Category: Auctions
How to Be a Great Bidder
Everyone can be a great bidder on DealDash! It just takes a little practice and time to learn how to bid smart.
Are you a new bidder that dreams about being a power bidder someday? Did you get hooked on DealDash and now find yourself wanting to be the best bidder that you can be? Do you now find yourself wondering how you can improve your bidding as time goes on? Well, let’s examine how we are bidding and maybe we can improve your bidding so you can go on to get that next big win at DealDash.
Bid smart – A smart bidder is a great bidder, so bid smart by bidding on things that you would buy at the store anyway such as kitchen or everyday household items so even if you don’t win these auctions while you are practicing your bidding you can BIN (Buy It Now) them for retail value, get free shipping, and you are not out any extra money. Once you have attained your bidding goals and feel confident then you can move on to bigger, better, and more difficult to win auctions.
The price of bids – Are you paying the lowest price possible for your bids? The best time to buy bids is to wait for a big sale on bids and buy the largest bid pack that you are able to afford.
When you are up against some stiff competition on DealDash the only thing that really matters is who gets the last bid in. And how do you get the last bid in? By having more bidding power than the other bidders! The person who pays the least for bids and buys them in the biggest bid pack is going to be able to bid for longer, outlasting the competition on auctions. So buying bids in a large volume is one way that you can be a great bidder.
Setting goals – Setting reasonable goals is a wonderful way to become a great bidder. If you keep bidding on the same easier auctions again and again how will you ever improve your technique? By setting progressively difficult bidding goals is a good way to practice your bidding and come out on top! Think about what your dream win would be and make a plan to get yourself there.
I hope that you found this article helpful in your quest to become a great bidder on DealDash. Good bidders turn into great ones with practice. Go ahead and get some practice in now. Check out DealDash today and see how much you can save! Good luck and happy bidding everyone!
DealDash Dashboard – Explained
Your DealDash dashboard is a very important part of your DealDash experience. If you’re just getting started it may look a little complicated.
If you go to the main page of your dashboard you will see the most important things right away – the items that you have won that are awaiting payment, your scheduled BidBuddies, and your bookmarked auctions. It’s important to be sure to check in with your dashboard’s home screen so you don’t accidentally forget to pay for an auction and lose the right to purchase the auction that you won.
If you look at the picture above, or on your own DealDash dashboard we will go down the list of items and I will tell you what each one means.
- Who’s on their limit? – You may win 9 auctions per week. If you’d like to see who has already won their 9 auctions for the week you can pay 1 bid and see the list of “Who’s on their limit”.
- Public profile – This is the small section where you can choose your avatar and write a quick bio sentence or two about yourself. This avatar and your bio will flash on the screen when you bid so others can see it while you are the highest bidder.
- Buy bids – Pretty self-explanatory, this is where you can purchase bids.
- Buy It Now History – This is where you can see what items that you have “BINned” for retail price and received your bids back.
- Transaction history – This is where you can see the bids that you have bought, received back from BINning, and gotten from participating in social media postings.
- Bidding history – This is where you can see what you have been spending your bids on.
- Won auctions – Also pretty self-explanatory, you can see what you have won in the past.
- My orders – This is where you can see all of the items you have ordered, both from winning and BINning. There will also be tracking numbers with links to track your item when they are available. You will be able to see tracking numbers on most items except lower value gift cards, which are just sent by regular postal mail.
- Account details – You can see your saved credit cards here.
- Bookmarked auctions – You can see what auctions that you have bookmarked. You can bookmark an auction by either booking a BidBuddy for it, or clicking the little yellow star in the upper right hand corner.
- Contact support – This is the last item on your dashboard list. If you click this you will be taken to a form where you submit a support ticket for anything from technical questions, refunds, or enquiring where your item that you ordered is currently located.
So my dear DealDashers, that is your DealDash dashboard, demystified. Pay attention to what you’re doing, check out the auctions and see what you would really like to bid on, try some easier auctions to build up knowledge, and you’ll be winning awesome stuff before you know it! See you on DealDash everyone! Good luck and happy bidding.
1000 Free Bids go to…
The best photo of the week goes to Jihae. Congratulations! You just won 1000 free DealDash bids for posting this great photo of the Canon Power Shot Camera (valued at $146) that you won for only $3.49 and 73 bids! Great savings.
Have you collected your free bids for your posting your winning photos to Facebook? If not, you’re missing out on hundreds of free bids and a chance to win 1000 bids awarded weekly for the best photo. Learn about how you can claim your free bids here.
Looking forward to seeing your photos!
How Does DealDash Compare?
When thinking about how DealDash compares to other bidding sites, I think you would agree with me that DealDash is the best! I’ll tell you why.
First off, DealDash is user friendly. DealDash is extremely welcoming of new bidders and explains everything very simply in an up-front way so there are no misunderstandings how the bidding process works. There are even videos explaining how the bidding process works. Check out DealDash ‘s official YouTube page at this link right here to see their videos. Or you could watch the DealDash video that I made explaining everything at this link right here.
Secondly, DealDash has amazingly responsive and friendly customer service and support. I have emailed them a few times about various issues and questions about DealDash and I have always received an email back within a day, and sometimes I even received a phone call! Another wonderful thing about DealDash customer service is whenever I have interacted with them they have never tried to pressure me to buy a single bid. Other penny auction sites used to call and email me weekly to hard sell into buying bids that I wasn’t interested in buying at that moment. The final straw for me with them was when they told me that if I bought $1,000 worth of bids from them over their phone they would “help” me win an auction. That’s cheating. Which brings me to the next point.
DealDash is totally transparent and honest with everyone. All bidders the same chance and opportunity to win auctions. There are no “special” bidders, whoever is willing to spend their bids to win the auction will be the winner. There are no “bots” placing fake bids on DealDash to help certain people win. Whoever places the final bid when the clock hits zero is the winner.
Now that you have heard some of the big differences between DealDash and other bidding sites I’m sure that you want to go check out DealDash! Good luck and happy bidding everyone!