Hello! It’s Friday!

I hope you all enjoyed some of the new developments the team implemented this week! Thank you for the nice feedback, we really
appreciate it. Now when you win a deal on DealDash you have a choice to take delivery on your won item or you can choose to
take bonus credits which are instantly added to your account! This is so great as it allows you to stay more competitive to battle
it out for that item you’ve been dreaming about 😉 I hope you have a great weekend, I’ll see ya’ next week!

Catch ya’ later – Dave

BIG Changes

It’s been 2 weeks since we first launched DealDash and I must say things have gone great! We appreciate the feedback
we have received and made a couple changes such as reducing the clocks from 60 seconds to 30 seconds to help pick up
the pace and we dropped the price increment from $0.10 cents to $0.05 cents! Additionally, were happy that you’re enjoying
the Buy it Now feature.

Have you been following us on Twitter? I’m going to be sharing great tips & fun news so be sure not to miss out on that action!
Here’s the link so you can easily start following us: http://twitter.com/dealdash – I’ll definitely convince the bosses to throw
up some sick promotions you can only find there!

Okay so I have to mention it! What about that insane DealBattle between Techie159 and Namio for the first Apple iPad to be up
for grabs on DealDash! I know a lot of you saw that, if not.. well all I can say is that it was the craziest DealBattle we’ve seen on the
new site.

There is still a lot to come! It’s really exciting now that many of the major changes are in place we are able to focus more
on unique and creative developments to make your experience even better. Thanks for all your support and stay tuned for
whats to come. Until then, keep on DealDashing!

Catch ya’ later!

– Dave