Guest Post by RickP

DealDash is an amazing site. Shopping here is very fun and winning is exhilarating!!

I have one several items on DealDash like video games, a telescope, an electric beard trimmer and many more. Personally I have had a lot of luck on DealDash and strongly recommend trying this site. They have thousands of different items to bid on so there’s always something for everyone.  They also give you free bid rewards for the time you are the highest bidder.

Some tricks that I have learned along the way is when bidding later at night there are usually not as many bidders and therefore less competition, making winning a bit easier.  Also, I recommend to always use the bid buddy. This has saved me a few times and cost me dearly for not using it several times. I can not stress this enough. When going for a walk, to the restroom or just tending to the kids; bid buddy has you covered.  It is an automatic bidding system that bids for you and as long as you have bids booked in it, it will bid for you during the last second and keep you in the game.

Some of my unbelievable wins include an electric cookie press for a couple dollars and a Xbox 360 video game for $0.11 – yes that’s 11 cents! I know this may sound too good to be true but its not. Try it out you will not be disappointed, and if you are you’ll be happy to know you can get your money back because DealDash has a 100% money back guarantee on your first purchase – no questions asked.

The best part is if you don’t win the item that you are bidding on, DealDash gives you the opportunity to buy it at retail value and you get all your bids back, yes ALL of your bids back from bidding on that item. Give it a try, it makes for great gift buying and also great entertainment!

Good luck and happy bidding.

– Rick

Christmas Greetings and Guest Post by JANETMORRIS

Dear DealDash,

I must write you to thank you for making my daughter and grandbabies Christmas possible this year. I will not go into all that has happened this past year, but I will tell you that she has divorced in the past year, has 3 children, and no financial help from her ex.

She is an English teacher for 10,11, and 12 grades as well as a mentor to many of the students. I am retired on a very limited income so I am not much financial help…but… always there physically when they need me…. LOVE THEM SO.

I have been able to buy their Christmas on your wonderful website for pennies of what I would have spent retail and neither of us have the money for that. For that I can never express enough how much my family truly thanks you.  We will have a very Merry Christmas this year thanks to you DealDash. I have told so many people about your website that I have lost count. I would like to tell some of the items that I was so fortunate to have won.

My daughter’s home was foreclosed on so she and the children had to find a new home. Here are just a few items I was able to save on by shopping on your site:

  • $159.00 garage door opener for $1.09
  • $306.00 trampoline (which has always been a dream) for my granddaughter for $77.00
  • $71.00 dvd player for my grandson for $1.51
  • $100 J C Penny gift card for $6.32
  • $50.00 AMC gift card and 40 free bids for $4.57

…and oh I could go on and on!!

Two other points that I found marvellous were:

1. After a certain amount of time the deals are ‘locked” to enable one of those people to win (so another person just coming onto the site can not join that deal).

2. I also found so many deals on the site I was unable to participate, due to win limits, in order to give other/new bidders a chance…. how wonderful is that!!!

I told my family at a birthday party last weekend who were sceptical at first and know they are bidding on items or having me watch and bid on things for them. I am still watching for K-cups and the Infinity game for Christmas.

OH YES……AND FREE SHIPPING…..THE 200 POUND TRAMPOLINE WAS EVEN SHIPPED FREE TO ME….OH MY GOODNESS . If anyone does not try this website they are so missing out!!!!!!

DEALDASH, THANK-YOU SO MUCH AND HAVE A BLESSED CHRISTMAS  SEASON….You have made this Grandma be santa and grandma this year!!!!

DealDash user: JANETMORRIS

Simply Advice from an Experienced DealDash’er

Having been a DealDash user since 10/31/2012 I have had the pleasure of having a lot of fun bidding on and winning a lot of really nice items.

One recent win was a Vizio 60-inch Smart TV that I got for $179.00 using just 615 bids. DealDash has regular sales on bid credits for 15¢ and 14¢.

I have a way of bidding that I am sure is a good way as I have won several items.

When you start a bid on something it must be done before the price reaches $5.00 as no other bidders are allowed after the item reaches $5.00 – this helps keep the auctions limited to just the people who were involved from the beginning. Once you have bid on something you then have two options. Click the bid now button and one bid is added to the price. Or you can book a bid buddy which is an automatic bid tool. When you use bid buddy, as the clock gets close to running out, a bid will be added automatically for you.

