I have been playing DealDash for 2 years now and have won over 160 auctions since becoming a member. I know how to win on DealDash. One of the things I do every week to help me win is collect the free bids.
DealDash gives you several opportunities to collect free bids so if you want to know how to win on DealDash, I suggest you start stocking up! First off, you can get free bids for posting photos of your winnings. No matter what the value of the item is, you will get free bids as long as you follow the proper guidelines.
DealDash provides the free bid opportunities to their customers so you’ll need to first purchase bids yourself and start playing the shopping game. When learning how to win on DealDash I recommend reading articles other people have written because they will help you learn how to win on DealDash.
Knowing how to win on DealDash can be tricky and take some time so you’ll need listen to others with experience. I find that starting off with the small stuff helps you get your foot in the door. There are beginner auctions like the Official Major League Baseball with Cube Display Box.

This is makes a really nice gift and I won one for just a penny! I took a picture with this baseball and posted to Facebook with a short description: “I won this Official Major League Baseball w/ Cube Display Box Valued on Dealdash.com for 1 penny!!”. Then with a standard caption: “See how much you can save at www.dealdash.com/join.php?utm_source=customer%20testimonials&utm_medium=pictures&utm_campaign=facebook!” Within a day or so you will have FREE bids in your account!!! Its really that easy. Here I am with my baseball cube.
We all want to know how to win on DealDash and the free bids are a major step to help therefore, you should do the same with their other social sites like Twitter, Pinterest and Google Plus! With Twitter you have to make it short because they only allow so many letters. I would wright something like “I won this Major League Baseball w/ Cube Display Box @DealDash for 1 penny”. You have to make sure you tag DealDash using the @ symbol or # symbol otherwise they won’t get the notification.
You can also PIN IT too. Post your photo on pinterest.com with another short saying similar to the others. Because you’re collecting so many free bids you will begin to see how to win on DealDash. Check out the details on how you can collect up to 50 free bids on Pinterest. I use the same picture on all social sites every week.
Now lets talk about how to win on DealDash with the bids you just received. They are FREE right? They did not cost you anything, except a little bit of time. I take my 110 to 300 free bids and pick one auction and go for it!! Win or not I’m not out anything. The more times you can bid on something, the better chance you have to win. You must use the BidBuddy as this will help conserve your bids! I think this is the only chance you have to win an auction without spending all of your bids.
When I get my free bids I go for something like a gift card. This way I get something tangible for my time. Then I take what is left and go for the gold and bid on something I may not normally bid on like a TV or computer. At this point I say just go for it! These are FREE Bids you’re playing with so why not?
Good Luck with all your bidding and please comment if you have other tips and suggestions about how to win on DealDash please share!
By Nicole Kososki