DealDash Winning Limits Have Changed!

In case you didn’t notice the banner on over the weekend, I am here to annouce that the structure of the winning limits have changed.

Are you a big bidder on DealDash? Do you find yourself filling up all of your slots to win items on DealDash just a day or two after they have opened back up? Are you the sort of person who win all of your items right away and find yourself hoping, wishing, and dreaming that you could still play on DealDash and are saddened when you realize that you still have a week until you can play on DealDash again?

Well good news, people! The winning limits on DealDash have completely changed. The 100% official news fro DealDash is as follows:

To ensure equal chances for everyone, you may win the same item only once per week. All remaining BidBuddies on other auctions for the same item will be automatically cancelled at the time of your win.

In case you need a bit of a simple explanation, that means that you could conceivably win TONS of auctions per week, if there were enough auctions that you were interested in that were for different items, that is. Want to win 2 iPads or 2 Xboxes in a week? Well, you’re out of luck there, however if you want to win a few different items every single day for a week you can definitely do that. Every week your winning limit will reset and you will be able to win more of the same items that you won the previous week.

Please keep these new wining limits in mind, because once you have won a particular item your other BidBuddies that you have set for identical items will be cancelled and your bids that were remaining in your BidBuddies will be returned to your account. This could become a bad situation for you if you are bidding on two identical items simultaneously, and have invested bids into both auctions. If you happen to win the first auction the BidBuddy for the second auction would immediately be cancelled. The remaining bids that were in your BidBuddy would be returned to your account, however all of the bids that you had already spent in that second auction would not be returned. So my advice to you would be to only bid on one similar auction at a time. Better safe than sorry.

This blog and it’s comments are monitored by the DealDash Community Manager, so if you have any questions about the new policy that this blog has not answered please feel free to leave a question in the comments section. I am a big fan of this new policy, I hope that you feel the same! Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash Wants You to Save Money

DealDash know that life can be expensive. That’s why they strive to save you money at every turn.

Saving money is something that most people think about regularly, budgeting and planning for life’s different events can be a little difficult sometimes. DealDash understands your frustrations and actively participates in your goals to save by bringing you quality products that can literally be won with 1 bid and 1 penny. I have won countless (OK, maybe not countless, I can definitely count to 50!) auctions with a single bid. I can’t even begin to describe the excitement that is felt when you win an auction with 1 bid that you would have otherwise spent $20-$25 or even more on at the store.

Every time you bid on any of the auctions on DealDash you have a chance of getting a great discounted price, and occasionally a practically free item. However, even if you don’t win them you are still earning clock time towards free bids that you get to keep even if you end up BINning (Buy It Now) and getting all of your bids back. So you can see, DealDash wants you to be able to earn clock time towards free bids that can be used on any auction that you like, even on the special days where there is a 50% or 100% off the final auction fee days. Remember, if you don’t win you can always BIN (Buy It Now and get all of your bids back.)

I like to use DealDash to get great deals on items that I would normally be buying anyway, so if I end up BINning the item I am not actually spending more than my regular budget. I love DealDash because I can have some fun by bidding and winning, but also by being responsible and sticking to my budget by using the BIN feature.

After reading this article I hope that you have a great feeling about your budget and saving money. How about checking out some auctions DealDash and throwing in a few bids here and there? You never know what you might win with just a few bids. There are all types of items in many different categories that are just waiting for you to go bid on them. Go find some awesome products. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


Fun Times on DealDash

  Going on DealDash and seeing all of the auctions is one of the best parts of my day. DealDash is fun to visit even if you aren’t planning on bidding.

One of the most fun things on DealDash that doesn’t include bidding and winning is looking at the list of winners! I could spend hours just scrolling down the list of winners. I love seeing what everyone has won, how much the final auction value was, and what time of day they won. It’s amazing some of the deals that people get everyday on DealDash.

