A Friend You Can Count On

You might think that bidding on DealDash is an individual activity, and you’d be mostly correct in thinking so. But did you know that there is a friend you can count on? A friend that helps you bid more effectively and even win auctions? Well, there is, and it’s called the BidBuddy!

If you’ve been around DealDash for more than a few auctions then you might already know about BidBuddy. It’s an automatic bidding tool that is available to DealDash bidders for each and every auction. And if you are the type of bidder who loves to multitask and participate in a few auctions at once, you have access to multiple bidbuddies; one for each auction that you are in.

A cartoon graphic illustrating how to book the DealDash BidBuddy.
Type in the number of bids you want to use, then click “Book a BidBuddy”

Trying new things can be hard, and if you haven’t used BidBuddy before, perhaps you are wondering if it is difficult or if it requires a lot of brain power. Worry not; it’s very simple to use. Once you have chosen an auction you want to bid in, simply enter the number of bids you would like to add to the auction in the box that says “Number of Bids” and click the “Place Bids” button. It’s that easy!

Once the auction starts, the Bid Buddy will place your bids one at a time until you win or until all your bids allocated to it have been used. If you decide that this particular auction isn’t for you, or if the auction price is going too high, don’t worry,  you can cancel your BidBuddy any time you like.

One great feature of the Bid Buddy is that it not only bids for you automatically, but it bids intelligently! It is designed to only bid when the auction clock is about to run out. This way, no bids are wasted. Many successful bidders rely on BidBuddy to help them win auctions and save time and money

A sign alerts readers to keep calm and use the DealDash BidBuddy.
Do yourself a favor and rely on the Bid Buddy for some help.

BidBuddy guarantees your place

One perk that comes with using BidBuddy is our BidBuddy Guarantee rule.

The BidBuddy Guarantee is a feature that ensures all BidBuddies booked before the auction starts will be allowed to bid. This feature was introduced to make sure that everyone bidding before the No Jumper Limit could participate in the auction. Now, manual bidding before the No Jumper Limit will not exclude any BidBuddies from participating as long as they have been booked before the auction starts and have not been cancelled.

I hope this information inspires you in the auctions to try something new. Maybe you will even stop manually bidding for a bit to give BidBuddy a try. If you’re interested in reading even more tips and tricks check out the “Tactics & Tips” section on DealDash.

If you are new to DealDash or the bidding fee online auction model and want to give it a try, use the promo code “dealdash2022” upon registration to get an extra 100 free bids with your first Bid Pack purchase.

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Is DealDash Worth Bidding On?

Hello DealDash Blog Readers! This week, I have just one important question for you, so listen up and listen good. Is the juice worth the squeeze? Well, is it? Before you take out your blenders and cook books, let me clarify things a bit. I’m not talking about some fad diet or a new recipe. “Is the juice worth the squeeze ” is an informal way of asking if something is worth the trouble. Many Americans look back on their student loans and definitely think that the juice was NOT worth the squeeze. In fact, over 50% of older millennials regret their student loans.

A hand squeezes an orange to make orange juice.
Sometimes the juice is worth the squeeze…like bidding on DealDash!

Married men have a more optimistic answer about if the juice was worth the squeeze. In a study published by Harvard University, married men reported better mental and physical health than their unmarried peers. But what about DealDash?

Is DealDash worth bidding on?

Bidding in online auctions is a new way of shopping for a lot of people and it is natural to have some doubts. In this blog post we’ll cover some of the doubts people have about whether DealDash is worth it. Thankfully, DealDash offers exciting auctions, acclaimed customer support, and all the items you could ever want, from socks to new cars… and rumor has it maybe even a boat! We took a look at the numbers recently: over 50% of auction winners save 90% or more from the auction win price. If you don’t believe us, read the thousands of reviews real customers have left us. So what are you waiting for? Bidding on DealDash is worth it!

What can I shop for on DealDash?

We know that the most important thing to a DealDash bidder is having the chance to win great items from auctions and save money in the process. If DealDash didn’t have an amazing selection of brands that customers love, then there is no way we would still be open for bid-ness. The best part about our inventory of items is that it is constantly growing. Last month we had a liquidation sale to make room for all of the new and exciting products that you will see in the auctions soon.

A worker runs to move several boxes out the door of a busy warehouse!
The DealDash warehouse is a busy place as boxes are constantly being sent out to make room for all the new awesome items that will be up for auction soon!

The sheer variety of items up for auction on DealDash might seem a bit overwhelming to new bidders at first. After all, what store lets you shop for dinner plates and leaf blowers at the same time? Thankfully, the folks at DealDash have got you covered. They divided their auctions into different categories which means that you can browse for that special item you need. Jut look for the magnifying glass icon on the DealDash app or the browse categories button on the DealDash website and you will be on your way to finding your new favorite brand.

Is using DealDash fun?

A store can have the best items in the world, but if the shopping experience is bad, then the juice is not worth the squeeze. Take for example Black Friday. Every year there is a news story that shows people fighting to get in the door of a large store for the right to save $3 on a broom. Then there are the 3-day long lines that pop up each time Apple releases a new phone. Apparently the juice is worth the squeeze for some people as these lines seem to grow longer and longer with each new iPhone release.

A long line of customers wait in line in front of a grocery store.
Long lines can make even the best deals not worth the trouble. Thankfully, you never have to wait in line on DealDash!

