The whole DealDash Team would like to give a heartfelt thank you to each and every bidder that paid for an auction win on Thursday, December 15th.
On the 15th, we ran a special promotion where the sum of all won auction payments (excluding cars) would be donated to Red Cross America to help folks in need.
And with your help, we raised $8,491! The wonderful community of DealDashers paid for 884 auctions on December 15th, which made such an amazing and generous donation possible.
So once again, on behalf of all of us here at DealDash, thanks again for coming through and making this year’s charity promotion the best one yet.
We wish you a prosperous and joyous holiday season, and a very happy New Year.
If you are new to DealDash or the bidding fee online auction model and want to give it a try, use the promo code “dealdash2022” upon registration to get an extra 100 free bids with your first Bid Pack purchase.
The holidays should be the happiest time of the year. A time where people can come together to create special moments as the stress of everyday life fades away. Unfortunately, not everyone experiences the holidays this way. How can someone worry about what New Year’s party to attend when their home was destroyed by a natural disaster?
Sometimes it’s too easy to forget about the struggles that others are facing. In an effort to try and make the Holiday Season as good as it can be for those going through tough times, we are working with the American Red Cross to assist those in need. And we want you to help by participating in a very special promotion this Thursday.
DealDash will donate the fnal sum of all auction wins (excluding car auctions) that are paid for on December 15th to the American Red Cross. This means that you can donate to a very special cause simply by bidding and winning as you normally do. Just pay for your wins on December 15th and we will take care of the rest.
Pay for your auction wins on Thursday, December 15th to help us donate to the American Red Cross.
More about the American Red Cross
There are many charities that offer help American’s in need. In fact, DealDash has offered special promotions in the past that donate to charity. Last year, we donated to the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation which gives gear and equipment to firehouses and response teams.
This year, we are proud to be able to help the American Red Cross in their mission. If you are not familiar with the values of the American Red Cross, their mission statement is worth reading. To summarize, the American Red Cross follows a set of values that they call the “Five Cs”: Compassionate, Credible, Collaborative, Committed, and Creative.
They are compassionate in serving those in need and treating them with care and respect.
They are credible in that they act with integrity and are transparent.
They are collaborative by partnering with outside organizatoins and companies, and embracing diversity and inclusiveness.
They are committed to holding themselves accountable and delivering on their mission.
And lastly, they are creative in seeking out new ways to serve those in need.
These are inspiring values that we here at DealDash are proud to contribute to. And we sincerely hope that you will join us in our mission this year to help the American Red Cross.
So remember, DealDash is donating the entire sum of all auction wins paid for this Thursday (excluding car auctions) to the American Red Cross.
Pay for your auction wins on Thursday, December 15th, to help donate.
Be sure to check back here next week to read about how this donation promotion turned out.
Happy Holidays and happy bidding!
If you are new to DealDash or the bidding fee online auction model and want to give it a try, use the promo code “dealdash2022” upon registration to get an extra 100 free bids with your first Bid Pack purchase.