The Artsy Auctions Shirley Loves To Bid On!

We continue on the series of presenting our customers. Now it’s time to hear what Shirley says about bidding on her favorite online auction. Based on the chat we had with her, Shirley loves all the artsy auctions she’s won. She is reminded daily of her previous wins by the artwork, sculptures and clocks on her wall. The decorations are something she feels she wouldn’t have afforded in the retail market herself:

My best memory is an accumulation of all these wonderful things that I’ve been able to acquire. Items I would never be able to get in the retail market. The artwork in my home, the sculptures, the clocks – they’re all well made, they look gorgeous and it makes my home that much better.


View the whole interview below or on our YouTube Channel with weekly updates.

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Meet DealDash Customer Craig!

Real DealDash customer interview

Today we’re introducing a new YouTube series where a DealDash customer is interviewed. They’ll share their experience on DealDash, their favorite features and even some of the items they’ve won on DealDash.

Each episode will feature one DealDash customer and their story. This week, we’re introducing our customer Craig from Los Angeles. Craig first heard of DealDash in a TV commercial and his first thought was disbelief:

This can’t be real, they can’t be giving out deals like this. Then I went on and started winning great products at such a cheap price, it’s unbelievable.

Craig, DealDash customer

Check out the full video below:

Listen to what Craig has to say about his experience on DealDash
Continue reading “Meet DealDash Customer Craig!”

The DealDash Company Culture

Company culture built through values

If you’re familiar with DealDash, you may already know that the company just celebrated its 9 Year Anniversary. What’s the key to staying in business for such a long time? We have it clear: we know how to take care of our customers. Listening to customer feedback and concerns are necessary to keep evolving as a company. Customer feedback is the key to becoming a better DealDash year after year! Company culture is built on top of company values, which for DealDash are listed on their website:

  1. Treat your customers as you would want to be treated yourself.
  2. Develop new skills and expand your perspective.
  3. Take ownership, take initiative, take action, YOU are the company.
  4. Break assumptions, pursue unconventional ideas.
  5. Data is worth more than 1000 smart opinions. Data is everywhere, use it!
  6. We are a flat organization. Talk with your colleagues and share your ideas.
Company employees get together to form company culture based on values
The DealDash team gathered together to Nice, France in 2017.
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Let’s Talk Storage With DealDash

Let’s face it, as Americans, we have a lot of stuff in our homes. Luckily, DealDash is here to help with storage. Read on for more information.

Welcome to DealDash, the website that is here to help you with your home decor needs. Today’s problem is having too much stuff! Compared to other countries, Americans have many more items in their homes. I can speak from personal experience, my house is overflowing with kid’s toys, craft supplies, clothing, and more.

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Easy Ways to Save on DealDash

There are lots of easy ways to save money by using DealDash. Read on for more information.

I’m sure that you’re a person who likes to save money – otherwise, why would you be interested in bidding on DealDash? Sure, it can be a fun hobby and is also very entertaining. However, most people come to DealDash because they are looking for a deal. There are lots of ways that you can up your chances of winning a DealDash auction. Read this article and find out how.

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