It may just sound like an idle hobby of mine, but it’s just undercover research disguised as fun!  If you pay attention to what type of products that people are winning, what time of day, and what the final price of the auction is then it will help you in the future. For example, if you are a regular “watcher” of the Winner’s Tab on DealDash, and you notice that baby products always seem to be a steal at under $1 final auction value on Tuesdays, well it would just be smart thinking to wait until the following Tuesday to see if the baby products are going for a song. If they are going fast and cheap, well get in there and bid!



Another fun thing that DealDash provides for us is DealDash’s various social media accounts. DealDash is on all of the most common social media platforms; Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Google+. Not only can you enjoy great content such as seeing who won the photo of the week contest, you can even nab some free bids for yourself.

You can earn free bids by posting pictures to different the social media outlets. Getting free bids from DealDash’s social media accounts is easy! If you’re interested in learning about all of the different ways that you can earn free bids from DealDash by posting to social media just check out this link – On Social Media? Get FREE Bids With DealDash.

I hope that this article gave you some ideas about how to have more fun with our favorite website, DealDash! If you’re interested in reading some tips and tricks check out the “Tactics & Tips” section on DealDash. DealDash wants everyone to win big. Do your research and you will be winning in no time. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

1000 Free Bids go to…

The best photo of the week goes to Fred. Congratulations! You just won 1000 free DealDash bids for posting this great photo of the iPad Mini (valued at $534) that you won for only $101.79. Great bidding!


Have you collected your free bids for your posting your winning photos to Facebook? If not, you’re missing out on hundreds of free bids and a chance to win 1000 bids awarded weekly for the best photo.  Learn about how you can claim your free bids here.

Looking forward to seeing your photos!

Happy 4th of July from DealDash

Happy 4th of July! As I’m sure you know Independence Day is coming up on Monday, let’s get the hot dogs and hamburgers ready!

There’s nothing better on the 4th of July than a wonderful BBQ with your family. And luckily for us, the 4th of July falls on a Monday this year, everyone loves a long weekend!

Now is the time to get everything prepared for your family cookout, picnic, or get together for the 4th of July. Let’s make sure that you have everything that you need to make your holiday a success.

You’re definitely going to need a grill if you’re having a cookout. DealDash always has some grills up for auction, but even better than that they usually have wonderful Omaha Steaks meat packs. Normally my family just gets meat from the regular supermarket, but on a special occasion like Independence Day I think an Omaha meat pack would be great. If you want to see the items that are related to grills and grilling on DealDash just click here.

$100 Omaha Steaks Gift Card

If history is any indication of the future, then the 4th of July is going to be hot. If you are going to be having a family get together on the 4th, and you don’t have central AC I highly suggest that you check out the portable AC units that DealDash offers. Before I moved into my new house last year I was living in a rental house that didn’t have central AC, and it was miserable. I got a portable AC unit and it was amazing. They can cool about 600 square feet, which in my old house was the entire bottom floor. Keep in mind, though, that you have to have a window to vent the hot air out. Otherwise you will just be venting the hot air back into the house. If you would like to check out the portable AC units on DealDash, just click here.

Honeywell 12,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner, Black/Silver

Lastly, if you are going to have some small kids at your family party, then it would be a smart idea to have some outdoor activities prepared for them so they aren’t running around your house like little wild animals. Trust me on this one, I just had a small family party this past weekend, and with a guest list that included 7 kids under age 6, I was very happy that I had thought of the kids beforehand. DealDash has some amazing outdoor activities for kids including an awesome teeter totter and even a huge castle bouncy house! If you need to get your yard party ready for the kiddies check out DealDash’s Hobbies, Toys, Outdoors, and Games category.

Gym Dandy 360 Degree Teeter TotterBlast Zone Magic Castle Inflatable Bounce House

Be sure to stock up your fridge for your Independence Day celebration, and then check out DealDash. If you keep a close eye on DealDash on the 4th of July I predict an awesome bid sale happening. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!