Best Times to Bid

If you want less competition and have a better chance to win auctions on, it is important to choose the best times to bid.

Here are four things to consider when choosing the best times to bid:

1. Avoid weekends. Why would I choose to avoid playing on weekends? Customers who have jobs Monday through Friday are more likely to do more online shopping during their time off on weekends. Watch for a while and keep track of the numbers to see if there are more bidders on weekends than there are during the week days.

2. Consider Time Zones. If you want to bid in auctions while the majority of other shoppers are sleeping, remember to take time zones into consideration. Retirees might decide to shop at night and sleep in the morning, or they might shop early in the morning, while other people are busy getting ready for work. Remember, however, that if you are on Pacific Standard Time, while other shoppers are on Eastern Standard Time, they are three hours ahead of you. While it is still night time for you, it is already morning for them.

3. Shop when other customers are less likely to be online. For example, during the Super Bowl, many other shoppers might be busy watching the game instead.

4. Avoid shopping during the most popular specials. For example, we all love the “free to the winner” specials, but that might not be the best time to shop if we want less competition. Why? Everybody and their grandparents love the “free to the winner” specials, so a lot more customers tend to get online. Winning an auction for free is great, but not necessarily if it takes four or five times more bids to win. Remember bids cost money, too, so you might have less competition and win a better deal if you shop during a special that is less popular.




Submitted by: Barbara L. Sellers

Barbara has been a happy DealDash customer Feb. 8, 2012. Since then, she won 695 auctions and will soon be on Level 58.