But what about online auctions? Does DealDash give a good shopping experience? Is bidding on DealDash worth it? The answer is simple: YES! DealDash has created the best online auctions around that let you have fun while saving a buck! From awarding a prize to the second-place finisher, to special auction blasts, DealDash has something for everyone! Is DealDash worth it? Take a look for yourself and you will see what millions of bidders already have; the juice is definitely worth the squeeze.

Continue reading “Is DealDash Worth Bidding On?”

What In The World Is DealDash?

What things come to mind when you think about the United States of America? Surely you have heard the phrase, ‘American as apple pie’. Does anything else come to mind? If you are a sports fan, perhaps you are thinking of baseball or football. If you love music, then Bruce Springsteen or Elvis might be what you’re visualizing. How about auctions? Bidding? DealDash? Since 2009 DealDash has offered the premier auction experience to Americans from coast to coast. If you haven’t yet started bidding in our fast-paced auctions, you might be wondering what all the fuss is about.

A bald eagle flies through the heavens clutching a large American flag.
DealDash is the favorite online auctions provider for many Americans!

Keep reading to find out how to get started on DealDash so that you can experience the thrill of our auctions while saving money on luxury products! You might learn how to say DealDash en español, too!

A new way to shop

Our story began in 2009. We launched DealDash to create a new type of bidding site where bidders who don’t win an auction don’t have to lose their money. Over the past 12 years we have followed our motto of “Fair and Honest” to grow into the premier pay-to-participate shopping experience. Want to see for yourself? You begin by creating an account for free. The first stop for new bidders is the How It Works section. There you will learn how to bid and how to set up your profile. You can even participate in a practice tutorial auction.

The bidding process is a simple one. Each bid you place uses up one of the bids from your balance, and increases the price of the auction by 1¢, while setting the auction timer then back to a full ten seconds. It’s in this small window that someone else must decide if they will place a bid to outbid you. Auctions go on as long as the bidding continues, but if no new bids are placed and you are the final bidder in the auction, you win the auction at the final sale price!

An auction gavel sits in front of a red sports car-which happens to be an item you can bid on using DealDash!
An exciting world of auctions is waiting for you on DealDash! You might even score a new set of wheels!

If you don’t win the auction, you can still use the Buy It Now offer to purchase the item for its retail price, and even get back all the bids you used in that auction! Users who take advantage of this option usually have a better experience, since they get the item they initially wanted, as well as to keep all their bids.

Award winning service…for you…y tú!

DealDash’s Customer Support Team is one of the best around and customers from all around the United States have been leaving flattering reviews. And while DealDash is only available in English, you can DealDash en español if you like!

letras sobre una mesa delatra, ''hablas espanol?''
We offer 24/7 customer support in English, y tambien en español!

DealDash En Español

Aunque DealDash solo está disponible en inglés, ofrecemos atención al cliente en español.  Puede contactarnos por correo electrónico aquí: support@dealdash.com.  Escríbanos en español y le ayudaremos con mucho gusto.  Queremos ofrecer una buena experiencia para todos nuestros clientes, y sabemos que algunos prefieren o necesitan la asistencia en español.  ¡Le esperamos!

If you are new to DealDash or the bidding fee online auction model and want to give it a try, use the promo code “dealdash2021” upon registration to get an extra 100 free bids with your first Bid Pack purchase.

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An Important Part Of DealDash: Buy It Now (BIN) option

The year is 2009, and a young man just lost an auction. He spent $50 trying to win an iPad, but someone else outbid him and he was left empty-handed. Did he cry about it? Perhaps he even yelled out a few choice words? Maybe. But he also promised that he would never let this happen again—to him or anyone else. He ended up creating DealDash which is now the largest pay-to-participate auction site in the US. DealDash was founded to provide an auction experience where people don’t have to lose the money they spent bidding. This is still our mission today.

It is easy to lose money if you are not careful online!
Be sure to keep an eye on where your money goes…

DealDash offers two key things to make sure that no one leaves an auction empty-handed. For starters, we offer a 90-day 100% money-back guarantee on a customer’s first bid pack purchase. This means that if you buy bids and decide that DealDash is not for you, we will refund your first bid pack purchase back to you in full! The second feature is called Buy It Now (BIN), and it is an important part of what makes DealDash the best auction site around.

What Does Buy It Now (BIN) Mean in Bidding?

The Buy It Now option (BIN for short) is for people who do not win an auction. It lets you pay the listed price for an item to get it sent to you. The bids you used in the auction trying to win the item are returned to your account instantly when you BIN. This way, you can try again to win a different auction without losing your bids. Auction sites that came before DealDash didn’t have this option which caused frustrating situations. You could spent a lot of money trying to win an item, but without any guarantees.

Continue reading “An Important Part Of DealDash: Buy It Now (BIN) option”

Get Free Online Auction Bids from DealDash YouTube!

An auction gavel strikes down and indicates the beginning of an online auction.
You can enjoy the thrill of online auctions for free!

Have you ever come across something that seems too good to be true? OxiClean, the cleaning product from 90’s infomercials, guaranteed it could clean up grease, grime, sweat or just about anything else imaginable, and sure enough it did! Oprah once promised her studio audience a day they would never forget, and she delivered by giving everyone a free car. How about free online auction bids?

Surely that can’t be possible, right? Wrong! DealDash has an offer for you that sounds too good to be true; you can earn hundreds of free bids each week by watching DealDash’s YouTube Channel and participating in the weekly challenges.

Continue reading “Get Free Online Auction Bids from DealDash YouTube!”