Five Key Steps to Winning When Multiple Auctions Start at the Same Time on DealDash

DealDash has been running some pretty awesome promotions lately and end-of-the month clearance sales when multiple auctions start at the same time are a whole lot of fun. If you’re a bit overwhelmed by so many auctions starting at the same time (50 or more!), here are a few helpful hints to keep you level-headed and focused on the win.

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Know Your DealDash Promos 101

There are a ton of ways to save money on DealDash, the best way, of course, is snagging a great win at a low price. With so many promotions running on DealDash  it’s important to know not only the different types of promos, but identifying the ones that work the best for you. Let’s get started on your DealDash Promos 101.

There are a ton of ways to save money on DealDash, the best way, of course, is snagging a great win at a low price. With so many promotions running on DealDash  it’s important to know not only the different types of promos, but identifying the ones that work the best for you. Let’s get started on your DealDash Promos 101.

Great Prices on Bid Packs

This is first and foremost, the best place to start and one of the best ways to save money. Look for low prices on bid packs and stock up when the pricing is at a premium.

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How Using BidBuddy on DealDash Saves You Time, Money & More

BidBuddy places bids automatically
Load the BidBuddy with bids and it will book a bid when the auction timer is a bout to hit 0.

When people say that BidBuddy is your best friend on DealDash, they aren’t kidding. For those of you who may be new and are not familiar with BidBuddy, it’s a great computerized bidding tool that for you at just the right moment in the auction’s bidding process.

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