End of Summer Welcomes Winter Holiday Shopping

I guess we all pretty much have seen the end of summer. The last picnic, the last trip to the beach, the last short and t-shirt day.

A lot of lasts as summer ends, but just think of all the enjoyment we deal dashers got from our restaurant gift cards, gasoline gift cards, and retail store gift cards we won on DealDash.com! At least for me. my long summer weekend journeys included trips to southern Illinois, southern Ohio and the Wisconsin Dells. These trips were for travelling baseball team tournaments.

I was able to use gasoline gift cards I won on DealDash in all three states. I used Subway cards at various locations and even bought the baseball team doughnuts at Dunkin’!  I was honored with the title “Team Grandma”. I could not have been so generous if I had not saved these cards for the past few months. I either win or bin on DealDash for the cards I know I am going to be able to use on the road. Being fortunate winning some really good auctions on DealDash, I save money and am able to help my “team” if need be.

DealDash.com allows you to buy it now and get your bids back too. If I am not successful on an auction, buying it now makes perfect sense. I get all of my bids back for free, (no other site does that) and then I get to try again. My entire family loves DealDash.com and all the wonderful items and gift cards they have available.  So, while the end of summer is here, we can look ahead to the winter holidays which will mean a lot of bidding and winning, too!

By Joan Vith

Christmas Countdown Has Begun!

I have to admit that I have bought a few things on DealDash that I would never use myself but could actually make cute Christmas gifts or stocking suffers now that the Christmas countdown has begun.

I’ve won off-the-wall items just to get that winning bid like a Retro Style Handset for your Android or iPhone and a “CashStash” capsule for your keychain.

retro handset for iPhone

One of the perks about shopping on DealDash is that you can get some really good deals and once you get your item, you can do what you please with it. I like to donate and give things away for events or parties I’m attending throughout the year.

For instance, I won big stuffed dog bed that I donated to my local humane society. When I feel like there isn’t anything I would want on DealDash, I will look for things that I could win that would be a perfect donation gift. I have won several items that my local shelter has been the gracious recipients of.

I also like to search the auctions for birthday and Christmas presents. Sure I’m looking for Christmas presents practically all year-long but I can keep those gifts in my closet until December when I decide to wrap it. Now is a good time to start shopping for your holiday gifts because the Christmas countdown has officially started with the autumn season now upon us and as of today (September 23rd) we’re only 92 days away! Here’s a cute Christmas countdown timer you and you kids can follow!

Buy a bid pack once a week and before you know it, you have a closet full of items that are perfect gifts for family and friends throughout the year. DealDash is not only fun but productive when you’re having a great family get-together!

By Gigi Pence

A little about myself: I’ve been bidding on DealDash for about two years and really like it. I like to frequent DealDash because it is fun and entertaining. I’ve gone to other sites but find myself coming back to DealDash because of the ability to get your bids back when you buy it now after losing an auction.

Bidding Tip: Know Who Is Online When Bidding

I have talked in the past about knowing certain bidders in the DealDash world. You know when you see them, and it’s likely you do not stand a chance when they are bidding because they will not give up, and may actually end up winning for more than the item is worth – just to get the win.

However, it is also important to be aware of who is online when you are actually bidding. One of the strategies I use is to scroll through a few auctions, and see who is online and bidding. I also scroll through the winner’s page and see if any big bidders have won anything recently. This lets me know who I have to contend with.

One can also go to their dashboard and view the “Who’s on their limit” section. Although it will cost you 1 Bid to show the list, this let’s you know who has reached their winning limit for the week and if they have reached their limit of items valued above or below $200.00. This can sometimes be useful when you’re watching for people you don’t want to bid against.

Here’s a partial list of who has reached their winning limit. This was activated today, September 19th. 

DealDash Winning Limit

Knowing how is online when bidding is also a factor in the big auctions that I enter. Normally I try to go into them when the big winners have already won them, however if I do not see the big winners active on the site I will go into something that they have not won. This doesn’t guarantee a win, however it does make me feel like I have a chance to win. When I see some of the big winners in the auctions I know that I do not stand a chance. So this was just a quick bidding tip to help you with your bidding strategies, and hopefully your winning. Hope you liked it!

What bidding tips do you use to help you win auctions on DealDash?

Guest blog post by Erica B.

How To Access DealDash Easier And Faster While On The Go!

According to the Pew Research Center, 56% of American adults are now smartphone owners. This means that more than likely you use a smartphone yourself and have the capabilities to access the internet while on the go. While checking your email or instant messaging a Facebook friend is common, have you tried using your smartphone to access DealDash to check up on the auctions you’re bidding on or add more bids to your BidBuddy?

Here’s a few simple steps on how to access DealDash easier and faster while on the go! While the visual examples below are taken from an iPhone, Android users can also use the “Add to Home Screen” feature to add the icon from any website to their phone which appears along side and looks just like a native application. Since a picture is worth a thousands words… here’s how to do it!

Step 1 and 2: Follow the RED arrows

Step by Step iPhone DealDash

Step 3 and 4: Follow the RED arrows

Add to home screen DealDash

Now that you know how to add a website icon to your home screen, go ahead and give it a try with DealDash. By doing this you’ll always have quick and easy access to DealDash on the go!

Also See: 6 DealDash Bidding Tips To Help You Win


Top Tips, Winning Strategies And Ways To Get Free Bids

Here is a list of the top articles featuring tips, bidding strategies to winning auctions, and how to get free bids on DealDash.com.

Have you been finding it harder to win recently? Have you thought about your bidding strategy recently? Here are some great articles you may want to review. As you probably know auctions are unpredictable and adapting different bidding strategies is one way to continue winning auctions and enjoying your shopping experience. Try implementing some new bidding tips and collect some free bids to help with your overall strategy.

1. The Keys To Winning Auctions On DealDash.com

This article provides bidders with some of the basic building blocks to developing a good winning strategy.

2. Top 3 Bidding Tips For Having The Best DealDash Experience

Dive further into detail on how to use these three important bidding tips to enhance your bidding experience.

  1. Watch and Learn
  2. Use the BidBuddy
  3. Buy it Now

You may also like A Simple Exercise To Find The Perfect Auction and discover how to really watch auctions.







3. 3 Tips For Earning Free Bids On DealDash

Yes… FREE Bids!!!

Free Bids DealDash

4. How To Get Free Bids On DealDash.com

Reveals the Number 1 Way To Earn Free Bids. 

5. Are You Sabotaging Bidding Success By Another Satisfied DealDash.com Penny Bidder

Take an in-depth look at four dangerous emotions which could be sabotaging your bidding success and learn how to prevent them.

  1. Change Hope To Strategy
  2. Freeze Fear
  3. Neutralize Greed
  4. Knock Out Angry Bidding

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