outrageous mark-ups charged by retailers.
DealDash rewards customers for just participating on the site. The website has many unique game like features (such as the Time as Highest Bidder meter) that lets customers earn free bids! PLUS, DealDash has one of the largest and most vibrant communities on Facebook that gives bidders even more opportunities to win!
Check out the DealDash Reviews section of the blog to read feedback from satisfied DealDashers! And remember, with a 100% satisfaction guarantee on your first bid pack purchase, trying DealDash is a risk free proposition. Why not treat yourself to a great deal today?
Cherylene R. shops for great deals on DealDash: “I won this Portable Stereo with Dock for iPod or iPhone for only $0.47 on DealDash with free shipping! Now I can dance with my grandchildren. I love shopping on DealDash.”
DealDash reviews and winning tips:
1) Don’t let your ego get in the way. Some people are so determined not to lose that yes, they do pay more than an item is worth just to “not lose.” Also, they may have purchased their bids on sale, so they’re not paying as much as you think. Once you get close to what the item is worth in bids, exercise the Buy It Now Option and get your bids back. Accept that you will not win every time.
2) Buy your bids when they’re on sale. But if DealDash is having a push on computers and 500 people are all there to win a coimputer, don’t bid on computers. Bid on something else — like somebody else said, something that others don’t want (but YOU DO).
3) Listen to your intuition about when Lady Luck is by your side. Sometimes I’d get a nudge to go on the site at 2:00 in the afternoon or 1 a.m. I’d go on and be able to win the product I wanted with only a few bids.
4) DealDash has expanded their server. No network problems anymore. But if others are using the BidBuddy, it’s best to use it too.
5) if you’re broke and desperate, don’t go on there thinking ‘I have to win.’ Desperation rarely leads to success.
6) When everyone else is focused on the latest IPad, watch the items that are just coming up on the auction table. If there aren’t two hundred people there, they may not be paying attention to the new items that come up and you can win something for one cent (and the cost of that bid). Study Penny Bidding. It’s an art. Watch. Learn – before you jump in with the last ten dollars in your checking account. Don’t spend money you don’t have and don’t bid on items you can’t afford — unless you’ve set a limit you’re willing and able to lose.
Recreational Shopping is a great way to get gifts for others and items for yourself that you wouldn’t ordinarily buy. And, DealDash is impeccable. No bots, they’re a clean business with integrity and the best Customer Service I have ever encountered. Any business will have issues from time to time, but DealDash responds to every email sent to customer service and they go out of their way to deal with any complaint, issue or problem. I’ve visited almost every penny bidding site, and in my opinion, DealDash is #1 and getting better all the time.”
More DealDash Customer Reviews and Tips:
Forrest R. provides DealDash review: “Excellent auction site… I have played on many of them and very few are the “real deal” in that they are honest, fair, and fun. And DealDash is definately at the top of the list!”
Lesa S. shares a review of DealDash: “I have been a participant on DealDash for 5 months and have won 59 auctions. I visit the site daily. I watch more auctions than I participate in. It’s exciting and entertaining, but you have to know your limits. Enrollment increases daily. Because of this, they could use more auctions. Customer service is friendly, very receptive of feedback, and respond quickly. They are better than other penny auctions because of their free shipping and deals on bid packs!”
Paula H. thanks DealDash with a review: “The customer service at Deal Dash is I would have to say the best I have ever come across, sincerely honest and handles anything that comes up most efficiently , You all are great people and it shows that you have pride in your company and compassion for your customers. Thank You All
Robert K. gives DealDash review: “Great deals fair site have had a fun time great customer service.”
Kelley H. likes DealDash: “I have had nothing but good experiences on Deal Dash. Sure you lose some but hey thats what happens. I have never had any problems with the products I have won.”
Bob T. reviews DealDash: “I have nothing but praise for DEALDASH. I have had a couple of questions I wrote to support about. They answer very quickly and I always found the answers honest and helpful. With the new innovation of after $5.00 no new bidders can jump in. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS SITE!”
If you have any winning tips or reviews of DealDash please get in touch! See Live Auctions here.