VIZIO 60-Inch Smart TV
VIZIO 60-Inch Smart TV I won on DealDash

Bid buddy is super helpful in allowing you to do other things throughout the day, or go to work where you may not be able to use a computer for bidding. Bid buddy will bid for you until you either run out of bids or win the item.

There are no worries about losing an item if you win and are not home or near a computer because you have 14 days to pay for any deals you win.

Another helpful aspect of the site is its mobile feature. If you have a smartphone you can check the progress of the auction and add bids and even pay for your item. Shipping is also fast and free which is very nice.

When shopping on DealDash you’ll find several items for sale that suite all aspects of life, and bid packs so you can win more bids. I have had several hours of fun playing on DealDash while out and about through the use of the mobile site. (Look it up on google play store).

I hope some of this advice will help someone win an item or two and that you bid fairly and have fun!

DealDash player 2eagles


Guest Post by Hunnybee3983

I started DealDash back in 2012 and have had so much fun bidding on different items! I got really lucky, especially that year, and was able to complete almost all of my Christmas shopping for both of my kids.

The best win I have ever had was a desktop computer that my son wanted for Christmas. It was a Dell All-In-One Desktop computer and I won it for $7.65 using only 113 bids. I just couldn’t believe I had won!!!

Over the course of two years and after 319 wins, I have found that you can conserve your bids best when really watching the auctions – this will help you from using all of your bids too quickly. Also, do a bit of research on the other players. If I see someone who recently won a great deal on a large credit pack or have noticed a certain player is consistently persistent, I will not play on that item against them and will rather wait until another similar item comes up again at a later time.

DealDash Guest Blogger Hunnybee3983

You can really win some great items on DealDash! From outdoor furniture to electronics, like the Dell computer, and Dr. Dre Beats headphones which I’ve won for both my husband and my kids. Lots of kitchen items including a Keurig coffee makers, tablets, surround sound systems for both of my living rooms, items for my travel trailer and so many more! I have also won some great gift items to give to other family members and friends.

When play on DealDash I usually use my mobile phone and find it very easy to use.

If you have not tried DealDash, I would definitely recommend trying it! I have tried other similar websites and I would have to say that DealDash is by far the best! Bid credits are a lot cheaper and their website is very user friendly. There are so many items to choose from and they seem to introduce new and unique items quite frequently. I have had a really great experience with this company and I am very thankful for all of the items I have been able to win! So if your looking for an exciting way to get a deal, definitely give DealDash a try!!!

By DealDasher Hunnybee3983

P.S. The customer service is awesome too! Thank you!

If you love shopping on DealDash and would like to contribute as a guest blogger, please email [email protected].

DealDash Provides

DealDash Holiday Shopping

DealDash provides may sound like a silly phrase to you, but to me it’s the absolute truth. I have had so many experiences of talking to a friend or family member and telling them about how I wanted to get something in particular, and within the next day or so it always seems to be listed on DealDash.

Bear with me for a moment while I tell you a little bit about my son – He is a very cute 6 (almost 7) year old boy with Special Needs. He was born 3 months early and has global delays due to this fact. I had a meeting with all of his specialists this week, and his Physical Therapist suggested it might help his motor skills if we got him a bicycle with training wheels.

If a bicycle is what he needs, a bicycle is what he will get! However, it was very difficult to find the right bicycle that met his needs- Having an 18″ wheel size so it would fit him, but also having training wheels for balance. Just last night we went to Wal-Mart, Target, Sears, K-Mart, and Toys R Us. Not a SINGLE one of those stores had that particular combination in stock, the closest we came was one at Wal-Mart, but it was very clearly a girl’s bike, purple and sparkly. There were some available online that weren’t available in stores, but they were very expensive, over $100.

Just on a whim before bed last night I decided to check DealDash, and there it was! An 18″ boy’s bike with training wheels, in his favorite color, green! I checked, and it had a very reasonable BIN (Buy It Now) price of $66, at least $40 cheaper than any comparable bike that I found online. And with free shipping, it would be an awesome deal even if I didn’t WIN and ended up BINning it and getting all of my bids back. I set my Bid Buddy up with as many bids to reach the BIN price, and went to bed.

Imagine my surprise when I checked in today and found out that I had WON! And used only 77 bids!! 77 bids and $2 equals approximately $12.78, which is one of the BEST deals that I had ever gotten on DealDash, and now my son will have the bike that he needs for his therapy.

Thank you DealDash, my son is going to have an awesome surprise when his new bike arrives!

