Category: Auctions
1000 Free Bids go to…
The best photo of the week goes to Marcus Dunbar. Congratulations! You just won 1000 free DealDash bids for posting this great photo of the Samsung Galaxy S5 Android Phone (valued at $541) that you won with only 77 bids! Since it was a 50% OFF promotional auction, Marcus only paid $12.47. Awesome deal!
Have you collected your free bids for your posting your winning photos to Facebook? If not, you’re missing out on hundreds of free bids and a chance to win 1000 bids awarded weekly for the best photo. Learn about how you can claim your free bids here.
Looking forward to seeing your photos!
Getting to Know Your Friend BidBuddy
BidBuddy is your new best friend and your ultimate tool to help you win auctions at DealDash. Let’s get to know him better.
Most people know the basic function of the BidBuddy – you put in the maximum amount of bids that you are willing to spend on a particular auction and the BidBuddy will tirelessly bid until the bids have all been used or you cancel the BidBuddy. However, the BidBuddy can also help you learn more about the auction and it’s bidders that you are currently competing against.
If you are new to DealDash you might mistakenly think that the bidders you are competing against are watching the auction just as closely as you are, however in my experience about 95% of auctions are not won with 1-click bids but by using the BidBuddy.
The key to figuring out who is using a BidBuddy and who is single bidding is easy. Simply look for the pattern. If Bidders A, B, and C are consistently bidding in that order 9 seconds apart then Bidders A, B, and C are using the BidBuddy. If bidders D and E are bidding at random intervals other than 9 seconds apart and not following the A, B, C, D, and E pattern then they are using single bids.
Knowing who is using the BidBuddy and who is placing single bids can be a great thing to know – you know that A, B, and C will bid tirelessly and effortlessly until their bids have been exhausted, where Bidders D and E are more likely to give up, lose focus, or just accidentally click the “Bid” button too slowly and lose the auction.
Remember, you can load up the BidBuddy with as many bids as you like, and stop or start him at any time. I personally exclusively bid using the BidBuddy – I remember losing a few auctions way back when I started with DealDash by bidding just a second too slow and losing the auction, and I vowed never to do that again.
Bidding at DealDash is never a waste, though, because you can always buy the item at retail price and get all of your bids back with the BIN (But It Now) feature.
I hope that this article has helped you get to know your best buddy the BidBuddy a little bit better. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!
1000 Free Bids go to…
The best photo of the week goes to Michael. Congratulations! You just won 1000 free DealDash bids for posting this great photo of the 40’ Samsung Smart TV (valued at $529.) that you won with only 118 bids! Since it was a FREE promotional auction, Michael only paid 1 penny. Great deal!
1000 Free Bids go to…
The best photo of the week goes to Stevie D. Congratulations! You just won 1000 free DealDash bids for posting this great photo of the KitchenAid Artisan Series Persimmon 5-Quart Stand Mixer (valued at $427) that you won with only 83 bids! Since it was a FREE promotional auction, Stevie only paid 1 penny. Great deal!
I won this item: KitchenAid Artisan Series Persimmon 5-Quart Stand Mixer on DealDash.Com It has a retail price of $427.00 and I won it for $53.19 and actually paid 1 penny for it because it was free in the listing and only bided 83 bids on it so the actual cost was only $9.96 plus .01 cent for shipping. WOW what a FANTASTIC DEAL…. THANKS DEALDASHCOM. Your the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you collected your free bids for your posting your winning photos to Facebook? If not, you’re missing out on hundreds of free bids and a chance to win 1000 bids awarded weekly for the best photo. Learn about how you can claim your free bids here.
Looking forward to seeing your photos!